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For: I wanna be the Guy:Gaiden(本家2)
The official sequel to the original IWBTG. It's short, it has good production value, but I didn't care for the level design. The use of the hook mechanic has been done far better in other fangames, and the platforming is very lackluster. There's some trolls and stuff, but honestly the game is overhyped. If this game were made by anyone else nobody would have given shit.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 3, 2015
For: I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版)
This game seems to flip between not caring at all and caring a lot, though that seems to be because of the very differing styles of the two creators. Aside from a couple of manoeuvres in the later floors, the only real difficulty is figuring out how some of the special objects work. There is the titular 8possible mode which gives you 8 lives to beat the game if you want a far greater challenge than is indicated by my difficulty score here.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 20 20
Mar 3, 2015
For: I wanna be the Engine Kilgour22 Edition
Tagged as: Engine
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 3, 2015
For: I Wanna Happy to the xxx
Song is 恥ずかs××× by Lamaze-P, Featuring 初音ミク (Miku)

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 3, 2015
For: I wanna swear the Covenant
Visually pleasing stages of needle, and one boss at the end (the final attack's RNG can be impossible sometimes).
After the boss, if you take the red warp you can go to an extra stage, two screens of hard jumps (planes, corners, etc.) and then a 90 second long medium-hard avoidance.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
Mar 2, 2015
For: I wanna conquer the blow game 2
Not much harder than the first one, but pretty much better. It's better-looking, has better music, and better bosses. There are very few 'hard' parts, like a certain jump at Floor 99, but overall, the difficulty is pretty much the same. Not that this is a bad thing, this is a fangame I would recommend for beginners.

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Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 25 25
Mar 2, 2015
For: I wanna Story
Second stage is a puzzle, and the instructions are in Japanese, so I got stuck there. It seemed pretty cool until then.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 2, 2015
For: I wanna spend Christmas as usual -unlimited version-
A couple of screens with random stuff that kills you, very easy stuff, and then a Santa boss.

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 10 10
Mar 2, 2015
For: I wanna go to 1Floor
Fairly standard 50 floor game. Nearly every screen has multiple ways of completing it. Usually one way is ridiculously hard and the other is ridiculously easy which sounds kind of neat, but in reality it just makes playing the game not feel good. If you take the easy way you feel like a wuss, but if you do the hard way you feel like your wasting your time trying to do something when you could just first try the easy way. Its sort of a lose-lose situation (unless you get the hard way right away then it feels good). There are a few screens that only offer one way to complete it though and those can be quite challenging for beginners. Overall there are some enjoyable parts and nothing is too frustrating.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 2, 2015
For: I wanna conquer the blow game
Easy 100-floor game. Probably the least interesting of the series.

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Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 21 21
Mar 2, 2015
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