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For: I wanna eat Sheep spike 2
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 30 30
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna Design
This game sets up it's gimmick from the very beginning. You have the ability to change the world around you with paint bullets. Cool idea, right? You use your new painting ability to navigate a screen and complete your task.

Things are changing now as different paint colors are thrown into the mix. Each paint color changes the world in a different way. The pacing is impeccable. You learn as a player how to balance your different abilities, to use your paints methodically. The game grows slowly to grand sizes, numerous paints at your disposal you must look at your world in an entirely new way. Obstacles are now pathways, spikes now bridges. Planning the order of your new skills must be thought out entirely or you will have to start all over again.

Semi-ironically, the design of the game has some flaws to it. The painting system becomes over complicated in the last level as multiple paints accomplish similar goals. This means you must try out different paints on the same spike until you figure out which paint you won't need later in the level. This trial and error becomes frustrating as it makes the puzzle game feels like you put extra pieces in the box. Sure the puzzle is still going to get made, but you are going to end up spending a lot of time finding the unwanted pieces.

The other major flaw is in the second to last level in which the design is simply boring and uninspired. The other worlds, however are all very interesting and exciting to work through.

When puzzle games come to mind, this game will forever a favorite for me, despite to problems it has.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Puzzle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be Easy!
Apart from a couple boss fights this was a really easy game, took just under an hour to complete by a total noob! The boss fights however were on the whole really fun and was overall a decent game.

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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 19 19
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be the My heart goes on
"Video Games can never be art." ~Roger Ebert.

Look at us now, Roger. Look at us now.

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Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 1 1
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna HunyaaPunpun
This was the first fangame I played after finishing IWBTG, and although it was quite easy I found it to have a really good difficulty curve towards the end and was a really fun game. I also tried to attempt some of the harder optional routes which was fun and gave me a better idea of what I can expect in harder fangames. Overall really good and I would definitely recommend it the other beginners.

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 28 28
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be the 3200min
As far as spike games go, this game fits right into the mold. While it rarely dares to go outside of the norm, it does what it does as well as you can expect. This game is very straightforward in terms of spike jumps and newcomers will be able to know what to do with ease, while performing said jumps may prove challenging. While I feel this game doesn't dare to do the unexpected, it does the expected incredibly well, often making incredible use of the entire screen in great ways. The path for each screen winds incredibly well, seeming complicated to the eye, but natural as a player. Those who enjoy the idea of spike jumping games or want an introduction before attempting any hardcore needle games will find this game fantastic. Those who expect it bring something new to the table will be disappointed.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 36 36
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be United
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be the Crimson ripoff
A nice 50 Floor needle game. As the name implies, the game follows the same format as the Crimson needle series where the rooms use sprites from other popular games, but the level designs are original. The game has good music and the level designs are good for a needle game since it doesn't use generic jumps. This game is not easy, but most of the segments are pretty fair even if a few are long. Highly recommended for any needle fan.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 69 69
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna QoQoQo
One of the hardest 100 floor games I have played with some great platforming and nice routes. The last ten floors really demands concentration. The bosses could have been more interesting though

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 21, 2015
For: I wanna be the Koramune trap
Nice fangame. Focused on traps (Not the best ones you'll ever see, but some are still creative), it brings out long segments of nothing more than traps, traps, traps, traps, and one or two difficult jumps, and more traps. The bosses are a bit on the meh side (The only somewhat interesting one is the last one), but it's still fun, and quite well-made.

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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 36 36
Feb 21, 2015
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