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For: I wanna be on Friday!!
Extra points for the avoidance theme, it was funny.
Generic, but somewhat fun needle game. The difficulty curve is solid for a needle game (Which means that it's still sloppy, but not that bad), and the visuals are nice. Nice musics, and they don't restart. Plus, the death sound is low. The yellow stage was quite pointless, since it was far easier than the previous ones, and simply didn't fit in the game in any way. It was fun, sure, just didn't fit in the game.
If you don't bother about tons of generic jumps, you might want to give this one a try.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Gimmick
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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 66 66
Apr 9, 2015
For: I wanna be the Locus
Review updated. Rating finally includes secrets and extra.
One of the great older fangames. I didn't have any high hopes for this one, and these hopes didn't go up in the first stage. It's not generic, but the traps aren't anything outstanding or funny (Maybe surprising once in a while), and the moving enemies are far more annoying than you can possibly imagine. However, Stage 2 is the one used in the Stage Rush of Cultured, and you can tell that the game's quality goes up (And the difficulty probably goes down a bit). The level design gets more creative, and the visuals are more pleasant to look at. With few exceptions, it's also great gameplay-wise.
Stage 3 brings us the gimmicks. I have mixed feelings about this stage. At one hand, I love the creativity of some gimmicks, and how well are they used for the most part, and yet, one thing kills the whole stage: The invisible kid. The concept is great, and it could even be fun to use this gimmick, but the game didn't use this concept to its fullest. The result is the last save of the stage, probably the most annoying in the whole game.
Stage 4 is by far my favorite. This time, you're in a water stage, and must get through lots of passages to unlock new paths, while avoiding stuff such as eletric waves, traps and ocasionally some basic needle jumps. This is the most brutal stage of the game when it comes to chases, and the needle jumps are casually placed in an unmerciful way. Nevertheless, the level design is one of the best I've ever seen in a fangame (Nothing feels out of place, all the spikes and obstacles you'll see really feel like they belong to the stage. All of them. And that's very, very rare to see in a fangame), and the visuals are great as well. It feels like a completely different game.
The boss is great, as well. It's not as hard as most of the platforming, but it's still a bit hard, without being unfair. There's always room for you to escape (Almost always, actually), and the fight is very fun overall. Plus, the boss is cute.
The secrets, on the other hand, are a true letdown. Stage 1 and Stage 2's secrets are very uninteresting and even boring, to a certain extent. Stage 2's secret is also very confusing to reach, with a completely unnecessary placement for some triggers. Stage 3's secret is terrible. The first and the last jumps are two things that I just want to never go through again. Stage 4's secret is the only one that is somewhat interesting, it lives up to the stage's platforming to a certain extent.
However, these secrets are needed for the next part of the game: The extra stage. This stage is just wonderful. There are diagonal spikes, which allows the game to introduce a lot of interesting needle jumps. There are moving wheels, and switches that will make the lava move according to your needs. Everything is very well-designed and original, and just like Stage 4 it's something that you probably won't see in another fangame. Also, the background gets more and more red according to how deep you go in the stage, which creates a very interesting atmosphere. I actually like it at least as much as I like Stage 4. Maybe even more.
Then, the extra boss comes. Another letdown. It's a simple avoidance with standart visuals (I just got out of one of the most amazing extra stages I've ever seen to face...This?), and mostly uninteresting attacks. I just can't bring myself to like it. It's still not bad enough to ruin the game, though, it's just...Nothing outstanding, in a very outstanding game.
There are a couple issues with the game, such as the restarting musics (They are great, and the death music is nice, but knowing the game's difficulty, you won't get to enjoy much of them), Stage 1 and the secrets, but nothing serious, and I believe that Stage 1 is intended to be bad (It's still an issue, though). Also, the extra stage makes up for the secrets.
Basically, this game gets better and harder as you progress through it. So, if you believe you're skilled enough, I definitely recommend it. Otherwise, I highly advise you to stay away to polish your skills for a little longer.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Puzzle
[5] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 79 79
Apr 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the Gay lizard
An April Fool's game that is fairly short but loaded with trolls.

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Tagged as: Troll
[3] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 8, 2015
For: Wish me luck
Yeah, the biggest problem with this game is the background. It makes the spikes almost impossible to see. The level design, however, is rather excellent and surprisingly original for an "easy" needle game. Wholeheartedly recommended, as long as you can bear the spikes almost being invisible from time to time.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 30 30
Apr 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the Ceiling fan
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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版)
Outstanding 121-floor game, very well produced. You won't get bored despite the low difficulty (on 500possible anyway), because the game makers weren't greedy: most gimmicks appear very few times (even only once), which makes the overall game very diversified. Essentially, it's Genki lite.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 20 20
Apr 8, 2015
For: Serial Experiments Kid
I'll start with the good parts of this game. First, there is a story! An actual, well-developed storyline, which is actually really great and by far my favorite part of this game.
Also, the treasure chests are already a bit common in fangames, but this game gives a Zelda-ish feeling, thanks to its puzzle-oriented nature together with the constant need of unlocking different paths with different items to progress in the game. I honestly would like to see a few more items, like a Hookshot, or maybe a Spinner, but that would probably be asking too much.
The stages are also incredibly great, mainly Stages 3 and 4. Stage 3 has the Great Bay Temple (From Majora's Mask) music, and the stage's design also reminds me a lot of that dungeon, in a really good way. Lots of switches, puzzles and exploring. By far, my favorite stage of the game. Stage 4 is also good, featuring a sub-boss for the first time, and lots of funny, well-made and well-animated traps.
Being able to switch between weapons with X + arrow keys is quite useful once you know where each weapon is, since you can switch instantly between them, allowing a much more flexible game (Try switching weapons in any Zelda game. You'll understand why did I like this game's system so much).
The bosses are a bit tough and simplistic at the same time, but still fun (The first one is a bit too RNG-based, but nothing that will take you more than 20 tries, if you're really unlucky).

Now, moving on to the bad side...First off, the story is in japanese, and there's no way of translating it. Meh. Awfully high death sound and sound effects, with a fitting restarting music. Way to ruin the mood. I really didn't like the platform wheel screen in the zoomed in stage. Memorizing where each fireball is coming from and avoiding it while making the wheel move is really annoying. And the last boss' spinning attack is one of the most boring and pointless attacks I've seen in a very long while.
That being said, the good parts are awesome enough to make up for the bad ones, I guess. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Puzzle
[5] Likes
Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 52 52
Apr 8, 2015
For: 上下針祭り500!
About 2.6 times as good as 192

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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 15 15
Apr 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the Monochromatic
This is one of those games where the screens start off with no spikes then spikes are added each time you beat it. I really dislike this concept because the level design gets boring having to beat just slightly different versions of what you just played. I found most jumps to be very tedious and repeating the same weird super-F variation was pretty annoying, not to mention in the end you need to do a downward plane after one of them. Also without jump cancelling this game would be significantly harder. I did like the art style of the game, but overall I found the hard segments were trying to hard to be difficult which made them really unfun.

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Tagged as: Needle
[2] Likes
Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 80 80
Apr 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the Danny tanner
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 10 10
Apr 7, 2015
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