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For: I wanna live in the sea
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 67 67
Mar 9, 2017
For: I wanna be the Best Guy 4
The final game of the Best Guy series. It also has a hard mode which is called Lv.8 like BG2's Crazy mode and BG3's Death Wish, but I won't include it in the Difficulty and Review. I would give this 75~85 if I add Lv.8.

This game has an Achievement system. The bottom 10 of them are actually secret items in the game(rolled paper) and it gives you a special ability if you equip it.

Also this game has a sliding feature and succeeds the fulljumping mechanic from the previous game.

Stage 1 : You'll notice that the style of the game has changed a lot, from 'mostly needle' game to 'mostly enemy-killing' game. Notable thing in this stage are a mini-boss(giant crab) and sandstorm gimmick. The sandstorm gimmick is cool for me, but some people might consider it boring.
Boss 1(Sandworm) : This boss is actually pretty tricky, especially its 'train' pattern. But other than that it's a relatively easy boss.
Stage 2 : Ninja crabs falling from the sky! Also there's a part where you bounce on the giant worms and progress. Overall a pretty decent platforming.
Boss 2(Stalker) : Most 'meh' boss imo. It's bland for me. If you die at its last pattern, there's a special death animation & music at there.
Stage 3 : Creepy stage with...cockroaches? Also mad crows and bowling nests. Can't forget these big stones! Use a rocket launcher to deal with big stones in case you don't know how to get past that. Pretty hard stage for me. In the end, there is a destroyed town and a woman, and......
Boss 3(Tombstone) : Suddenly one giant tombstone is in front of your face. The weakness is its yellow core at the top, but you can choose to stay down and rocket spam its body. Mostly a decent boss. Yellow side sweeping attack will be a pain if you can't slide well.
Stage 4 : Castle with a lot of armored guards. This stage is the hardest of all stages. However, if you find some secret paths, you might have a more comfortable time here. Notable things are the mini-boss and that long climbing final part which is totally a pain.
Boss 4(Altace) : This boss is the boss that is most dependant on RNG. Her blue bomb is VERY tricky to handle. Also, the five horizontal-moving bullet wall is pretty hard to react if you're at the wrong position. Overall a hard boss.
Final stage : Nothing that much special, just a bunch of mediocre platforming. I liked that crystal jumping part though.
Final boss(Counterfeit) : He's back again! For final this time. He has THREE health bars and his defense goes up each time one depletes. Also, in the process of depletion, he summons 1 and 2 clocks. If you don't break it until it circles full one cycle, you'll instantly die. It usually breaks with 4 rockets. He summons one of the past bosses' pattern in the middle of the fight which was pretty cool considering this is the last series. He also keeps his unique final pattern, but with the 2 clocks and occasional screen flipping. Overall a hardest counterfeit in the entire series, excluding the hard mode versions of the series.

After you defeat him, Altace finally warps you back home. Thus ends the Best Guy series.

Overall a great game which I enjoyed very much. This is a par to BG3 in terms of enjoyment. However it gets extra .5 point for the awesome graphics.

Thank you Gustav for making the Best Guy series!

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 9, 2017
For: I wanna be the Best Guy 3
Third series of Best Guy saga, which started to fix jump height to full jumping. I actually don't mind the change since the game is designed to fit that.

There is a reward system that makes you able to get some bonus things. You can get a weapon/card. Weapon drop is random of other 3 iirc and Card drop is always the boss that you just cleared(Final reward screen is RNG of 1/3 considering that).

Oh, and the same as Best Guy 2 review, my difficulty is based on only the main game, not the Death Wish mode. If I consider that, I'd give this game 70~80.

Stage 1 : Surprisingly, no traps in this game! Nothing special, you can get through it quickly if you got comfortable with always full-jumping. Also take a good look at that spinning Shuriken, you'll see a lot of it later on.
Boss 1(Strider) : The pistol is pretty hard to dodge. Other than that, it's pretty straightforward and easy.
Stage 2 : Here comes the series-first water stage! It is also pretty hard. The constant spike barrage falling from the ceiling made this a small nightmare.
Boss 2(Mesie) : Easy, but this boss is pretty RNG-dependant. Other than that it's kinda bland.
Stage 3 : After the underwater stage, you have to climb the tower. Not a long tower though. It has some hard parts but it's mostly manageable.
Boss 3(Rakhris) : He's back! He lose his counter pattern though. He got some patterns to replace his counter like aimed swords, aimed explosions...etc. After you notice that his vertical slash is supposed to be dodged by jumping, this will end fairly quickly. Mediocre in terms of difficulty.
Stage 4 : Infiltrating a castle, pretty nasty platforming parts joins in here. Still not that unbearably hard though.
Boss 4(Icarus) : You might get pretty annoyed by that looong trail of the orbs. It's a pretty hard boss. There are some button mashing patterns which is pretty cool. This might be the first boss that Gustav used the button thing in the pattern.
Stage 5-1 : It's a lab and also a nightmare. There are A LOT of spinning shurikens from what I remember. Also at the end, there are some 16px spam which I hated the most in the past. Pretty hard platforming.
Boss 5-1(Fleako & Rav) : The origin of Bird guy! The rule is, when the bird almost hit the top, you should shoot before it flies away. After the first round, there are some fake moves executed by the bird, so be wary about that. Seems like the chance of the bird executing fake move increases each round. I think this is the most unique I wanna boss I ever saw.
Stage 5-2 : You continue the lab infiltrating, it's pretty short.
Boss 5-2(Becket.D.Perfectman('s robot)) : This boss might be the hardest in this game, since it always spawns two drones in a relatively short delay. It dies in 1 hit, but your concentration might divide and lose attention to what he is actually doing. Other than that, it has pretty straightforward patterns.
Final Boss(Counterfeit) : Yup, Becket brought him back after all. What you're going to do? Blow him away again! He's actually easier than BG2(imo of course), so I think you'll have no problem beating him. Watch out for his enrage pattern though.

After that, Becket tries to teleport you to your home(which was why because he rekt Gustav Counterfeit in BG2). However, as we all know, there's BG4. Find out if he finally returns to his home there!

Overall I think this is the best game in IWBTBG saga(with Death Wish). I enjoyed it a lot.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 9, 2017
For: I wanna be the Best Guy 2
Best guy's sequel, IWBTBG 2. It has a Crazy mode which is boss rush with harder variant of them(and you can play as Gustav. yay!), but my difficulty is only based on the main game. If I included Crazy mode, I would give it 70~80 maybe.

Stage 1 : Simple, much less trap than BG1. Platforming is mostly filler in this game anyways.
Boss 1(Orn Emperor) : Alright, maybe people who saw him first time might feel disgusting, but I personally feel it's hilarious. Anyways, incredibly easy boss after you know all of its patterns. Kind of a trap in the end.
Stage 2 : Pretty much same as Stage 1. Fillers.
Boss 2(Baldis) : Pretty mediocre boss. There's a charge pattern which can be pretty hard to react, but everything else is easy. Kind of a trap in the end.
Stage 3 : Harder fillers. Jump refresher part can be hard to newcomers in I wanna series.
Boss 3(Rakhris) : Cool boss. The shield mechanic and the patterns he got is pretty unique. He also has a counter attack, so be careful when he stays still.
Stage 4 : You might notice the ambient of this stage. Other than that, just another filler platforming.
Boss 4(Guardian General Rot) : That boss in the BG1! With new cool effects. He got some new cool patterns too. Great boss.
Stage 5 : Just one screen with emptiness. lol
Boss 5(Ecaep dlrow) : He flips your screen, but it's not that terrifying since he has no super-precise pattern. Mediocre boss.
Final stage : You might notice the ambient of this stage too. Also these traps.
Final boss(Gustav Counterfeit) : Cool boss. It has a lot of unique patterns. Also i don't know if it's because of his sound effects, I feel like this boss has a lot of coolness. Anyways, it's a pretty hard boss.

So overall a great boss rush game in my opinion! I won't spoil anything about crazy mode, so that you can play it if you're interested.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 9, 2017
For: I wanna be the Best Guy
The first of the Best Guy series. Can't say it's good, but it had some great parts.

World 1 - Garbage traps.
Boss 1 - Simple and pretty boring, trap at the end.
World 2 - Even more garbage traps.
Boss 2 - Even more boring than boss 1. Trap at the end.
World 3 - Still garbage traps.
Boss 3 - Based on Ao oni. Bad. It's not even a boss. I counted it as a boss because it gives you a crystal.
World 4 - Actually a stage with pretty cool-looking ambient imo, but still, platforming is bad.
Boss 4 - Actually one of the two good boss in the game. Cool attacks! However that final explosion trap is pretty mean, since this boss is actually quite a challenge.

After these (90% garbage) contents, you can watch the fake ending which has a death trap in the end. After you dodge it, you can progress further upstairs(which was blocked by the walls with crystal).

World 5 - Look, you still have a hope to platforming section? It's bad.
Boss 5 - This boss is pretty mediocre, but not bad. The only boss that is made of avoidances(You have to constantly shoot at it though).
Final World - Hey it's the final platforming! It might be sick and fun? No! It's the worst.
Final boss - The only boss with the name, Gustav. It's the pinnacle of this game. It's actually a well-made boss for me. I had a lot of fun when I was playing this game for the first time. Interesting fact : The portals he shoots at the second attack actually teleports you to the random death-spots in the game. You might want a save backup since you can be stuck in the middle of the game(don't tell me you want to do these platforming again).

After you beat Gustav, you have to get past the final garbage platforming screen( least it's the final one) and watch the true ending. After the ending, there's actually a portal room that is accessible from one of the keys.

So overall, all of the platforming and some bosses are garbage, but Rot and Gustav boss made this game to 5.0.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 9, 2017
For: I wanna feed Your Escapism
Neat game, not much else to say.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 53 53
Mar 9, 2017
For: I Wanna Fall The Stool
An epic journey into the life of one ordinary Swedish man who goes down a dark path.

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Tagged as: Meme
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 9, 2017
For: I Wanna Fall The Stool

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Tagged as: Meme
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 0 0
Mar 9, 2017
For: EchoVision
Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 38 38
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna enjoy the Birthday of King 4
There's kind of two aspects to this game. On one hand, its a pretty decent four stage needle game with 3 of them having good use of triggers. The jumps are varied and there's some interesting stuff there. On the other hand, its got a bunch of traps. And the traps are mostly awful. There's a few good ones but most of them are just random flying spike instagibs and one that appeared to be needlessly precise.

I only felt like there was a couple saves infested enough to really be annoying, but it would've been much better without the vast majority of the traps. Without the tedious instagibs and screen transition ganks this would've actually been a pretty good game.

Finishing the game up is a boss - it has a wide variety of pretty straightforward attacks and is decent with the exception of some attack overlap risk.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 57 57
Mar 8, 2017
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