News Page

Open Admin Applications

Hey everyone! We've come to the conclusion that it would be in everyone's best interest if we brought on a few people from other regions to help monitor Delicious Fruit at all times. As such, we decided to open up applications for new site admins to the public!

Right now, our active admins (Chatran, egg, Patrick) are all located in North America. We're looking specifically for applicants from Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. If you aren't located in one of these regions, you're still welcome to apply!

If you're interested in applying, click here!

-egg, on Aug 27, 2021

Fangame Marathon 2021 Submissions Open

FM2021 submissions are now open! Same as last year, all run submissions and marathon info will be handled through Oengus at this link.

We have some special events such as the Avoidance Tournament and the Relay Race, so if you’re interested in joining the marathon without submitting a solo run, join the FM Discord server and head to the “special events” channel.

And as always, please spread the word! Although we primarily see IWBTG Fangames in this marathon, we absolutely love seeing tons of other communities showcasing their favorite Fangames and ROM Hacks, and getting the word out is the best way to include new people!

Submissions for Fangame Marathon 2021 will be closing on May 23rd, and the marathon will be taking place July 15-18!

-patrickgh3, on Apr 16, 2021

Fangame Awards 2020 Nominations Open

Hey folks! It's that time of year again where we get to look back and celebrate the fangames that were released in 2020. As such, nominations for The Fangame Awards 2020 are officially open! You can find the nomination sheet here - so go and let us know what games stood out to you and deserve to win such coveted awards such as Adventure Game of the Year, Best Soundtrack or even the coveted Butterfingers Award!

Please note these nominations are open for 1 week, so get nominating! Nominations will close on Jan 15th at 11:59pm EST.

In addition! A reminder that the team is still accepting trailers to be revealed over the course of the show. Last year we saw some great sneak peeks into upcoming fangames, and this is a great chance to showcase what you've got in the works for 2021! Please send any trailers in .mp4 format to either @Skulldude (Skulldude#6556) or @Thenadertwo (Thenadertwo#9755) over Discord. Alternatively you can DM them over Twitter. We're excited to see what people have to show off!

Finally, we can confirm the date that The Fangame Awards 2020 will take place. Mark your calendars for February the 6th! The show as last year will be live on the Fangame Marathon twitch page, with a time to be announced closer to the date. You can find the Twitch page here -

So be sure to nominate your 2020 favourites and look forward to the awards!

-patrickgh3, on Jan 9, 2021

Fangame marathon 2020

Fangame Marathon 2020 submissions are now open!

Submissions this year will be done through, a new website for speedrun event hosting made by Gyoo. You will have to make an account there, but you can easily make one by linking your Discord/Twitter/Twitch account. The link to the event is here:

Our special events are open for signing up as well! This is a collection of small events that we like to host during the marathon with several people, such as the ever-so-popular Avoidance Tournament, and the massive Relay Race. Sign-ups are being done through the #special-events channel this year; just write down which event you'd like to participate in, and we'll add you if there's any space left.
You can see the event sheet here:

And as always, please spread the word! Although we primarily see IWBTG Fangames in this marathon, we absolutely love seeing tons of other communities showcasing their favorite Fangames and ROM Hacks, and getting the word out is the best way to include new people!

Submissions will be closing on May 17th, which we hope is enough time for all of you to prepare and submit the runs that you want to play at this event.

See you all on July 9th for the 2020 edition of Fangame Marathon!

-Artardss, on Apr 7, 2020

Blue-fruit is offline

Hey everyone,

As some will remember a few months ago the old wiki got revived and we said that we would look into shutting blue-fruit down in favor of going back to having 1 wiki for newly submitted fangames. So from now on it's not possible anymore to submit or update fangames on blue-fruit anymore.

The I wanna Wiki can be visited on and you can submit your new games here.

If you have games submitted on blue-fruit that you would like to update then you have a few choices:
- Submit the game to the I wanna wiki with the new download link
- Report the game on del-fruit with the new download link
- Message a del-fruit admin with the new download link, either on discord or del-fruit

We'll also try to add the new games from the I wanna wiki a bit more frequently now ;)

-Artardss, on Jan 24, 2020