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For: I wanna know how to warp
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna ReStaff
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna BREAK
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 77 77
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna be the sleet
Tagged as: Needle Short
[1] Like
Rating: 6.1 61       Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna be the sleet
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 29, 2022
For: アッァージェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲジェゲwwwwwwwwwww
Mostly get lucky on not getting walled by the texts.

It just says the title for the bgm and if it's restarted early enough, the audio will keep going even within the next attempt.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Short Luck
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.2 22       Difficulty: 33 33
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna be the sleet
legitimately no idea why one would assume the creator didn't play this

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Tagged as: Needle
[5] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 42 42
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna be the Animus
Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.4 84       Difficulty: 36 36
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna ZJD
Eazy except the Extra room.

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[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 2 2
Jun 29, 2022
For: I wanna Relax with Needle
Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 29, 2022
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