News Page

Fangame Marathon 2022 is Live!

The Fangame Marathon is now live on Twitch once again, and will feature various events and speedruns from various fangame communities, such as IWBTG, Mario 64, Touhou, Metroid, and many others! The Marathon will be rolling on from now until July 18th, so come tune in for an amazing show that dozens of people have been working on for months. See ya there!

If you want to check on a specific event, or just view the schedule, you can do so here:

-CanusAntonius, on Jul 13, 2022

Fangame Marathon 2022

The schedule for Fangame Marathon 2022 has now been released! Featuring over fifty different events including Speedruns, Relay Races, Blind Races, and various other exciting runs, this is the yearly highlight of fangamers around the world from both the IWBTG community, as well as from other communities such as Super Monkey Ball and Mario 64. Don't forget to check out some of the larger events too, like the Avoidance and I Wanna Can't Stop Tournament. Come watch this July as people put on the show they have been practicing months for!

The Fangame Marathon begins July 13th, so be sure to check the schedule for when things start in your timezone!

-CanusAntonius, on May 30, 2022

Fangame Marathon Submissions

Fangame Marathon 2022 Submissions are now available! This is a multi-day feature taking place July 13th through July 17th and consists of various events such as Speedruns, Relay Races, and Blind Games. The marathon will showcase dozens of games from both the IWBTG Fangame community, as well as others like Mario 64 Romhacks. Now is your chance to get involved yourself and submit your own runs to do at the marathon, we hope to see as many people as possible showing up! If you wish to join in, be sure to check their website here:

Submissions will be closing on April 30th!

Also, if you are interested in some of the special events, including the great Relay Race or the famous Avoidance Tournament, be sure to join the Fangame Marathon's Discord Server for more information on how to join each. It's also a great place to ask any questions you might have about the event in general, so feel free to come on in!

-CanusAntonius, on Apr 9, 2022

Fangame Bounty & Avoidance FSR Remastered

To all Fangamers interested in speedrunning fangames, or trying out various challenges associated with low death counts or high scores in minigames, a new event called "Fangame Bounty" has been released. It is a permanent board featuring dozens of games sorted by difficulty, each featuring a goal for you to accomplish. Be sure to pick up a bounty quickly, as after enough people claim one they get replaced by a new game. You can join the event's discord here:

And to those who may be interested in Avoidances, it's time to look forward to Avoidance FSR Remastered. This is an upcoming reimagining of the original Avoidance FSR challenge and is being put together by the current team with suggestions from the community. If you want a curated list of Avoidances ranging from easy to high, then this is definitely worth taking a look at. Be sure to give your own suggestions too while the list is still being made! You can join the Avoidance FSR Discord here:

-CanusAntonius, on Feb 19, 2022

Fangame Awards Conclude

Paying respect and honor to the various fangames and makers who defined 2021, the Fangame Awards have now concluded and the results are now public. We'd like to give a special thanks to those within the community who took their time to submit nominations for each award, the makers who sent in trailers for their future fangame projects, the amazing technical crew behind the award show itself, and of course those who took home the gold in each category. It's truly amazing how much heart and passion people have within the community, and the Fangame Awards is a monument to such. Well done everyone!

If you missed the Twitch Livestream, or want to rewatch your favorite moments, then be sure to go stop by on Youtube to watch the entire show whenever you want:

-CanusAntonius, on Feb 6, 2022