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For: I wanna Love the Winter 2
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Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 16 16
Dec 25, 2019
For: Jingle Jam
Rating based on clearing everything except Mastermaxify's stage and the "boss" in Lovey's stage.

Collaboration game with no real theme beyond "Christmas." I appreciated having something new to play every day of the month up until Christmas; I think the idea of presenting it as an advent calendar was great and really bolstered the "fun factor," so to speak.

That said, for me, at least, most of the memorable stages were toward the end. I quite enjoyed Shign/dono, Kiyoshi, and Lss's stages, and would say that if you just want the cream of the crop to play those and be done with it.

Full disclosure: Shign/dono and Lss's stages are much harder than the rest of the game, which is why I liked them the most, lol.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 25, 2019
For: I Wanna Hold and Relieve +
Small remark: Since it is difficult for me to rate this game, then my difficulty rating can be incorrect, so do not rely just on it.

Basically the same thing as with I Wanna Hold and Relieve, except that this time avoidance is not based on I wanna go the DotKid!red Miku, but on I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 DotKid Miku. It has the same sprite and avoidance attacks looks very similar to it. Not sure is it identical or not, but if it is remade, then it is very well-done, at least it looks like as it would be original. Every color fruit has different timed from I Wanna Hold and Relieve, and some behaviours are changed. Purple fruits can be avoided pretty easy as if they was pure aiming, but light-blue fruits are curving. Mostly I tried somehow to understand on my own how this thing works and what are the best strats for me. I should start that avoidance starts at the bottom, not the top platform. Basically, after long trials and errors, I found out that it is convenient to jump at the start on third platform or so, fall down, rejump and when starts purple circles, then just carefully go right. After purple circles stops, then I continued to go right and when I was close enough to Miku, I jumped and avoided green fruits and started to go left. As you go purple circles will start bursting, but I just carefully go left. The final thing is the hardest one. You have to somehow jump and then go right as the chaos of 3 colour fruits are going on. Sadly, light-blue fruits can give walls every time, so it is really annoying and hard to read them, and mostly when I went right, I was going blindly with hopes that I won't be killed. If you survive that chaos, then after purple circles stop, then try to go to the left and survive the last seconds of the avoidance, be sure not to die to the last purple circles, which shoots alone like in I Wanna Hold and Relieve. If you do everything correct, then after last purple circles Miku disappears and you can collect Miku's figurine and can go to the portals, which this time teleports you to this room - [url][/url], and if you look on menu, then game saves your figurine and is going to tell that game is cleared. So at least this game was better programmed. Also thanks PDPlayer for the game in title, and not the engine's name like in I Wanna Hold and Relieve, because otherwise I would be really confused is this game I Wanna Hold and Relieve + or I Wanna Hold and Relieve ++, since .exe for some reason is called I Wanna Hold and Relieve ++, but on title there is still written I Wanna Hold and Relieve +, so I will stick to that. Also, the only thing which for some reason is not here from I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 is the option of circle around kid. For some reason PDPlayer though that there is no need of that. Which basically means that most likely you will lose kid from your sight, however it will still be alive if you go all the time left or right. Kind of funny, I have to admit, since it is like I expected in I Wanna Hold and Relieve, but there purple circles worked a little bit differently.

With that being said, I have to say that this game is technically better done and for me was more fun to pay than its predecestor I Wanna Hold and Relieve, even though I think I Wanna Hold and Relieve + has less amount of PDPlayer's original implementations than I Wanna Hold and Relieve, but even if it is so, I won't lower rating. Talking about difficulty, I rated it lower than for I Wanna Hold and Relieve, mainly because I found that this game easier to clear once you know good strats. If here you can go left or right, mainly concentrating on aimings and praying for good RNG on light-blue, then on I Wanna Hold and Relieve it wasn't as easy to control everything, and it was harder, at least, in my opinion. But, still, I am giving high enough difficulty just to find good strats and for the fact that you still have to read everything to actually clear avoidance. Would recommend if you like these kind of avoidances or if you think that you want and you are ready to gain more experience for I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Dotkid Short Kamilia +
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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 63 63
Dec 25, 2019
OccultCube [Creator]
For: I wanna ℞
don't take extra seriously

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Tagged as: Needle L_Game
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 25, 2019
For: Neo Needle Buffet
Tagged as: Sideways_Gravity Noesis-Like
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 25, 2019
For: I Wanna 8-)
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 35 35
Dec 25, 2019
For: I Wanna Kill The Sans-Stage 3
Meh. Not much else to say.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 30 30
Dec 25, 2019
For: Jingle Jam
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 25, 2019
gafro [Creator]
For: I Wanna 8-)
this game is basically my first fangame
i made this when i was like 12 years old
now that i see it's really cute lol

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 25, 2019
For: I wanna be the Heracles
This game is hades-like game. The arragements are consisted of sggk, corner, bunny, and sometimes cancel. if you like hadeslike game. It is worth to try. It's not that hard.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 25, 2019
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