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For: I wanna hab the Luka
Its a solid short needle game with a comparably much easier avoidance at the end (which is a ratio I can appreciate). Something about the scrolling felt off to me, but its hardly a detriment. Secrets were neat and while a bit janky, were interesting enough.

Main con would probably just be the difficulty. Its really all over the place and the precision in jumps bounces very quickly back and forth from very precise to completely free and I'd rather see it more balanced in between.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 53 53
Oct 4, 2016
For: I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2
After 180+ hours, I finally cleared this game. Now it's time for my in-depth review. WARNING: Long review ahead that contains lots of spoilers:

I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2 is a sequel to the original medley game: IWKTK by OyO. The game is basically a remake, featuring many of the same games and bosses fitting with it's medley theme. The difficulty curve is the most flawless I've ever seen in any fangame, starting off easy and gradually building up the more you progress.

The game begins at the menu: You have options to change the volume of the music and SFX (if you're not a fan of the death sound consider this). You can also change your keybinds to whatever button you like on your keyboard/controller.

Onto the game itself, starting with Stage 1:
Stage 1 begins with Chokochoko, a joke screen to anyone who has seen a vine before. Many beginners quit right here as they don't know how vine mechanics work. Holding down jump when on the vine and tapping the arrow keys will propel you up the shaft and to the next screen. GGM is an easy enough needle screen, other screens in stage 1 won't challenge you too hard beyond a couple F-Jumps and a tricky chase sequence in Yellow Star. Fortress returns however is by far the hardest screen in the stage and deserves to be in stage 2. For a beginner who just started the game, a corner jump into a sideways gate followed by a few more fairly precise jumps was quite a daunting task, ending with a raised gate that gave me many chokes. After Fangame you're at the first boss.

Volcano Zone features several characters from the original Kamilia game, it's a relatively straightforward avoidance, the hardest part being Jirachi's pattern attack (it is 100% pattern) that is annoying to learn on your first playthrough. Upon completion you reach Stage 2, and another ten screens.

Stage 2 starts off with Blow Game 2 and Graduate from DT, two pretty simple needle rooms. Green Moon is the first screen that has trickyish jumps in the stage, but that quickly changes once you reach the infamous Yassan: A very tricky 16px room in which the 3rd and 4th saves in particular are extremely brutal for somebody new to fangames. many quit here, don't be afraid to take a break and play other fangames then come back to try again. Run The Terminal is a joke in comparison and so is Best Guy. Guy Tower is also extremely easy, you then reach boss 2.

The Guy is the 2nd Boss and he is quite a step-up from the Volcano Zone avoidance. Firstly he requires you to shoot him to lower his HP. To deal optimum damage don't shoot too fast at him as he has i-frames (invulnerability frames) that last a short amount of time. The boss itself is initially fairly easy with a mix of pattern and RNG that is mostly fair. Flandre Scarlet's attack however is extremely difficult for this point in the game and makes this boss arguably harder than Influka in Stage 3. I recommend staying in the middle and focusing on dodging the barrage than prioritising damage. There is a surprise at the end of the boss, but I won't ruin it ;) .

Stage 3 has a noticeable difficulty increase. Skyclad is a tricky timing screen with some annoying jumps if you don't get the good align. CQ is a heavy choke screen that can take a long time if you are bad at long saves. Diverse is particularly rough as it introduces the gravity flipping gimmick and has a tight jump at the end of the save. White Cherry has some precise needle jumps (but most have good setups), and finally Take the Time Machine is a very annoying screen that requires good timing and light tapping on the vine jumps. Overall a fun, but challenging stage for me on my first playthrough.

Boss 3 is Influka, the most fun boss in the game in my opinion. Composed of several phases, the God phase can be skipped if you mash shoot at the right speed (like the guy she also has i-frames). be sure to find the right shooting speed to deal optimal damage. Also there is the secret Pochi phase that follows after the God attack that is incredibly tough. The boss itself is particularly good because every attack feels fair. As such the boss is pretty much always beatable if you play it right.

Stage 4 is rather trap-heavy. GB early on is arguably the hardest screen in the stage. Phantom's 2nd save is also tricky without a good v-string strategy for the final jump. Heaven Trap is a tricky one-save room that requires you to go through it twice. Explorer features some of the hardest needle in the game yet and took me the longest up to this point to clear. There are cheese strats for the last two screens, I'll leave you to figure them out.

Geezer is the 4th boss. And it is a roadblock. Taking 13hrs for me to beat, it's a laborious boss due to the easy but long first part. Having to rebeat this part every time you die to Miku or the final phase is really frustrating and I completely understand those who quit or take a break right here. If the boss started with the hammer attack then it would be more reasonable and less of a boring grindfest. Alas, the boss is what it is. Six attacks begin the fight, each relatively simple. You are then transported to a Miku avoidance that requires precise movement: Be sure to climb the platforms as slow as possible. After Miku is the final attack: When the timer reaches 28, lava will begin to rise up and fall and will continue this every 6 seconds until the end of the fight. If you keep your cool you will be rewarded with a bust up TV and a key to Stage 5.

Stage 5 was by far the most difficult of the first 6 stages for me. Insure you have the good align for the corner in the final save of Color. Scapegoat and Symmetry are easy screens if a little annoying. Rainbow Miku however was just plain torture for me. The first save took me nearly 3 hours and the second a further hour still, I guess I'm just bad at really long saves. PYF is another really difficult room that trips up first-timers as is Locus. Boshy feels ridiculously out of place after these hard screens but the irony that the "Good Level Design" room was chosen as a good screen to put in was rather funny.

Solgryn is boss 5 and is split into two phases. Phase 1 is pretty much all pattern and is extremely fun to learn. Phase 2 is a different story. Still pretty fun, it is far more challenging mostly because of the avoidance phase that requires decent RNG for the first part and extremely precise movement for the next. After that there is a gradius phase that can be skipped and you're done. Overall it's a pretty good boss with some tough RNG here and there. It's also arguably harder than most of boss rush that comes later on.

Stage 6 has far tougher needle than the previous stages. Every screen will pose a challenge and the game knows this: The music changes for every screen as they know you will be stuck here a while (incidentally stage 6 took me less time than stage 5, although I did take a break and play other fangames in between). GR has some tricky jumps, especially the last save. Dotkid is a neat introduction to 2x2px needle. Crimson has some cool skips that you can try out if you wish. Breaking Out is one extremely long save with high choke potential. Seven Trials may look scary but as each save is never particularly long it's actually one of the easier screens in stage 6. Just be sure to know what align you need for some saves to make your life a lot easier. The first save of Catastrophe is pretty much a meat-grinder, try and jump between the third and fourth spike and hop out. Lovetrap was the hardest screen in my opinion and a worthy final screen before the infamous boss rush. Don't shoot the final switch before hitting the save or you will have a nasty surprise.

After Lovetrap you are transported to a room with 4 teleporters, each containing a nerfed version of the final boss from some of the fangames featured in Stage 6. Despite there nerfs, each boss will still pose a challenge even to experienced players. For me being a newer player, this room became my nightmare.

On the far left you have Titan Dweevil, the final boss of I Wanna be the Destination. This version only has one attack per colour and less overall health. An incredibly fun, but challenging boss that is extremely rewarding to beat. Keep a level head on the final phase and you'll find it isn't so bad.

Next to Titan Dweevil are the Four Gods from Crimson. These four bosses have less health than in the original. This boss is particularly cool because there are so many different strategies to beat it. My slow, but safe strategy was: Lower all colours to half health, then lower green to 1hp, then kill red, then kill yellow, then kill blue, then kill green.

3rd in from the left is Nue Houjuu, a character from the Touhou series and the final boss in I Wanna Make it Breaking Out. This boss features the infinite jump gimmick and is composed of six phases. The first phase is simple enough and rarely gives bad RNG. Phase 2 is the worst phase in the fight. Unpredictable orbs will surround you and you must take any gaps you can find to insure you kill her quickly. Phase 3 is relatively tricky RNG barrage and phase 4 is pattern. There is a cheese strat for phase 5. The final phase is a very precise pattern that will require several attempts to learn.

Finally, on the far right is Gravity Man, a nerfed version of the final boss from I Wanna be the Popularity. Not many people like Gravity Man, for some reason I loved it. It's a really nice pattern fight to learn and relatively relaxing compared to the other three bosses. The final phase does have really annoying RNG, but as long as you focus on shooting him down as quick as possible, it isn't so bad.

After you beat these four bosses you must then fight a fifth boss: Big Kid.
Heavily nerfed from Lovetrap, this boss is still tough if you try to go too fast. Patience is key particularly towards the end when the bouncing apple spawns. It is possible to sink below the water bullets and jump back up into the next one - a key strategy that is required for certain dodges. Once you lower his healthbar to zero you exit the room and fall outside into a nighttime chase. The game autosaves here.

The Chase sequence is ~80 seconds long and by far the hardest platforming in the entire game. This isn't filled with easy jumps either: Dropgates, shuriken gates, dickspikes, f-jumps a couple M-Jumps and far more await you. The final drop is also easy to die to. Yet unlike Rainbow Miku I actually enjoyed this part of the game a lot. This section was my favourite part of the game as it was such a fun grind to progress through and a massive breath of fresh air after fighting 5 bosses before it. The music is also an excellent choice.

After the Chase you finally finish Stage 6 proper and enter M-Stage, the seventh and shortest stage of all. While the saves are tough, this should be a breeze to anyone if you made it this far. M-Stage took me under 2 hours in total, The Chase by comparison took me 10.
After ten saves you reach the final boss, Kamilia herself in all her glory. Composed of four phases. She was by far and away the hardest part of the game for me.

The falling orb barrage in Phase 1 was pretty much the only thing wrong with the phase. Very often this attack would be undodgeable and incredibly frustrating to do. After this attack you must beat 5 attacks in a row based off of the previous bosses in the game. Each attack is extremely tough for a first-timer. It took me two hours to beat one attack just once. 5 in a row took me a further 12 hours to pull off. After beating phase 1 the game autosaves (thankfully).

Phase 2 is trash. I hated it for the longest time. I was stuck on this part of the game for many many hours. Kamilia reappears with a health bar. You must shoot at her and get it down to zero while dodging one of the six different attacks she fires at you. Every time you shoot her an apple will randomly (?) spawn from certain areas of the edge of the room. Every time her attack goes through three cycles two projectiles will spawn up from either side of the room and explode. This sounds good right? Wrong. There are so so many ways you can die unfairly to this phase it’s not even funny, it’s unbelievably frustrating and demoralizing to get so close to killing her to just get sniped by a projectile you didn’t see (yes the colours are very similar to the background), bad apple spawns killing you, low explosion spawns giving impossible dodges and super fast bullets hitting you out of nowhere. Not to mention every time you beat it, you must then beat phase 3 and 4 in one go or you return right back here, healthbar fully restored and all.

Phase 3 is unwelcoming after beating phase 2 for the first few times. It is entirely pattern and relatively simple to learn. Once you beat it the first time you won’t be dying here very often. My real problem was phase 4 which took me 50 attempts to beat before clearing. Phase 4 is an endurance test. Kamilia returns with 300hp and you must kill her while dodging any one of the ten attacks she uses on you. 9 of the 10 are pattern attacks, some are far easier than others. Dying here was painful but a useful part of the grind as it made me very consistent at phase 2. When you finally kill her you get a huge rewarding feeling that I’ve yet to experience in any other fangame.

In conclusion, I started this game several months ago as a total fangame noob. I watched people speedrun this game and never thought one day I’d actually beat it. K2 gave me many skills I can use in other fangames and is absolutely my all-time favourite fangame that everybody should play regardless of skill. It is an incredibly tough but rewarding adventure.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Medley BossRush
[8] Likes
Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 80 80
Oct 4, 2016
For: I wanna conquer the Astronomy
Tagged as: Needle JC
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 75 75
Oct 4, 2016
For: I wanna be the Lucien Needle
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna be the Incremental Game
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 70 70
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna ч3 easy-ver
I'm not really a fan of Uyad's L games, and this isn't any better designed or made than his others, but I had a surprising amount of fun playing through this (aside from the first and last saves). I don't see myself recommending it though.

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Tagged as: L_Game
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 70 70
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna be the Outer Side
Lost interest too quickly. Felt a bit too grindy, and the Nickel area as in the green screenshots felt like every other jump was basically "Here are two gates at various distances and heights from one another". Other than that, just a lot of ledges and corners and such.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna eat the Rori Girl
Easy avoidance for beginners in the traditional style. Its pretty and mostly slow attacks that still require dodging. Not too much downtime so while being easy isn't particularly boring.

As Kanaris indicated - there's a lot of clutter though that makes it not always entirely clear what does need to be dodged and what doesn't - but since as an easier avoidance this isn't much of a hindrance.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 20 20
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna challenge 100 trials!!
it's neat
also the final boss theme is awesome can anyone tell me where its from

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 35 35
Oct 3, 2016
For: I wanna Erode
has God Mode ...

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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 0 0
Oct 3, 2016
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