I Wanna Lockpick

Creator: LAWatson

Average Rating
9.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
78.0 / 100
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Puzzle (12) Demo (2) Galaxy_Brain (2) Logic_Puzzle (1)


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  • by Dog
  • by Dog
  • by Dog

Creator's Comments:

lawatson [Creator]
This is a puzzle game about matching keys to doors, based on I Wanna KeyPick 100. It's got a wide array of strange mechanics which play on the core concept, as well as many puzzles spread out over a lot of different worlds. It might be very difficult, though, so be careful not to beat yourself up over it.

Note: The game is not completely finished yet, to the extent that the content that currently exists constitutes the "first part" of the game, with the second part yet-to-be-made. This is because the remaining content will take far more time and effort than everything else that has been made thus far. Despite being incomplete in theory, though, there is a great amount of content and expected playtime, and Part 1 can be considered a complete game in and of itself.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 1, 2021

25 Reviews:

Keypick but with more idea

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Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 2, 2021
A really well made puzzle game, leauges better than KeyPick with some great puzzle design and generally awesome visual design. It also get's pretty hard, in around world 7 and some of the letter puzzles, which ended up with me trying to trial and error my way through some of the puzzles. I wish there was more platforming, cause I ended up being a little tired of keypick puzzles which while cool and had constantly new twists on, it's ultimately just opening doors in a certain order, which to me got uninteresting after some hours of playing the game. Also, I wish there were an actual color blind mode, or some way where the keys looked different from each other, since my colorblindness hurt my experience quite a bit.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 4, 2021
Rating based T4 clear.
If I clear 100%, I will update it. maybe?

(KR)아마도 이것은 제가 본 퍼즐들 중에서 역대 최고의 퍼즐 게임 중 하나입니다. 각 퍼즐들이 정말 훌륭하고, 하루에 평균적으로 4~5시간은 여기에다 쓴 것 같습니다. 특히 중간보스를 장식하는 The Labyrinth, Chromatic Monolith는 진짜 미친 것 같아요! 저는 이 두 놈을 어떻게든 작살내려고 따로 스크린샷을 찍어서 밤새도록 푼 기억이 아직도 생생합니다.
평가는 아직까지 100%가 아니지만, 만약에 해낸다면 전 이미 죽었다고 생각해주세요.
난이도는 제 뇌가 얼마나 손상되었는지 기준으로 합니다.

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 85 85
Jan 15, 2025
This review is based on a 100% clear of the demo, it may be updated if I ever finish the full game when that comes out.

I play a lot of adventure fangames, and if you have seen me talk or play adventure games there's probably eventually gonna be a point where I complain about puzzles. For some reason puzzles don't click with me the way it does for others. I get frustrated, I get annoyed, I give up easily, and I just look for a solution online because I don't care. I had basically accepted that puzzles were not me, and that I would never be able to enjoy them. I Wanna Lockpick was the game that challenged this idea.

I will probably never be able to explain what made this game so fun for me, but I loved it. On a surface level Lockpick is a game with a ton of unique ideas and gimmicks baked underneath an incredibly simple premise, get keys, open doors. There's a ton of super interesting mechanics which can often times completely change how you go about the puzzle solving process, but in a lot of ways it feels like as you progress, you get this toolbox of mechanics you learn about and get comfortable with, and as you do so you begin to understand the kinds of thinking and logic you need to solve puzzles in this game. This to me, kept the game very fresh, as it felt like the way I saw the game changed with every world, and I had new stuff to learn. The game is very tough, particularly the final puzzle of the game is a true monster, but there's just so many great and challenging puzzles here that kept it so interesting and fresh, not to mention the number of puzzles which stray from the Keypick design philosophy and are more about playing with wacky concepts or mechanics in creative ways. There was always something new to appreciate with this game and I was certainly never bored. I am very impressed with this game, and even if it ends up being too much for me, I'm quite excited to see how the full version expands on this crazy game even more.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 87 87
Nov 1, 2023
Thats some p cool bruteforce game out there

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Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 66 66
Aug 25, 2023