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For: I Wanna trible question mark
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.7 47       Difficulty: 70 70
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna Star Adventure
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 3.7 37       Difficulty: 54 54
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 2
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna Star Adventure
Notes for maker inside the spoiler tag in case they read this:

Please nerf the third phase of the final boss, the hard rng combined with the boss being able to teleport anywhere makes it really unfair and annoying, this goes for every attack, but especially the rng that rotates, that one is very annoying. Not only that but it has too much HP and it only keeps getting more unfair the more you go through that phase. ​
That would be enough for me to recommend the game, however if you could make the minecart stuff a bit easier to understand and less confusing by somehow making the physics of it better, it would be appreciated.
This might not be possible if you built around it working like that though so I get it if it's too much to do.
You have a great thing here, however I can't recommend with such a spike in difficulty that comes from bad rng.

From what I understand, this is the maker's first adventure game. It's decently fun most of the time, although some traps might get you a bit annoyed and there is some weirdly dumb jank in some of the gimmicks that might be annoying to get used to, but not too much.
However, the final boss ends with a really unfair and difficult section, way harder than the rest of the game. If this part gets changed I would give this a 7.5 rating and a difficulty of 55.
I'd recommend playing up to this part if you really want to try it out already, but I wouldn't recommend grinding this part until it gets updated. Hopefully we can get an update.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 75 75
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna Outbreak
With a fun, creative and visually compelling adventure, lilly proves to be a solid fangame maker of the genre.

It is trap oriented, which isn't really my kind of thing, and there are traps at the end of the saves, but this is a modern classic (like Bigger P****, but in a different fashion) because of how unpredictable it is. The first stage is mandatorily generic, but the traps and platforming aren't, so it is a proper introduction to an adventure that stores many surprises. Also as in a sense of tradition, the first boss is generic stuff, but reinvented and with a funny trap. We then proceed to a second stage with bad lighting and somewhat monotonous and monochromatic; very ironically for me, what makes up for it are the trap, making the stage inventive and interesting, so it is balanced out. The backtrack section in this stage has nothing special going on, but it demands strategy and timing from the player, so it's ok.

The third stage is a very slight visual challenge due to the colors of the background and the grid blocking your view between the obstacles and the Kid, but the traps here are particularly inventive, moving whole fractions of the map. The song is a banger and it is never too hard or unfair.

The game saves the best for last with an outstanding final boss that has an epic feeling to it, can be easily red and still poses a fair and very entertaining challenge. The way lily plans the final attacks on the final bosses always feels epic and highly rewarding.

Overall, the difficulty curve is rather a flat line since it maintains a constant difficulty throughout, and unfortunately feels very short for its scope, but hey, why oversaturate a game with content that isn't inspired any longer? Quality before quantity. I wouldn't doubt lily's abilities to conceive a longer story but that probably happens every now and then.

For seekers that combine the good parts of the old and the new, play this one. You won't regret it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss
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Rating: 6.3 63       Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 1
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna Walpurgis
No Sayaka boss, 0/10.

Walpurgis is a fun, medium length adventure game. It consists of four stages of platforming, with one boss at the end of each stage. The platforming is great. There's a very much healthy variety of gimmicks, with a few amusing traps sprinkled in - not quite on the soul-reading level that some modern trap fangames reach, but comparable to a high mid-tier trap fangame like 針ゲ or hanamogeta. The difficulty generally comes from a few particularly precise segments, but nothing that requires that much effort. I want to reiterate the variety part because there is a mini-metroidvania-not-really-a-metroidvania-but-let's-call-it-a-metroidvania-anyway (All items are more or less keys in the end, so it's not really a metroidvania by these standards stage, and I really liked it.
The bosses are themed on Madoka Magica (ft. one Idolmaster boss???), and even though the platforming is also great, I feel inclined to call them the highlight of the game. All of them feature smoothly animated movement, shouting out attack names and, most importantly, a very nice variety of attacks. The last boss could have been a tad harder, but it's fine.

It's a pretty great game overall. Doesn't do anything particularly wrong, does a lot right. Would definitely recommend.

Side note: There's a short avoidance mini-boss, which is why I'm using the avoidance tag, but it's short and relatively harmless, so even if you don't like avoidances, don't let that stop you.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 51 51
Sep 13, 2021
For: I wanna be the Short game
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Rating: 3.7 37       Difficulty: 35 35
Sep 12, 2021
For: I wanna Cheeki The Breeki
A screen of needle, followed by a barrage-style fight. The needle... just kind of exists, it's short and fairly easy though it has a couple of fun jumps. The choice of visuals could have been better, as the bright, sharp background makes the tiles and the spikes hard to see in some spots, and in general doesn't look all that good. I would suggest giving your backgrounds more contrast against the tiles (i.e. making them darker), as well as maybe applying some blur to make the sharp details of the background easier on the eyes.

The avoidance, being the bulk of the game, is a decent barrage fight consisting of mostly simple, straightforward RNG attacks with some slightly more interesting ones thrown in-between. All of the attacks are mostly fun with the exception of a couple which can be kind of awkward, that being the aimed circles and the diagonal purple shots. The attack where the spikes rise also felt pretty awkward to me, especially at first, with how they rise in pairs. The visuals are fairly simple and standard, and the song choice isn't anything outstandingly good but it works.

One thing that I feel like should be noted is that the attacks are barely synced to the music, with a lot of them even starting or ending off-beat. This is probably fine for a simple barrage, especially given that this is the creator's first avoidance game, but it still feels kind of awkward and it's something that could definitely be improved.

Overall, it's a pretty solid start for this maker. I'm definitely excited to see what they can come up with and create in the future.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 12, 2021
For: YR Ritinoi Area
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.3 63       Difficulty: 70 70
Sep 12, 2021
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