I wanna follow it

Creator: Nogard

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
33.2 / 100
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Needle (36) Avoidance (37) Short (13) Barrage (1) Pretty (1) Beginner_Friendly (2) domu_butterfly (1)


  • by Noa
  • by ElCochran90
  • by kurath
  • by ElCochran90
  • by kurath
  • by Noa

Creator's Comments:

Nogard [Creator]
The main focus of this game was making an avoidance for beginners, a task that I find quite challenging. In my opinion it's difficult to make easy attacks without turning the avoidance into something completely trivial, but I think I made a good job balancing these two factors.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[10] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 22, 2016

99 Reviews:

For a game that's supposed to be beginner avoidance, the needle is pretty challenging in this game, at least for a new player. I'd recommend tackling some easier needle games like the Kaenbyou series before trying this game.
As for the actual avoidance, it's fine I guess? It's beautiful, but the intro goes on for longer than it should, and there's not really any challenging parts besides a few RNG attacks with fast moving projectiles. It was also way shorter than I expected it to be, as I cleared it when I only thought I was about halfway through it.
Overall, this fangame is fine I guess. Does it accomplish its goal of being a beginner avoidance game? Kind of. The needle difficulty makes this definitely not accessible to someone who hasn't played a fangame before, but I guess the avoidance does a fine job at showing a new player what to expect from avoidance.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Short
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Aug 20, 2019
Fun Needle
kinda obnoxious boss but im biased against avoidance anyways

edit: now that i suck slightly less at fangames, i can appreciate the avoidance here much more.
its a great fangame for beginners

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 32 32
Jul 8, 2019
Good game with very nice visuals, and a solid introduction to avoidance.

Some areas are fairly rough for newer players though, since they rely on knowing how rather than the execution.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Short
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 18, 2019
Maybe the only game with an avoidance that I didn't dislike, just...why the needle part isn't longer?

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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 17, 2019
A common feature of good avoidance is the author's effort trying to make the RNG as fair as possible. I love it.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 33 33
Dec 18, 2018