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For: I wanna meet Santa Claus
Slightly long needle game (Around 20 screens). Maybe it's just me, but its visuals add up to the music, making a great combination for an incredible headache. Xmas needle. How lovely.
Anyway, this game is quite well-made, and, headaches aside, it can be somewhat fun if you're good with needles (Seriously, if you aren't, don't play this game). The platforming isn't that hard, but once in a while you'll be faced with some cheap gimmick that'll make everything harder/more annoying than it should.
Overall, a well-made game, but too flashy, mainly at the first stage.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 54 54
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be the 27
Fairly fun game that starts slow-paced with easy screens, and gradually gets somewhat harder as it progresses, and then the first boss ruins with all the slow-paced gameplay. Yeah, it's hard. After this, you'll be faced with some traps, another (easy) boss, and then it starts. Stage 3 simply ruins everything. You'll be faced with sniper cherries, mazes of invisible spikes (They'll become visible if you are really close, but sometimes this is the same as nothing) and a few more gimmicks meant to turn this game into a platforming hell (Not exactly hard, just headache-worthy). But it gets worse.
The last boss makes the other two bosses look like a joke. It has 3 kinds of attacks: Random-based (The most used kind of attack for bosses that have more than one attack - Selects an attack randomly and uses it), Time-based (Certain specific attacks that are released from time to time) and HP-based (Extra attacks released when the boss loses a certain amount of HP). All of them can be used at the same time, and they connect well in so many ways that getting good RNG in this fight is simply too hard, turning this into more of a luck-based fight than of a skill-based one.
Overall, a good game with a difficulty curve that sharpens too suddenly.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 57 57
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be Minimal
A really unique needle style game with a great visual style that gives the game a personality, much like Catharsis. The game is broken up into a few stages, and contains a very nice and reasonable avoidance, and a multi-phase final boss at the end of the game. Highly recommended this game to most fangame players.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna MDMM
A very nice needle game that isn't full of boring generic corner jumps. Game is broken up into a few different stages and ends with an avoidance fight at the end. While the avoidance fight looked nice, I personally didn't care for it because its heavy pattern attacks with giant kill-zones that pretty much require death until you find the safe spots. Despite the avoidance, the game is worth playing for the platforming.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna go across the Rainbow
100% is the only real way to play this game. Each stage is very well done in terms of level design, the music suits each stage properly and I feel like it adds to the experience. The final boss is tedious if you die near the end, but not too difficult. A fun game to speedrun due to its shortness. It's also realistically beatable on 3 difficulties (medium, hard, very hard).

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be the Rainbow needle
Fairly unfair needle game. Has a lot of precise long jumps (Main example is the second save at the last screen), and align knowledge is quite welcome in some of these. Somewhat fun to play, and the design is good.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Feb 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the 斜め針祭り!いろは
Upwards diagonals are so much easier than the downwards ones...

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 12 12
Feb 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the 下り斜め針祭り!いろは
A journey through a ton of downwards diagonals. Easily breezed through with the right align, although it's still easy with other aligns. Even so, for those who have problems with these jumps, this game might be rather bothersome. Well, not like anyone would want to play it anyway.

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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 33 33
Feb 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the Plastic Needle
Generic precision needle game for newer players. The saves are short, generally consisting of a single difficult jump (often a named jump, such as double diamonds and inverts), maybe combined with a few filler jumps. The difficulty curve is all over the place, some saves include a bit of pointless walking (Which is extra bad in precision needle) and it's all around just an unappealing game. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Feb 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the Popularity
A popular game. Has 3 modes - Medium, Hard and Very Hard. The amount of spikes increases according to the difficulty, and at Very Hard (Not sure if at Hard too) there is an extra boss at the end. This rating is based on the Medium difficulty, since it's the only mode I've cleared.
This game has 5 different stages, each with a different gimmick. Two of them are quite original, while the other ones are...Well, they are still good. The bosses are quite good, although most of them are pretty forgettable.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 36 36
Feb 18, 2015
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