15 Reviews:
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 57 57
Aug 3, 2022
Difficulty is for any%, rating is for a good attempt of treasure hunting.
A very good looking exploration of treasure hunting game, it has a great production and of very good attention to details. I really had a blast playing it and discovering every level, trying to get every treasure I see on my first playthrough. However treasure hunting while I've beaten the final boss was less fun, and some of the treasures were beyond stupid and way too unfun to be worth grinding (1-1 third secret, the trials, a lot of way too long saves and the list goes on) to a point just playing 10 min was pissing me off so I decided to call it a day even if I only found 29/50.
I would highly recommend any% and to play while treasure hunting is fun, but I would highly go against 100% and recommend to skip everything that looks too much for you.
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A very good looking exploration of treasure hunting game, it has a great production and of very good attention to details. I really had a blast playing it and discovering every level, trying to get every treasure I see on my first playthrough. However treasure hunting while I've beaten the final boss was less fun, and some of the treasures were beyond stupid and way too unfun to be worth grinding (1-1 third secret, the trials, a lot of way too long saves and the list goes on) to a point just playing 10 min was pissing me off so I decided to call it a day even if I only found 29/50.
I would highly recommend any% and to play while treasure hunting is fun, but I would highly go against 100% and recommend to skip everything that looks too much for you.
Rating: 8.2 82
Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 19, 2021