I Wanna Go Back To Basics

Creators: NotEvenAmatueR, 29th_letter, AlexBrogan, Artimax, Cloch, cLOUDDEAD, Cthaere, dono, EzTheBoss2, FruitlessWasabi, Gordon_JamCast, IanBoy141, Kiiview, KittyGame, Komachi, LemonGH, Princeoflight612, RandomChaos_, shign, Skulldude, Taprus, very_cool, Wspr, YaBoiMarcAntony

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
73.4 / 100
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Needle (7) Long (1) Collab (4) Jtool_Makers (1) Not_Avoidance (1)


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Creator's Comments:

Nearigami [Creator]
EDIT: Version 1.02. Slight nerfs and a couple of other things. This will probably be the final update. Thank you to those who have enjoyed this game or even played it. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gno6w78lxxbdndj/BTB+Ver+1.02.zip/file

I Wanna Go Back To Basics is a 24 person needle collab hosted by me with the primary goal of making a needle collab accessible to everyone. It is 24 areas, with 3 screens of jtool needle each, for a total of 72 screens of content. The estimated peak difficulty of the project is 75, though most stages are around the 50-65 difficulty range. Thank you to all those who helped motivate me to make this project actually come out. I will continue to do my best to host events like this and become a beacon for the community.

Review (since I made like none of the content, I think it’s okay):
29th: I feel that this is a decent attempt at shorter precise needle. I did make some adjustments to it myself, but I feel like it’s actually pretty nice to pull off. I like the visual style of it too, so that’s a plus. 5.5/10

AlexBrogan: Some of the maneuvers in this stage are actually genius, though there are times where I feel that fun factor is sacrificed for pathing sake. The jump refresher stuff isn’t entirely my style but it’s cool. I love the gravity flipper stuff though. 8/10

Artimax: Top 3 stage for me. Very good pathing, and it’s a good sweet spot with fun and difficulty. Waiting for the Artimax solo needle game. 9.5/10

Cloch: It’s very basic, and honestly feels a lot like 2014-2015 needle. Imo it’s completely serviceable and not bad, but it’s outclassed by a lot of other stages in this game. 6/10

cLOUDDEAD: I do like this stage, but it feels like it uses full jumps too much, and while nothing with it is wrong, I don’t really think it’s my style. 7/10

Cthaere: I don’t really like this stage too much. Some jumps are pretty annoying, but it’s mixed with some pretty fun ones. I would like to see Cthaere make more though, and to make easier stuff too. 6/10

Dono: Dono makes me very proud, as I’ve watched him come an extremely long way since he started creating. The visual style is very distinctly his, and the platforming itself is very fun short saves. I think he’s found a sweet spot, and I want to see more high effort, longer games from him, as I feel that would propel him to one of the best modern makers. 8.5/10

Ez: I did change quite a few things in this stage but it’s actually pretty decent. I remember watching Ez make it and having to constantly point out skips while he was making, so I guess my critique lies with trying to be conscious about that stuff as you make it. The stage is pretty fun though. 7.5/10

Fruitless: I’ve said this before, but while the jumps themselves are pretty alright, the layouts feel like someone whose never made needle before. I would love if he experimented with layouts more, as I think this style can work with more refinement. 6.5/10

Gordon: ...yeah... 12/10

Ian: Another top 3 stage. Hits a difficulty sweet spot, with very fun needle, and just the right amount of pathing and leeway. 9/10

Kii: Significantly better than I thought it would be. Very fun maneuvers in here, and some fun strings of jumps together. 8.5/10

Kittygame: Other stuff Kitty has showed me in his current projects looks very fun, so I’m kinda curious what happened here. I think it’s fine, as sometimes when we try new things, they don’t really work, but this stage didn’t do it for me. 5/10

Komachi: I wished that the screens were all like the first one. The other screens were pretty disappointing. Probably my least favorite area unfortunately. 4.5/10

Lemon: God tier. I loved it. I would love a whole game of mini align mazes like this that teaches the player in a better way about align tricks and all. 9/10

NotEvenAmatueR(me): I was not expecting my stage to be one of the hardest ones. I’m typically used to my stages being pretty easy in collabs, so this caught me off guard. When I made my stage, I wanted to try doing stuff I don’t use often. In this case, they were: miniblocks, unstructured spike formations, and one save screens. I feel that screens 1 and 3 are very good screens, and I still like them, however screen 2 didn’t really pay off and I’m sorry about that. I will continue to do my best and improve my level design. I would rate my stage an 8/10, and I hope that isn’t too high.

Prince: It’s fun, not much to say. I liked it. 7.5/10

RandomChaos_: I like Random’s needle. It’s good comfy, fun. 8/10

Shign: Pretty fun dotkid needle. It wasn’t too special compared to other dotkid stuff, but I did like it. 7.5/10

Skulldude: Top 3 stage. Exactly what I’ve grown to expect out of skull needle. His style has evolved in a lot of good ways in 2020. 9/10

Taprus: It is a good stage but too much full jumps. It doesn’t help that I’m very bad at this type of jump refreshers needle. I think Tap knows how I feel already though. 7/10

Very cool: Pretty nice stage. It’s good beginner needle. Feels like old sunlao needle, but unfortunately I think it’s not as memorable specifically because it’s so easy. That’s a me issue though. 7.5/10

Wspr: Honestly the exact type of stuff I like, but it’s a bit hard in some spots. Looking forward to more. 8.5/10

YBMA: I like it. Feels like a more polished version of the screens from his solo project, and feels like an easier version of the game it takes visuals from. 8/10

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Tagged as: Needle
[6] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 12, 2020

19 Reviews:

dono made a stage
very cool also made a stage
instant 10/10
edit: it's aight

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[1] Like
Rating: 8.4 84       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 15, 2020
A good game to experience various styles of jtool needle and find the special charm of each one of them.

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[1] Like
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 15, 2020
What a large game.
Filled to the brim with multiple styles of needle from consistency to precision all the way to an align puzzle.
Even if some saves are annoying, it's worth getting through this quite long game packed with creators from all over the west.

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Tagged as: Needle Long Collab
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 76 76
Mar 17, 2024
A lot of the stages were cool, a lot were absolutely not remembered and flew out of my head, something was just average. I will highlight the really cool ones, these are Artimax,Whisper,Skulldude,Kiview, RandomChaos. 2nd echelon Yaboi,NotEvenAmateur.IanBoy,Dono,Ez,AlexBrogan,Taprus. The remaining stages were not particularly memorable for me. It turned out to be a pretty strong game, and I recommend it, taking into account the huge amount of material, moreover, very different

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Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 11, 2024
probably the best jtool needle collab

few notes:
-wspr stage is some of the best jtool needle I have ever played. just pure genius needle. im glad the hardest stage was something this high quality
-my stage sucks lol
-I saved taprus for last because i was under the impression it was really hard and unfun but i found it to be managable and enjoyable and it made for a hype final stage, especially the final save.
-kittygame's stage is way over hated. dont buy into the slander.
-kiiview's stage looks awful but is pretty fun minus screen 2 which is a tad too hard imo.

stage ranking:
wspr>>>>>>>>>near>>>> artimax > ez > ian > taprus > kiiview > lemongh > randomchaos > marc > skulldude = prince > kittygame > cloch > alexbrogan = cthaere = dono = komachi = very cool = gordon jamcast > 29 > shign >>>> fruitless

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 30, 2022