73 Reviews:
Rating based hard mode.
I know RNG is the point of attraction, but I didn't have a good time.
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I know RNG is the point of attraction, but I didn't have a good time.
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 73 73
Feb 30, 2020
Tagged as: why
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Rating: 2.3 23
Difficulty: 64 64
Feb 30, 2020
very fun floor game, but truly an endurance test. would highly recommend if you like can stand rngesus giving you bs occasionally!
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Rating: 9.6 96
Difficulty: 69 69
Feb 30, 2020
It's a little too hard for what it is in my opinion and as such some rooms feel like a nightmare to navigate, but the parts that I enjoyed were a pure and intense form of fun that you don't get by trying to create something traditionally enjoyable. It's worthwhile to experience no matter what you'll end up thinking of it and honestly it's a classic at this point.
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 30, 2020
Randventure perhaps sounds like a horrible idea. A game where everything from the position of blocks to the player physics is randomized? Blatent intentional luck checks? It sounds like a nightmare. And yet, it turns out to be an incredibly fun experience. The RNG is well tuned, the luck checks aren't a hassle, the gimmicks are creative, and ultimately the unpredictability makes it so much more memorable. I found myself utterly enthralled by the humor and creativity on display. Every screen is just a "what could possibly be next" moment. Nothing overstays its welcome, and its all well put together such that the RNG never feels like a chore. The amount of skill on display makes a complete luck fest feel like a hand crafted experience. Overall, this is an amazing game, and easily recommended for those who like the wackier side of fangames.
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Rating: 9.2 92
Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 30, 2020