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For: I wanna be the Jazz needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Feb 8, 2017
For: I Wanna Kill The Bottai 2
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Rating: 0.1 1       Difficulty: 100 100
Feb 7, 2017
For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
One of the best fangames. The visuals, level design and bosses were really unique.
I recommend this game for you, if you want to get better at needle and avoidances. However, IMO some saves are a little bit unbalanced (you can grind some saves and die to them hundreds of times, but sometimes you do them in less then 10 attempts). Also final boss was easy compared to others.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 7, 2017
For: I wanna Drop it
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 7, 2017
For: I wanna kill the 愛罠
Tagged as: Impossible
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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 100 100
Feb 7, 2017
For: I wanna be the Phallophobia
This game took me so much longer than it should of, but either way, it is a nice needle game with just as good aesthetics. Most of the jumps are unique and feel good to pull off. Kady is definitely an underrated needle designer and this game is the perfect example of that. Would definitely recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 6, 2017
For: I wanna break the Nightmare world
Really good adventure game except for a few traps near the saves or warps.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 6, 2017
For: I wanna be the Gravity Needle
I liked the production on it for the most part, but there were some aspects of the platforming that annoyed me a lot. This type of gravity flip where the entire screen spins can be very frustrating when the level are designed with death spikes right under the flipper when the screen is done moving. In a lot of cases, the screen flips upwards of 3 times in the same direction instead of once in the other direction to reach it's proper orientation. This leads to a lot of annoying instances where you have to react instantly after the screen rotation but due to excessive flipping it feels cheap when you die for me.

The save balance is a mixed bag too, especially the last segment which is basically a classic case of "it's the last segment so I'm going to make it really long and not add saves where they should be too boost the challenge". I'm not a fan of this, and on the final room I found myself annoyed to the point where I just wanted to stop. Also as a general note, there's way too many 16px stuff shoehorned into places, often near the end of a segment just to make it feel chokey.

It's a decent needle game for what it is, but there's a lot of save imbalance and needless frustration due to the nature of the gimmick spinning the room over spikes.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Feb 6, 2017
For: I wanna beat the uncreativity
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 63 63
Feb 6, 2017
For: I wanna Orion
One of the best needle games I've played so far in terms of visuals and difficulty.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 6, 2017
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