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For: I wanna be the Chokochoko
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 5 5
Apr 24, 2016
For: I Wanna Break The Series Z
Well, I can't say that this was entirely bad. The beginning of the game was alright-ish. The first stage was almost entirely uninteresting, with some particularly bad screen choices (Why would you want THAT screen from Best Guy in your game?), but the next three stages introduce some decent/nice screen choices (Tribute, Heady and Color, to name some). The poor screen choices are still there (Game Terminator 2, Don't wanna be the gay and Kill the Guy are some of the most visible ones), but they're bearable for the most part.
I'm starting to get flashbacks here, though, because Stage 5 is where this game starts to downgrade, and it downgrades really quickly. There's nothing wrong with some needle screens in your medley game, but when the vast majority of a stage in your game is filled with needle screens, and you actually took the time to include generic and bland needle screens such as 1map, 2map and, specially, Test my Control (Again, why would you want THAT in your game?), you should definitely rethink your screen choices. It's like the maker didn't know of any hard and creative screens that he could use at Stages 5 and 6, so he just spammed needle screens and hoped for it to work. And many of these screens were the classic screens with hard jumps and many saves, the particular kind of screen that you shouldn't overuse because they get old really quickly. Even the non-needle screens were mostly bland (Love Trap, Catastrophe and King were probably the worst choices). I also find it amusing that you can skip a fair share of GR's screen because there aren't save blockers. Stage 5 and Stage 6 were just a disaster overall.
The bosses aren't very different. The first three bosses are decent, and actually fun to learn. Their patterns are easy to understand and to follow, and most harder attacks can be made easier with the use of specific tactics. Among the next four bosses, however, only one of them is playable: The other ones are a massive disaster.
The fourth boss is Dark Boshy, from Kill the Guy. You shouldn't be able to ruin Dark Boshy, but this game does exactly that. First off, the background looks horrible. It's a scrolling question mark grid that moves awfully quickly, being distracting and painful to the eyes at the same time. But this is a minor issue, compared to the boss itself. Awfully luck-based RNG attacks and pattern attacks that go on for too long with the sole purpose of wasting the player's time are bad by themselves, but when combined they become much worse. There's simply no way to understand the lightnings at the beginning of the fight, they simply kill you whenever they feel like it. The banana has a bad habit of walling the player. The shurikens go on for way too long, and their timing is horrible to learn. The attacks in the platform phase aren't too bad by themselves, but their projectiles are awful to see because they are too tiny (Specially the red dots) and the background is way too confusing. Combine that with glitchy platforms that can get the player stuck on them and push him to the edge of the screen if he touches their sides, and that sometimes simply don't allow the player to jump (Which is perfect, since the hardest part of the boss is exactly the platform phase), and you have the massive disaster that is the fourth boss.
If the fourth boss is horrible because of the extreme RNG, however, the fifth boss, the Cheetahman, is awful for the exact opposite reason. He's a pattern-heavy boss with a fair share of uneventful attacks that make it extremely boring. There's absolutely no reason for Big Kid's attack to take longer than 10 seconds. Actually, there's no reason for Big Kid's attack to exist at all. Every attack up to Big Kid is simple pattern that can be learned within a few attempts, but the attack that comes right after Big Kid is simply horrible to learn. It doesn't help that the attack is placed so far into the fight, and every time you die you must do over 30 seconds of boring pattern before you can get another chance to try it. Once you get past this pattern attack, you'll have to kill the Cheetahman, which also takes way too long for no reason at all, since there's absolutely no challenge in this part of the fight. And once you 'kill' the Cheetahman, a huge Cheetahman appears, starting the only part of the fight that has actual RNG...And it's also horrible, because those hurricanes can spawn at really inconvenient places and this phase takes way too long.
Stage 6's boss is the only playable boss of the group. It's a simple avoidance, and the only bad thing about it is that it uses a music that definitely doesn't work well with avoidances.
So, before we move on to the last boss, there's a thing that needs to be said about this game. Series Z games, in general, are heavily influenced by the Kamilia series, and it's not too hard to notice that: The similarities and references are extremely visible. This one was heavily influenced by both, K1 and K2, and as such, the last boss of this game tried to be a mixture of both, K1 and K2's last bosses, using the structure of the first Kamilia but with the kind of attacks you'd see in the second Kamilia. The idea wasn't bad, but the execution was horrible. The first three phases are alright-ish, but the fourth phase is awfully luck-based, and the fifth phase is even worse. The next phase has a really annoyingly timed pattern attack that really shouldn't be there, followed by a weird RNG-pattern combination thing that can wall you once in a while. It feels a lot like Blood Festival's Miku, but on a minor scale, where you have to wait through simple intro attacks that are there just to waste your time, then get lucky with the RNG attacks and finally die a lot at the pattern attacks until you learn them (Don't forget that every time you die at the pattern, you have to go back to the beginning and waste more time at the intro attacks before you can get another chance to get past the luck-based RNG attacks, and only then have another guess at how is that pattern attack supposed to work. It's probably the worst structure for a boss you can use). I actually liked the last phase, though, although the last 10 seconds are just fillers and have no reason to be there.
There's some interesting stuff in this game, but for the most part, it's just awful and simply not worth the effort. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Medley
[6] Likes
Rating: 3.1 31       Difficulty: 64 64
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna be the Rare
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Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 30 30
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna be the Devil Tune
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 65 65
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna Orion
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna be the Castle
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Rating: 2.2 22       Difficulty: 53 53
Apr 24, 2016
For: I Wanna Find A Test Player
Cool game!

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[1] Like
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 10 10
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna be the Bloodbath
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna Concierge
Interesting avoidance.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Miku
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 24, 2016
For: I wanna be the 冒険
Tagged as: Adventure Trap
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 24, 2016
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