11 Reviews:
not a fan of this balancing or these attack ideas - everything just sorta feels weird and bizarre. I don't like how it locks you to a 1D plane for some of the attacks, and for others I don't like how the bullets move in uncomfortable or unpredictable ways. it's balanced in such a way that the first attack is by far the hardest. this isn't fun at all, and mostly just leads to you getting stuck at the intro for well over half your playtime. even better - the 2nd attack is the 2nd hardest. thankfully this doesn't carry on for too long as it gets easier and easier as you go on. the later infinite jump attacks are alright though, they're fun
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Rating: 4.7 47
Difficulty: 51 51
Dec 16, 2024
This is a rather bizarre barrage. I think that the ideas this boss has are really cool, but it clearly shows its age. Overall not a bad boss.
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Rating: 5.1 51
Difficulty: 47 47
Apr 18, 2024
I probably like this more than i should. Some attacks are really interesting, but overall design is subpar with a lot of shortcomings. Still fun tho, aside of one very unreasonable attack
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Rating: 6.3 63
Difficulty: 51 51
Jan 24, 2022
An avoidance that has some pretty cool attack concepts and a cool song choice, but unfortunately feels quite half-baked in its execution. The visuals are simple and I'd say they do their job but they are also nothing spectacular, the balancing is quite questionable, with the first three attacks being way harder than the rest of the fight. The pattern after the intro is pretty annoying to learn even if you look at a clear video, and the attack after that, where you can only move horizontally, is either very easy or very unfair(with there being nothing you can do in a lot of the situations) with basically no in-between. The rest of the fight, however, is fairly enjoyable and also not very difficult.
Overall, it's kinda decent but I wouldn't really recommend it
Overall, it's kinda decent but I wouldn't really recommend it
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 53 53
Jul 16, 2021
Pretty enjoyable avoidance fight made with experimental but pretty original gimmicks. Avoidance is pretty simple both in visuals and attack choice, but for some reason and I was not annoyed from it like some other players. RNG is pretty fine for the most part. Pattern in the beginning maybe a little bit hard and too precise even if you know what to do, but I found it pretty fitting and fun to execute. I was not a big fan of gimmick where you cannot jump but can just go left and right. Yet it did not annoy me or anything.
I kind of wish that this avoidance would have better audio visual synchronisation. Some flashing effect looks cool and finale visualisation is pretty good. The parts where you have 'no jump' gimmick felt a little bit too empty, although it was pretty fun to read, because fruit movements were unpredictable (not unfair though, I think) and you had to think up where it could be safe to stay.
At first, this avoidance seemed questionable, but I actually started to like it pretty quickly. I cleared it in around 40 minutes, getting lucky in the last section of the avoidance to first try.
Overall, it is pretty much it. Do not have much more to say, except that I liked it.
Would recommend if you have a good mood for trial and error avoidances.
I kind of wish that this avoidance would have better audio visual synchronisation. Some flashing effect looks cool and finale visualisation is pretty good. The parts where you have 'no jump' gimmick felt a little bit too empty, although it was pretty fun to read, because fruit movements were unpredictable (not unfair though, I think) and you had to think up where it could be safe to stay.
At first, this avoidance seemed questionable, but I actually started to like it pretty quickly. I cleared it in around 40 minutes, getting lucky in the last section of the avoidance to first try.
Overall, it is pretty much it. Do not have much more to say, except that I liked it.
Would recommend if you have a good mood for trial and error avoidances.
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.4 64
Difficulty: 53 53
Aug 15, 2020