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For: I wanna be Nimi
Not really my favorite fangame. The music is nice, and it doesn't restart, and the visuals are nice too, but the good things stop there. The difficulty curve is imprecise and unstable, the gimmicks are annoying, some jumps are quite harder than they should be. The bouncing floor at a certain screen forces you to do a sequence of extremely precise jumps that exceed by far everything else in the game when it comes to difficulty. Some screens have backtracking (The bad kind of backtracking), and I only saw one trap with potential to be funny, ruined because it was used in the wrong way.
The last screen is a needle screen with some easy jumps, and was probably the most enjoyable part because it was pure and simple needle, without bad gimmicks or traps. Generic jumps, but even so, I enjoyed it a bit. It's sad that the only good things I can bring out about this game are the visuals, the music and the last screen. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 44 44
Mar 23, 2015
For: I wanna help the Fairy tale
7 stage fantasy themed fangame. Each stage has a theme or gimmick it sticks to with a fantasy boss at the end which is just an image you shoot as it shoots various projectiles at you like most fangame bosses. Most of the platforming is easy with a few tricky saves and all the bosses are easy except maybe the last two or so where RNG can make things difficult. Overall good production value and atmosphere would recommend to beginners.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna be the ORE SAIKYOU!!
This fangame employs a pretty unique concept. The jumps all look insanely difficult, but the spike hitboxes are actually lesser then what they appear to be. It's interesting, but that gimmick is all this really has going for it. The single screen here isn't particularly fun, and there's little production value.
I also have a hard time imagining a good use for a gimmick like this, other than simply making jumps look harder than they really are, and that's something I don't see a lot of purpose for other than to be deceitful.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Special Short
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna be the MC
Decent beginner-oriented fangame. Easily doable, the hardest things in this game are a few long jumps, falls and a certain save with moving spikes.
The visuals are somewhat nice, but the bosses are the classic giant cherries. Meh.
It's not exactly a game I would recommend, but if you want to play it, it won't do you any harm.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 25 25
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna be Minimal
Minimal is a really great looking (and sounding) game with good production all around.

The platforming is enjoyable and original. It takes an artistic approach to needle layouts. A lot of levels are almost entirely vertical or horizontal, use symmetry, strange spike sizes and configurations, and require you to move in unconventional ways. Not a huge difficulty curve from beginning to end.

The bosses are very simple but fun. Like the rest of the game, they look good and are accompanied by great music.

The level designs are really pleasing to the eye, with a lot of intricate designs weaved in, out and around the platforming. Ironically, this may be the most noteworthy aspect of the game, which is not minimal at all. More in line with the theme suggested by the title, sprites are solid colors, which gives a nice aesthetic.

Attention was paid to sound as well. The music is relaxing and will draw you in to the abstract levels. There is an alternate, fitting death sound, the save points make a great noise, and a handful of other details throughout.

Well-conceived and maybe one of the more cohesive 'experiences' that I've had with a needle game. Everyone should play this.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna smoke Snoop's Weed
Despite looking like a Weston game, it is not made by K I N G S T O N K Y. It is actually made by Electric, and it is about finding Snoop Dogg and smoke his weed. 10/10 plot and 10/10 visuals, would smoke everyday.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 38 38
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna VE music
Trigger-heavy fangame. It has everything that everyone loves in fangames: Cheap fast traps, invisible blocks and fake blocks where you don't want them to be, the most tedious trigger sequences...You can even save inside of a spike, if you're not careful! And, of course, bad visuals (Using the old tilesets in the worst possible way). Did I mention that the boss doesn't attack, by the way?
There are some puzzle-ish triggers (Most poorly designed), but they're very tedious, so I can't say that it's a good thing.
I didn't think that I would see a new fangame without anything good for me to say about it, but here is one. I highly recommend to not play it.

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Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 0.8 8       Difficulty: 47 47
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna be the Neurosis
I'm really angry because I downloaded it before the last save was nerfed. I'll say sorry in advance, but this rating is based in the previous version (The one that was up until 2 days ago), because I don't know if there are other changes in the game aside from the nerfed last save, and I won't play it again to find out. But anyway, let's start this.
This is a psychodelic needle game. It's very, very well-made in many ways. I'll start with my favorite parts of the game. First, the death sound. I recognize this death sound. I don't know if it was directly taken from there, but this is Limbo's death sound, a simple 'Crack!'. No better death sound could be chosen. I've played plenty of hard fangames (By hard I mean the ones where you die a lot), and I often had to mute the game halfway through because I was getting headaches from the death sounds. No matter how nice the music was, the continous death sounds would ruin it. This 'Crack!' is far more relaxing, and doesn't interfere with the music. Which brings me to the next point.
The second part I loved in this game is the music. While I saw a couple 'meh' musics in this game (Last screen was the worst part), most of them were really nice and fitting for the chapter. The horror ones weren't particularly incredible, although some were sorta of creepy, but the psychodelic ones and the Chapter 7's first part one were amazing.
I also loved the Chapter division, giving each chapter a theme, and making a plot for the game, a journey through the mind of a neurotic Kid towards, hopefully, the cure (At least, I think that Chapter 7: Return references the Kid getting his sanity back). The chapters were very well-themed. I personally loved Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 7 the most for this matter, as the first 3 ones have a psychodelic theme, mainly Chapter 3, where the kid seems to walk at the nothing and parts of the needle screens are under you, while Chapter 7 was a very cool representation of a return, culminating at the last screen, where the neurosis seems to be falling appart, with the world finally getting colors other than gray, black, white and red, the last trial theme and everything (I would only complain about the music here, it didn't sound very fitting). The other ones were nice, but didn't catch my attention this much.
The level design was also interesting. Some new jumps, mainly at falls, were really catchy, and the old ones weren't overused. The switch spikes at a certain screen of Stage 2 were particularly interesting, and I liked the sound effect used there. I have a few individual complaints about a couple screens where the red and white spikes don't mix well, and about a screen at Stage 5 whose fake blocks sound awkwardly bad in the game, but aside from that, I loved it.
The difficulty curve is very odd. Some saves are horribly hard, requiring up to 3 or 4 hard jumps in a row, and then the next save can be 1st-tried. But since this doesn't seem to be a focus in the game, I won't really bother about it.
It's definitely a worthy experience. If you feel like your needle skills are sharpened enough, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 68 68
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna be the Neurosis
Gameplay: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Production Value: 7/10
Genre: Needle

A psychotic journey through a world of needles and eyeballs. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 22, 2015
For: I wanna J2
Didn't like the music as much as in the first one. At least there is some platforming on this one.

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Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 22, 2015
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