I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou

Creator: Tamatou

Average Rating
8.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
46.4 / 100
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Adventure (7) Gimmick (5) Boss (4) Secrets (1) Items (1) Art (1) Epilepsy_Warning (1) SourPls (1) OpenWorld (1) Tamatou (1)


  • by Tamatou
  • by Tamatou
  • by Tamatou

Creator's Comments:

Tamatou [Creator]

-Six Trails Screen has the Cherry (Trail 3) replaced with the DVD Logo (Thanks to Ongar for this Suggestion)

-You automatically face Bang when his Boss Fight starts

-An annoying Bug somehow got into Version 1.100 which activates the Red Gem Gun in the Trigun Screen when on the lower path.
This bug has not been present in Version 1.000. Either way it is fixed now

-Truki Chan's Voices are Louder now (Also suggested by Ongar)

-When entering a Wrong entrance to the Blue Boots Secret a sound now plays to let you know you messed up
(Thx to Mudkip for suggesting this)

-At the shop there is now a text that says "Press Z or Y to buy"

-Difficulty Down Item now only costs 7200 instead of 9000 cuz nobody could ever aford that.

-New Game / Load Game Screen now has a text telling you how to switch between new and load

-Your Coin Counter briefly flashes red when being touched by Fulcilives1990

-A weird out of bounds at the second fulci screen has been removed

-A secret in the Sailor Mars screen has been nerfed

-Cutscene after Final Boss has been changed in the English Version


Enemy Changes:
-Beam Trap shot speed reduced
-Beam Trap Hitbox fixed
-Red Gem Gun Shot Hitbox fixed
-Gnome Rocket now appears in Cave at Level 3 too


Boss Fight Changes:

Clone / 7736:
-"Finish Him" label added when he's on the ground
-Lower Chance of Clone killing you after waking up
-Changed behaviour of Clone's Super Bullet
-Only allow Max 2 Clone Super Bullets on screen
-Can't stunlock Cloneboss anymore so no easy wins ;)
-Clone can be knocked down with normal shots
-"Tap z or y" label added when punching him

Ghost Pig:
-Health Bar added
-Enemies now despawn when Ghost pig is killed

Mouse Pig:
-Healthbar added
-Illusions now stay on screen for the most part

-Agatha Ring Attack updated with warning sound if not done correctly
-Agatha fire punish collision fixed
-Updated Agatha image in big screen
-Double Mudkipz Glitch removed

Nemesis Tamatou:
-Phase 1 (Main Stage): Micheal Jackson Nerf 6 hp to 5 hp
-Phase 2 (Mars): Sailor Mars Glitch fixed
-Phase 2 (Mars): Fire Balls can be removed with Stone
-Phase 2 (Mars): Secret added inspired by すず
-Phase 3 (Trap): Shoot Label added
-Phase 3 (Trap): Healthbar added
-Phase 3 (Trap): Tamatou can now be shot with stones
-Phase 3 (Trap): Added warning before Agatha spawns
-Phase 3 (Trap): Extra Block added to make it less likely to fall into spikes upon entering the room
-Phase 6 (IQube): IQube Pod sprite corrected when jumping out
-Phase 6 (IQube): Tamatou depth corrected
-Phase 9 (Final): Corpses and Mini Bubbles added

-HP from 100 downscaled to 80
-Healthbar added
-Chance of spawning boxes increased
-More Spikes added that deflect Bullets

-Ring Distraction slightly less seizure-inducing
-Laser from below nerfed
-Pong ceiling and botton of screen out of bounds fixed

Truki Chan:
-Softlock removed


Upgrade Changes:
-Removed Moving Corpse Item. This can now be done by default
-Added Auto Fire
-Limit Magazine Updrage now affects Trolley section


Text Changes:
-(German) Stone Upgrade 2 description changed
-(German) Stone Upgrade 3 description changed
-(German) Final Ongar Encounter typo fix
-(General) Final Ongar Encounter added missing textbox
-(English) Ellbows -> Elbows
-(General) Change Stone Upgrade to say "Amo" instead of "Speed"

Music Changes:
-Shop Music
-IQube Music Loops now
-IQube Music Bug fixed
-Fulci dark stage, added music


Other Changes:
-IQube out of bounds removed
-Shoot Label added to machine in the Bullet Room
-Slower Fade-out at John Deere Screen
-Removed Magoo manipulation skip
-Healthbar disappear when at 0
-Sound plays when killing Bosses
-Fulcilives Soundeffect changed
-Fulcilives Ice screen (Schweinespeck) Platforms changed
-Fulcilives kills you now if you have 0 money
-Fulcilives spawn positions changed
-Coins added in Fulci Rooms
-Room Label position fixed at hub zone when entering from Kevin & Aaron Boss
-Room Label position fixed at hub zone when entering from Trigun
-Reward Label added at hub zone when entering from Kevin & Aaron Boss
-Reward Label position fixed at hub zone when entering from Trigun
-Trolley bullet speed slightly increased
-Cave Tileset changed (it's pretty now)
-Snow Tileset changed (pretty)
-Other minor Tileset additions (Refrain: yeah)
-Torches in Cave Added
-Blizzard Man Room Laser Barrier position Changed
-Increased Size of Patrick in Blizzard Man Room
-Blizzard Mans Bullets can be cancled out with Stone
-Trigun Tileset improved
-Ending Text added
-Easter Egg Added
-Changed some code in the darkness effect object. Not sure if it helps though
-Removed some unused stuff to reduce the file size
-Trigun Bullet speed reduced
-6 Trails: First Trail text size reduced
-6 Trails: Sparks fly toward middle of the screen now
-Removed Sound at IQube Screen
-Main Character Profile Description has more lines
-Calls can be muted now by pressing M


Game Crashes:
-Nemesis Tamatou Boss Screen 3 Aaron game crash fixed


Stuff I didn't fix cuz I didn't feel like it, sorry!
-Tricky Shmup double corpse glitch (Cuz it's funny)
-Title screen esc game crash (It might actually be fixed somehow)

Thank you for playing my fangame.
Be sure to let me know if you stream the game or upload videos to youtube.
I am very excited to watch ^^

Contact me at:
Discord: Tamatou#3848
Instagram: Tamatou_lex

I will probably update this game in the futre. So tell me what you think ^^

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Tagged as: Adventure
[7] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 23, 2020

25 Reviews:

Really fun game with high replayability. I only dislike a weird design decision about how to get to extra boss killing all helpless bosses is much more relative to bad ending with no extra content imo

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Secrets Items
[1] Like
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 40 40
May 18, 2020
Exquisite animated images

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[1] Like
Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 52 52
May 9, 2020
Very good

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[1] Like
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 42 42
May 1, 2020
Extremely bizarre game filled with inside jokes and other strange concepts and ideas, it's mostly pretty entertaining, some neat stages here and it's open so you can explore and find stuff, with blockers to prevent exploring pointless sections you've cleared out already. It's quite solid, and the bosses, while easy, are mostly good, although the 2nd phase of the final boss was quite tedious, and definitely by far the weakest point of the game. It's still a good game though, even if I have reservations about certain sections. It's also very unique, so if you want a totally different fangame experience than normal, there's not many better places to look.

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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 45 45
Jul 11, 2023
Всем доброго времени суток, как обычно, кто то согласится со мной, кто то нет, как говорится, на вкус и цвет. Изначально игра вселяет надежды, что вот оно, наконец-то, что-то достойное вышло в свет I wanna be игр. Однако, все портят, нет, не работающие порой кнопки активации или телепорты (кто играл тот поймет), а бессмысленные темные уровни перед последним боссом, да и сам последний босс. К сожалению автор не смог передать ту атмосферу, которую он заложил в начале игры, возможно, если убрать последние темные уровни и вместо них добавить один полноценный и изменить последнего босса, которого мы по сути и не бьем, то я бы поставил игре выше 6 баллов. Но опять же, это чисто мое мнение. Игра понравится новичкам, так как особой сложности, ну, возможно, за исключением последнего босса, не представляет. Стоит ли играть в эту игру? Конечно стоит, не самый плохой представитель своего жанра. Поэтому скажу спасибо автору, надеюсь он прислушивается к комментам и, если будет делать игры в дальнейшем - учтет все пожелания, хотя, конечно, всем не угодишь).

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 24, 2020