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For: I wanna H4
The worst up until now. Points only due to the music. Also, the number of squares in the background doesn't match the number of the game, like they did in all the other Hs.

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Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna H3
Today, I went on a journey to find out if all the H games are really (almost) the same. It turns out that they are.
This one doesn't even try to be creepy like the other ones.

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Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna be the Carnivorous Carnival
Rating doesn't include extra.
Nice avoidance. Most of the fight is about pattern attacks, and requires a lot of learning, as some attacks can be very, very tricky to avoid if you're not prepared. They involve curving projectiles, a bit of homing, precise jumps and quite specific blind spots. With around 30 seconds left to the end, the avoidance releases all of its RNG at once, and you'll have to deal with fast curving projectiles for a while.
Once you clear this avoidance, you can get to an extra avoidance, but since I don't really want to try it, I'll just say that's fairly different from the previous one, although the boss is the same (But recolored).
Overall, it's sorta of fun (Learning the pattern is fun, but it gets a bit tiring after a while, once you get used to the pattern, while still getting killed by RNG stuff). Would recommend to more experienced avoidance players.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 67 67
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna be Labyrinth
Says that file is corrupted when i try to extract.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna hear the Yee
i guess it's alright. alot of pattern, it took me 5 minutes. music is great though.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: 25 25
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna be the Biotope
From the maker of Forehead 1 & 2 comes an interesting but challenging platforming endeavor in the form of 7 stages. Each stage has its own gimmick, and for the most part they're fairly neat, particularly the lift apples in stage 1. The bosses are also fun early one, but at stage 4 things quickly take a turn for the difficult, as well as frustrating, as platforming becomes more precise. As is Kefey's style, there will be tons of trolls to further compound the difficulty. But if you want something challenging, but not quite as challenging as say Destination, then have at it. Just expect to stick around a good long while if you aren't too skilled a fangamer.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 80 80
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna be the BambooSwordGirl
A one-screen needle affair that ends with an avoidance fight. Credit to this game for using stock-image gorillas as obstacles, but needle difficulty is just a mite above average. As for the avoidance, it's sheer bonkers. Not necessarily in difficulty, but in all the random stuff that's thrown at you as well as the imagery. Makes it kind of silly, though the RNG ruins things toward the end, and the second third makes for unnecessary difficulty by raising up the floor a bit, making attack dodging even harder. But otherwise, pretty okay fight with some laughs over the absurdity of it.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.6 56       Difficulty: 54 54
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna be the Iwanero
Well, this game is...A bit nice, I guess. The musics are good and don't restart (By the way, IWBTMyHeartGoesOn's music is one of these musics, if that attracts any player). There aren't unreasonable jumps, the hardest jumps being corners, variations of diamonds and a few falls. The game doesn't look incredibly good, and uses the old and good tilesets from IWBTG, but they somehow look good in the game. It doesn't feel like the creator is trying to force you to look at the 'amazing' visuals, like some other needles do, because the focus is the game, so it's fairly relaxing (Thanks for the dark background).
On the other hand...The jumps are fun, but fairly generic. Diamonds, low-frames, a couple corners, falls...Stuff you see in most needle games. The difficulty curve is sloppy, and once in a while you'll feel like you've already done that sequence of jumps on this game before. I didn't really bother about that because I was looking for a relaxing needle game, but many will bother about that and about more stuff.
I had fun with this game, but it was probably because of particular circumstances (Including the games I was taking a break of). I think that many won't have as much fun, so I don't really recommend this game.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 47 47
Mar 20, 2015
For: I wanna travel Do or Die
A fun, colorful adventure game with lots of varied tilesets and great music. There are six normal stages, and a secret stage you can unlock (but there's no cohesive warp mechanic, so I'd recommend looking pretty hard as you go through the stages). Hint:it's the rooms with the funny blue spike

Difficulty ramps up gradually, but never gets too hard, although the extra stage isn't exactly free, either. Gimmicks are used well, and the sixth stage is a real treat for the eyes and ears. There are a few traps and trolls, but nothing excessive, and they're all fairly straightforward. I'm not the biggest fan of the stage select mechanic, but it works, and a little poking around will usually get you through.

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Tagged as: Adventure Secrets
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 19, 2015
For: I wanna be the Scarlet white
Good parts first. The game had some interesting gimmicks. Stages 3, 4 and 5 were nice, particularly Stage 3. Some of the traps, particularly the ones at Stage 3, were interesting. The avoidance had a good music, and the water theme seems to fit well with it. The part where the screen is ripped and Miku appears is sorta of somewhat nice (I still dislike long delays at avoidances). And I liked the bosses at Stage 3 and Stage 7.
Now, the bad parts. Aside from the stages mentioned above, the platforming was far too generic. While some of the traps were nice, some weren't. The avoidance doesn't sync with the music in the slightest, making it better for you to play it without the music, so that it won't mislead you. Still speaking of the avoidance, it was all about stuff that bouncing cherries can do, and some exploding cherries. It was nicely themed, but executed in the worst possible way. Most of the bosses were boring, and the afterward traps just made it worse because they forced you to fight those things again. It could have been a good game, but...It's not. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Trap Gimmick Miku
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 27 27
Mar 19, 2015
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