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For: I wanna go to the Two dimensions
WTF did i just play?Reallyt fun trolls penalty area ofcousrse but really short and easy :)

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Rating: 5.1 51       Difficulty: 20 20
Apr 2, 2015
For: I wanna be the Green Needle
A nice needle game that's a good challenge for players of a middle skill level. The green theme is pretty great, and the single song in the game is upbeat and nice listening when grinding out some of the harder saves.
The game is not very long, less than 10 screens. Each screen consists of 3 or 4 saves, and most saves have 1 or 2 jumps that end up being the sticking point. The platforming design is pretty basic, but well-done. It makes good use of spikes, and pretty much spikes alone; very few of the jumps involve challenging block placements, and most of the saves take place in straight corridors with strictly spikes inside, which was a format I didn't mind at all.
This one was pretty fun all the way through. I think this game is a great choice for people who have good experience with easier fangames, and are looking to get into more challenging needle for the first time.

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Tagged as: Needle NoBoss
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 2, 2015
For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
My rating is on beating both needle and boss paths.
This game is amazing.Everything about is perfect the visuals,music,needle,bosses,storyline euhh.
This game is probobly the closest to an amazing game that deserves 10/10 but the storyline and some of the bosses can be unfair because of too many bullets on screen and beaing impossible or really hard to doghe,but overall amazing game.

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 2, 2015
For: I wanna be GENKI with you
GENKI is a longer fangame with a very striking style, accompanied by average platforming with a lot of gimmicks and light puzzle elements. Every stage has a different appearance, and consists of a platforming section followed by a boss.
Where this game excels is aesthetics, with tons of pleasant and original animated sprites that fill the levels with motion and make them feel alive. Most of the tile-sets look great too, and in some of the levels, the feeling of atmosphere is hard to match. The style is quirky, a little bit messy, but very enjoyable. The whole game carries a slightly eerie vibe. The music choices are usually a nice touch, but kind of forgettable.
The levels and gimmicks are sometimes puzzle-oriented, but the puzzle elements are pretty shallow, and never take the focus. The platforming is unique with its heavy use of gimmicks, but is definitely lacking something, and usually a little vague. I was bored at times, although thankfully it never became a chore to play through thanks to the plentiful gimmicks and the great visuals.
The bosses are also unique, and more inventive than the platforming. They're all on the easy side, but I had fun with them. Some make you damage them in ways other than shooting directly at them, and they'll throw some interesting stuff at you.
Overall it's a good game, but not a great game. Although a little boring at times, it's definitely still worth your time for being a great looking game and unique, if not successful, in almost every aspect. I think less experienced players would especially enjoy this game.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Long
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 2, 2015
For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
Let me preface this review with saying I enjoyed this game, and I enjoyed it quite a lot at that. All of the visuals were made from scratch in Adobe Illustrator, and even though I am quite biased towards vector graphics, they look amazing. Music selection was quite good as well. The needle was somewhat difficult without being frustrating, something that you cannot achieve easily. In addition, the game features a handy align button which shows any aligns you would need: perfect for those who do not know about aligns or those who do not want to be bothered.
However, the reason why this game is not rated a nine or ten by me is the bosses. You can skip all of them except the final boss (which I did enjoy quite a bit), but all of the stage bosses are filled with RNG, and I could not bother to finish them. Even though you can skip them, looking at the big picture, I believe that my rating is justified.

EDIT: 8.5/10 -> 7/10
The more and more I think about it, the more this game seems just okay. Looking at my original review, I was very much caught in the hype and being careful not to step on any toes with a fairly popular game...

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 2, 2015
For: めちゃくちゃ簡単なアイワナ
A few screens of easy and generic platforming followed by a hellish Touhou-like boss. It's a hell of a bullet hell (In other words, there are plenty of bullets, to say the least), with slow projectiles and, of course, small hitbox. The boss is nicely made and good-looking, although fighting against it doesn't suit my definition of 'fun'. Would have been more interesting without the misleading platforming at the beginning.
If you like slow-paced avoidances, like Fib, and want to get one step further, you might want to try this one out.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 51 51
Apr 1, 2015
For: I Wanna be the GreeeeN
Fun 60 screen game that is very gimmicky. If you liked Dark Blue you'll like this one. There are a few screens that have obnoxious gimmicks, but overall its a good challenge for newer players.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 1, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Toast
Ugh. There we go.
The intro is nice, you see stuff shaking and you have a timer already, what is gonna happen, what is gonna happen? In the end, you just wander around and jump into a random block to start the game.
Alright, why did the game lose the urgency atmosphere so suddenly to teleport you to a badly designed needle segment? This is the second game that manages to make me dislike a simple black-and-white needle segment. I wonder how do they manage to do that.
As I was saying, the level design is bad. The difficulty curve is a mess. The music could be good, but it's a needle game with restarting music. How much of it do you expect to hear? The save placement seems random (At least most of the saves are at the floor, so it's not that bad. Most), and this game got one of the worst parts of Boshy: The boss-blocker platforming. That's right. After the last save, there is yet another sequence of generic jumps (Ceiling downwards diagonals, to be more precise, specially meant to make everything even more annoying) before the boss. This means that if you die at the boss, you'll have to do all these tedious jumps again to get another try. There is a portal gimmick whose only purpose is actually doing a faster work than moving platforms, not changing anything in the platforming. This wouldn't be a problem if this gimmick wasn't glitched to the core, forcing you to jump more than necessary to make it work. And there is one of these right before the boss, along with the diagonals. Fun, right?
With all that, you would think that at least the boss must be good, right? To make up for all you had to go through in the platforming? Of course not. The boss is a short avoidance of RNG with aimed attacks and bouncing cherries. I didn't bother turning the game's sound on again to see if at least the music is good, but that wouldn't change much, as the avoidance is basically hard in a RNG-cheap way, forces you to go through tedious jumps for no reason as soon as you die, and the attacks are generic, boring and luck-based, all at the same time. There isn't even a toast in this game for you to kill!
As you might have guessed by now, wouldn't recommend. Unless you are overflowing with energy and need something to make you bored.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 41 41
Apr 1, 2015
For: I wanna uhuhu spike 3
I forgot about the existence of this one for a while.
This is the last one of the Uhuhu series, and thus, some things have changed (Some have not). I still don't like the music (That didn't change through the series), but the difficulty stays a bit more solid through the game than in the previous ones (Not as many saves for free). The jumps are more creative here (Less gate jumps), but some of them are repeated in annoying ways. I mean, it's nice to do unusual jumps, so can we keep them as unusual jumps, please? The visuals aren't really my favorite, mainly because of the background, but I still like them.
I had more fun with this than with the second one, but I must admit, the second one is better in an overall look. Would still recommend this one, as well.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 57 57
Apr 1, 2015
For: I wanna be the Dapper Dan
At first you think it's a troll trap game, then you think its a serious platformer, then you think it's a troll, and so it continues. Despite this, the game is really well made and has nice production, especially once you get past the first area which is deliberately made to look standard. The game actually gets pretty challenging in the later stages and the level design is pretty good. There's a few segments I found to be pretty frustrating, but overall it's worth playing.

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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 1, 2015
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