I wanna be the Plumeria


Average Rating
7.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
43.3 / 100
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Adventure (6) Avoidance (3) Trap (5) Gimmick (6) Boss (2)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by zebbe94
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

26 Reviews:

It's not to my taste. I genuinely appreciate the game's production value, but I didn't find any of the traps particularly interesting. The second stage is the best in my opinion, but it's ruined by its boss having way too much HP. As for the final stage, the hook gimmick would have been a great idea if it weren't for this same gimmick being one of the most glitched and inconsistent things in the game. Many people complain about the final boss's difficulty, but I honestly don't see what's so bad about it, and I enjoyed it a lot.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 26, 2023
Very enjoyable adventure game! There's a lot of great traps in this one, and the bosses, especially the final boss, were very well designed and engaging despite their easy difficulty. I don't have many negative things to say about this one, it's just a high quality game.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 19, 2023
An amazing game that was really fun to play.
The first two sections were equally fun to go through with decent bosses.
The last stage rope gimmick is a little janky, but I was able to get over the jank by just holding up.
The final boss was very fun to play, even if it was harder then the whole game.
It was fun to dodge the attacks, but you will need a lot of patience for the fight.
The only bad part of the fight was the 30 second avoidance, which will kill you because RNG.
Overall, what a great surprise for the author's first game.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 45 45
May 11, 2022
This was alright for the most part, but I found the final stage to really be a hindrance on the quality of the game. The gimmick is very finicky and barely works, not a good sign when the entire stage is based upon it. The final boss is also a pain as well and took me the same time as the rest of the game to finish. It has random movement on the Y-Axis, and can either be too high or too low for you to shoot, just making the fight annoyingly tedious. It also ends with a 30-second avoidance which is fairly hard, and with that obnoxious countdown noise starting at 10.

I'd rate the first and second stages at about an 8, but the final stage is like a 6 at best and the majority of my playtime, so can't really give this game anything higher.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 48 48
Dec 22, 2021
Second boss took me way longer than the Final.

It's a pretty nice trapventure game with some decent visuals. Has some pretty good saves, but also some boring ones. Some of them in the final stage felt a bit too long.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 35 35
May 16, 2020