
Creator: AlexBrogan

Average Rating
8.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.8 / 100
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Needle (12) Gimmick (10) Puzzle (5) SourPls (1) gBrain (3) Pathing (1) Pathing_Puzzle (1) Gimick (1)


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  • by Dog
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Creator's Comments:

AlexBrogan [Creator]
Float. is my first game in a long time and it feels good to release something. I decide to jump on the gimmick bandwagon, but the game turned out to be much more puzzly than I had originally intended. It was inspired by Dreamroamer, but don't expect it to be particularly similar. Also, don't expect it to be anything like anything else I've ever released.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 30, 2021

35 Reviews:

Insane G-brain pathing.
Definitely going into my top 10, very much enjoyable.
Even though a few of the gimmicks felt awkward at the start they eventually became easy to control, and that felt pretty good to me.
i had to ask alex a few times on how to solve the last screen

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick gBrain
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Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 30, 2021
A neat pathing/gimmick needle game focused around its namesake floaty gimmicks. It has a lot going for it, especially in the middle - which is fantastic and a lot of fun, but unfortunately its start and end both really drag it down.

The production is clean, looks good and is very thematic and builds a nice, consistent atmosphere.

The beginning is just a classic, no frills, completely forgettable needle segment. Its short and mostly inoffensive, but does nothing to introduce or progress the game and feels out of place. The middle is the meat, thankfully, and is the best part. There's three different gimmicks that roll in, and do so quite well. Lots of interesting pathing/puzzle options here though the actual execution can sometimes feel quite slow since speed changes happen so gradually.

Then the end kind of loses it again, the actual gameplay takes a horrendous nosedive in order to favor being clever over fun (which admittedly is really cool, just not fun to play or figure out) and suffers from the classic fangame gimmick design where the designer is clearly assuming the player has the same level of familiarity as they do. This results in an extremely steep rise in difficulty at the end which was a lot more frustrating than anything else. Unfortunately while the gimmicks were super cool to play with as it was more chill, as it got harder the fact your movement is so limited meant there's really just a lot of weaving back and forth through the same left right movements and very little else.

There's a lot of good stuff in this though, and would recommend anyone who likes gimmick needle with a decent confidence in their needle skill to give it a shot as the long saves with slow movement will drag on with deaths.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 19, 2021
This game somehow manages to balance G-Brain pathing with flowy satisfying needle. Well done.
Enjoyment 9/10

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick gBrain
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 30, 2021
Brilliant pathing puzzle needle game. The puzzles were very clever, and the gameplay was mostly really enjoyable. As the title suggests, floating/falling is a highly present theme in the gimmicks, and it's pretty well implemented. However almost every save had at least one rather annoying jump.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 52 52
Apr 26, 2024
A pretty decent gimmick needle game that focuses hard on the Puzzle aspect, I liked the act of having to solve how to beat a save but wasn't too particularly fond of actually trying to execute it.

I'm generally a fan of these puzzley gimmick needle games, especially Dreamroamer and Chromatic Wanderer, but to me this is one that's missing the mark by quite a good bit. Actually solving what the path is was rather interesting, but the execution side of it was rather unenjoyable due to how tedious and difficult it felt. A lot saves involve your player moving slower in the air than normal so it made deaths even more bothersome due to how attempts could run rather long, and a lot of segments felt a bit too precise for something like this. Also, the gimmicks independently are pretty fine, but since all of them change your speed it becomes quite a mess to play once they get combined. It's definitely got some neat ideas here, but I can't say the actual design and implementation of them made for an enjoyable experience. That being said, I do find it somewhat fun a bit anyways due to how it's certainly a good puzzle game in solving the screens themselves, so if you can handle the needle easily then you'd probably enjoy it a bit more than I.

I'd recommend it but also under the notion you understand that the puzzle aspect isn't the only reason for the difficulty rating.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Puzzle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 14, 2023