51 Reviews:
A really polished entry to the shortventure contest, this one looks great and plays great. Its a quick one mixed with neat little references, short whimsical sections and a variety of obstacles mixed in with a humorous story.
Recommended to anyone with 30 minutes as its a great playthrough for those who like adventure games and has enough charm and humor for anyone to appreciate.
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Recommended to anyone with 30 minutes as its a great playthrough for those who like adventure games and has enough charm and humor for anyone to appreciate.
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 13, 2018
Nice take on the concept and a solid package all around, but I feel like it needed an actual boss to really round things out.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 33 33
Nov 13, 2018
Graverobber is a real standout submission for the contest. Everything from the humourous story to the inventive level design and the very polished atmosphere and attention to detail makes it a very memorable shortventure. You have a very good ability to create memorable platforming in small spaces, something which I feel isn't easily done. Aside from the normal platforming which was enjoyable, the graves themselves all felt unique and had their own gimmick or design which made them stand out, and I always looked forward to robbing my next grave to see what lied in wait. The jester grave in particular was a standout. I also like the miniboss in the pre-graveyard area, which was a reference I didn't expect to see. The theme was integrated creatively and the background effects made the atmosphere feel that bit more special.
I somewhat struggle to find things I disliked, as it felt like a really well-made small package. I'd generally say I'd have liked to see it go on for longer or perhaps a boss to round things off, but given there were mini-bosses of sorts and the contest requirements in terms of length, it fits the brief pretty perfectly. A couple of the spider segments weren't initially obvious on timing but a couple of deaths later it wouldn't be a problem.
Overall not just a great entry but just a great game on a whole. My favourite game of yours and very likely my favourite submission from the 2018 shortventure contest. Very fun stuff!
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I somewhat struggle to find things I disliked, as it felt like a really well-made small package. I'd generally say I'd have liked to see it go on for longer or perhaps a boss to round things off, but given there were mini-bosses of sorts and the contest requirements in terms of length, it fits the brief pretty perfectly. A couple of the spider segments weren't initially obvious on timing but a couple of deaths later it wouldn't be a problem.
Overall not just a great entry but just a great game on a whole. My favourite game of yours and very likely my favourite submission from the 2018 shortventure contest. Very fun stuff!
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 13, 2018
Everything just comes together perfectly.
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Rating: 9.9 99
Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 13, 2018