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For: I wanna follow it
Simple short needle section followed by a fun avoidance. If you want a bit of an easier avoidance game give this a try.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 30, 2016
For: I wanna be the Arcfox Needle
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 70 70
Dec 29, 2016
For: I Wanna Get Cultured 2
Rating is based on any %

One of the most enjoyable fangames I have played. Specifically, the platforming segments are very well done with a very consistent difficulty curve between stages, though the levels inside each stage can feel somewhat weird as usually the harder stages are near the beginning and the very end, while the middle tends to be easier. The overall quality is extremely high with a great soundtrack (possibly the best out of any fangame) and deep customization. On top of this there is a huge amount of content after the base game such as challenges and bifficult mode (which is way beyond my skill set).

Although this is one of my favorite fangames, several issues take away from a perfect score. The main ones being the large difficulty spikes at some of the bosses, preventing one from playing the much more fun platforming segments, as well as some lack of quality at some guest stages. Because this game took me forever to beat, comments for each segment are below.

Stage 1: Fun start and fairly good difficulty. Though perhaps a bit too easy as it will spike up at stage 2.

Boss 1: My second favorite boss, has great music, cool visuals, and doesn't have too many moments where you feel screwed over by RNG.

Stage 2: Harder than stage 1 by a fair bit. Most of the screens felt at the right difficulty compared to the rest of the game, though Buddha felt like it should have been at stage 3.

Boss 2: Boss was "okay", but some segments just felt like filler (potions guy/solgryn). Ending was funny.

Stage 3: Harder than stage 2, but not by much. The 1st and 2nd levels felt harder than the rest, with Jiongyohai feeling worthy of stage 4 (screen 2, save 2 of Jiongyohai broke my finger).

Boss 3: Similar to boss 2, it felt "okay" but I really just wanted to get back to platforming as I was learning it.

Stage 4: Good stage overall. No balance issues here.

Boss 4: Worst boss in the game. The difficulty spike between this and the earlier bosses is insane. Even post-nerf this is the first wall that will stop a lot of people from playing, which is sad since otherwise this game is so good. Not only is this boss hard it's also bad; boring and long beginning, high RNG that can completely screw you over in the middle and end, the end is very learning heavy so you need to farm the easy beginning over and over hoping for good RNG. Final attack is also bull.

Stage 5: All levels felt very great, especially after such a terrible boss.

Boss 5: Best boss in the game. Although it is as hard, if not harder than boss 4, most RNG feels fair (except for thwomp part). The smartest part of this boss is the RNG order of the destination and anime girl segments, making farming feel less mundane (something I wish the final boss did with its platform parts). Also has the best boss music.

Tower Climb: First 2 screens have terrible platforming, last screen is good.

Stage 6: Kady > Gaywizard > Stinky > Wonderful > Klazen > Piece >Sephalos > Hiddow

Kady: Great mechanics and platforming. The jumps all felt fun and had some good puzzle elements. Best stage overall

Gaywizard: Good visual style. Platforming was interesting, although perhaps a bit too easy. Very strong stage overall.

Stinky: I felt that this stage had the second best platforming out of the guest stages, however, the gimmick was boring and unnecessary.

Wonderful: I am not a fan of gravity gimmicks, and this was by far the hardest stage. However, at the same time I felt this had the strongest base platforming out of all the guest stages. However, there was still some bad designs; There were not many chances to actually test out how the gravity felt after you changed to it (lots of spikes above you after gravity changes), and the second save on the second to last screen was overkill (buffed diamond at end of hard segment, when rest of the game barely teaches you how to do normal diamond).

Klazen: Coolest mechanic, but felt a bit clunky standing on top of your clone. The puzzle elements were cool but very easy, and the jumps themselves weren't anything special. But again, the mechanic was very cool.

Piece: Average platforming, too many unnecessary memes. Lots of annoying save mistakes where you would need to backtrack, or jump and shoot after a death when a location trigger would have been much better.

Sephalos: Not really that bad, but subpar compared to many of the other stages. Wasn't really memorable in anyway.

Hiddow: Terrible stage. It visually looks the best, but there are lots of basic mistakes that aren't seen anywhere else in the game. Almost all the saves are in the air, almost all saves that require timing make you need to wait for 1-2 seconds, the saves have very inconsistent difficulties with them alternating between very hard and very easy. Lots of the jumps themselves were boring, but frustrating. Additionally, without a guide it would be even more annoying to try to figure out where to go with the need to backtrack more than needed.

Boss 6: An epic boss fight, which could have potentially been the best if not riddled with so much extreme RNG. This fight had tons of cool looking attacks, but when actually playing it, it's almost as bad as boss 4. Phase 2, 4, and 5 are essentially pray to RNGesus you don't get hit by an orb curving right at you off screen (phase 4) or having a bullet spawn right on you (phase 5). The saving grace of this boss is how lenient it is with the saves. Due to the large number of saves, this boss is actually easier to beat than boss 4 and 5 (though due to heavy RNG harder to master). Much like this review, the fight probably drags on for too long. The production level and unique attacks are there, but the fight itself remains frustrating.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 73 73
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna be the あびゃ~。
Weird but very fun.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 42 42
Dec 29, 2016
BaronBlade [Creator]
For: I wanna be the Inferno
I made this game a year or so ago as something to step my foot into making fangames. I think the needle turned out decently with a few exceptions, but I have no clue why I skimped so much on the visuals. I think I felt the need to get something out quickly, then rationalized it with "everyone has a bad first game." I'm surprised people took it as well as they did, honestly. I wouldn't recommend it personally, but I won't stop you.

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna defeat the fuduki Ex2
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna defeat the fuduki Ex
My rating is based on the hard difficulty.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna be the white and black world2
Pretty short needle game (think it was 3 screens, maybe 4) with only one or two jumps per save. Difficulty curve is all over the place but it never gets too hard since saves are short. Overall, the platforming was pretty fun and creative. It also comes with two executables with an easy version included - seems in-game difficulties impact save count and the easy version is simplified platforming.

It loses a ton of points though because a conscious effort was put in to make the spike images flicker at a fast rate which is extremely obnoxious, if not for that fact it'd be a decent game albeit with little content.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna be the Inferno
Pretty good little needle game, though short. Its all over the place in a good way as it has a decent variety of jumps for a short game. Aesthetics aren't great but it feels like to some degree its sacrificed for gameplay, and that's a suitable trade.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 29, 2016
For: I wanna be the あびゃ~。
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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 29, 2016
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