Creator's Comments:
Emmanating [Creator]
2022/08/25 - Now that the Game Jam rating period has ended, we've released an update for Retrace My Steps. It includes a bunch of small changes/fixes.
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 25, 2022
19 Reviews:
.emag dehsinif lautca na ekam dna tcejorp txen rieht rof rehtegot tca rieht teg lliw srekam eht taht epoh ylno nac I .gnitar 8.4 a naht erom htiw ti gnidrawa yfitsuj tonnac I seussi eseht lla ot eud tub ,elbayojne saw emag eht ,llarevO
.syaw yranoitulover ni aedi eht htiw deyalp taht stcejorp maj emag rehto eht lla gnoma bmuht eros a ekil tuo skcits tsuj ti dna ,krow siht ni taht fo enon dnif lliw uoy tub ,evitom "levart emit" a wollof ot desoppus erew tneve siht rof semag ehT .ecalp tsrif eht ni siht gnittimbus derehtob neve yeht yhw rednow ot evah i tub ,maj emag eht fo stniartsnoc emit eht ot eud saw tcudorp lanif dehsur eht taht dnatsrednu I
."elzzup" desoppus a ni rorre rof moor on gnivael ,htap elbissop 1 ylno yllaretil htiw neercs kcipyek dehsinifnu ylraelc a tsuj s'ti sa ni terces gohegdeh eht gnivael derehtob yeht yhw wonk neve t'nod I yltsenoH .artxe eht htiw gnola meht gnikam pu evag tsuj sved eht dna tsixe t'nod ylpmis yeht taht ecnedifnoc %89 htiw mialc nac I erehw tniop eht ot ,2 rehto eht dnif tonnac ylpmis I thgim I sa yrt tub (gohegdeh eht) meht fo eno dnif ot deganam I .sterces 3 eht lla dnif ot eganam uoy fi egats artxe na sesimorp neercs raelc eht dna emag eht ni evas tseisae eht raf yb dna citcamilcitna yrev si neercs lanif eht ,etelpmocni sleef tsuj emag eht siht ot noitidda nI
.ytilibom s'dik eht ot dda ot yaw gnirob a fo dnik dna larutannu yllaer tlef tsuj ylknarf hcihw ,ot elba eb ton dluow yllamron uoy thgieh yna hcaer yllacisab dna spmuj hgih ylemertxe mrofrep ot dik eht swolla taht cinahcem egnarts a osla si erehT .meht fo yna htiw gnitcaretni tuohtiw sevas eht taeb ylisae nac uoy sa ,esoprup on evres yllaretil taht skcolb hsup dna srehserfer pmuj sa hcus skcimmig htiw sneercs eht ot rellif fo hcnub a dda ot dah yeht erehw tniop eht ot ,emag eht fo flah rettal eht rof saedi fo tuo tfel erew dna noos oot ytivitaerc rieht lla desu srekam eht fi sa tsomla s'tI .reisae dna relpmis yaw semoceb ngised level eht dna sessergorp emag eht sa desu gnieb pots skcimmig eseht fo tol a taht si trap egnarts eht tub ,evas tsrif eht morf thgir skcimmig fo tol a ot reyalp eht gnicudortni ,ylsuoitibma etiuq tuo trats esehT .snoitces gnimroftalp eht ot gnidecorp neht dna tab eht ffo thgir thgif ssob a otni uoy gniworht yb alumrof emag erutnevda eht pu ecips ot seirt tI .tsael eht yas ot ,emag egnarts yrev a si sihT
[12] Likes
.syaw yranoitulover ni aedi eht htiw deyalp taht stcejorp maj emag rehto eht lla gnoma bmuht eros a ekil tuo skcits tsuj ti dna ,krow siht ni taht fo enon dnif lliw uoy tub ,evitom "levart emit" a wollof ot desoppus erew tneve siht rof semag ehT .ecalp tsrif eht ni siht gnittimbus derehtob neve yeht yhw rednow ot evah i tub ,maj emag eht fo stniartsnoc emit eht ot eud saw tcudorp lanif dehsur eht taht dnatsrednu I
."elzzup" desoppus a ni rorre rof moor on gnivael ,htap elbissop 1 ylno yllaretil htiw neercs kcipyek dehsinifnu ylraelc a tsuj s'ti sa ni terces gohegdeh eht gnivael derehtob yeht yhw wonk neve t'nod I yltsenoH .artxe eht htiw gnola meht gnikam pu evag tsuj sved eht dna tsixe t'nod ylpmis yeht taht ecnedifnoc %89 htiw mialc nac I erehw tniop eht ot ,2 rehto eht dnif tonnac ylpmis I thgim I sa yrt tub (gohegdeh eht) meht fo eno dnif ot deganam I .sterces 3 eht lla dnif ot eganam uoy fi egats artxe na sesimorp neercs raelc eht dna emag eht ni evas tseisae eht raf yb dna citcamilcitna yrev si neercs lanif eht ,etelpmocni sleef tsuj emag eht siht ot noitidda nI
.ytilibom s'dik eht ot dda ot yaw gnirob a fo dnik dna larutannu yllaer tlef tsuj ylknarf hcihw ,ot elba eb ton dluow yllamron uoy thgieh yna hcaer yllacisab dna spmuj hgih ylemertxe mrofrep ot dik eht swolla taht cinahcem egnarts a osla si erehT .meht fo yna htiw gnitcaretni tuohtiw sevas eht taeb ylisae nac uoy sa ,esoprup on evres yllaretil taht skcolb hsup dna srehserfer pmuj sa hcus skcimmig htiw sneercs eht ot rellif fo hcnub a dda ot dah yeht erehw tniop eht ot ,emag eht fo flah rettal eht rof saedi fo tuo tfel erew dna noos oot ytivitaerc rieht lla desu srekam eht fi sa tsomla s'tI .reisae dna relpmis yaw semoceb ngised level eht dna sessergorp emag eht sa desu gnieb pots skcimmig eseht fo tol a taht si trap egnarts eht tub ,evas tsrif eht morf thgir skcimmig fo tol a ot reyalp eht gnicudortni ,ylsuoitibma etiuq tuo trats esehT .snoitces gnimroftalp eht ot gnidecorp neht dna tab eht ffo thgir thgif ssob a otni uoy gniworht yb alumrof emag erutnevda eht pu ecips ot seirt tI .tsael eht yas ot ,emag egnarts yrev a si sihT
Rating: 8.4 84
Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 25, 2022
Brilliant idea with amazing execution, a rarity with modern fangames.
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 8, 2022
Very interesting gimmick!
A little confused on the water controls, but it was fun!
[2] Likes
A little confused on the water controls, but it was fun!
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 10, 2022
When you come up with a good gimmick you gotta squeeze all the juice out of it, and this is one of the most original concepts I've seen in a fangame
That alone makes it worth playing, but it's also really well designed
Kudos to the creators!
[2] Likes
That alone makes it worth playing, but it's also really well designed
Kudos to the creators!
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 46 46
Aug 29, 2022
It's very easy to see why this game won the game jam : very high production with genius and super creative ideas. It really push its concept as far as it can and I find that fantastic, but it sadly led for me to brain moment where I was wondering what I was doing wrong because for a lot of death you won't know why you just died which is why I didn't enjoyed it as much as other seem to enjoy it. Also the "pushing" blocks grab from above could have been explained because I honestly think I could have spend more times wondering what I need to do with those.
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 28, 2022