News Page

Geometry Dash Expansion!

Hello delfruiters! As you know, it has been our goal to expand our site to include all known fangames. And that's why, starting today, Geometry Dash fan-made levels will now be listed for review with our fangames! Since these fanmade levels are essentially fangames of the original GD, the regime has ruled that it is perfectly allowable to list them next to Guy fangames. We hope you enjoy this new content addition, and welcome the new fangame players to our community!

TJ will be hosting a 24 hour geometry dash marathon to hype our expansion, so be sure to stop by and show your encouragement!


-Klazen108, on Apr 1, 2017

Fangame Marathon 2017 Announcement!

Hey Del-Fruiters!

It’s that time of year again, and we’re starting to organize our third annual Fangame Marathon! FM is a 48+ hour marathon on Twitch featuring players from all over the world speedrunning all kind of fangames, along with special fangame events! It’ll be happening on... drumroll please... the weekend of June 16th - 18th!

If you’re interested in running a game, hosting an event, being part of the tech crew or helping out in any way, submissions are open and we need all the help we can get! Be sure to read the FM 2017 forum thread for all the details. And don’t forget to follow the FangameMarathon channel!


-Klazen108, on Mar 8, 2017

AGDQ 2017 Features NANG

Hey Del-Fruiters!

We hope you've had a great holiday and Happy New Year! We're looking forward to what surprises 2017 will await us. However, we do know one such surprise - NANG featured at AGDQ!

Awesome Games Done Quick, the largest speedrunning marathon streamed on Twitch, will be hosting a NANG run by Stinkycheeseone890 on Friday, Janurary 13th (Check the schedule in your timezone here)! Stonk will be running through NANG as quickly as possible in the bad ending category. You don't want to miss it, and we wish Stonk the best of luck showing the rest of Twitch just how great fangames can be. Check it out at and come support our community!

If you're visiting from after the run, make sure you visit the introduction page!


-Klazen108, on Jan 8, 2017

Internationalization Support

Good evening Del-Fruiters!

We have another update for the site that we believe will only help the site grow even more: foreign language support! This was suggested quite a long time ago, and we heard you! As of now, we are rolling out Portuguese as the first language other than English on the site, with more languages (hopefully) on the way (such as Korean)! You can find the language switcher on the top-right part of the site.

Please note that the language change does not affect the following:

  • Usernames

  • Game names or links

  • Del-Fruit Announcements

  • Any of the buttons at the top

  • Reviews

...Everything else will be translated! We hope you enjoy this feature.

Also, if you want a new language supported on the site and you happen to be fluent in that language - contact me or Klazen, and we'll hook you up! A BIG thank you to Nader who helped us with the first translation!

-Klazen108, on Nov 27, 2016

Wannabe of the Month Has Completed!

Hey Guys,

This month, the Wannabe Spotlight is coming to a close. It's been great sharing some of our members with you, and we hope you've enjoyed it too. But even though we won't be posting the updates here anymore, that doesn't mean the Wannabes aren't still streaming!

Make sure to visit for your future fangame stream needs!

-Klazen108, on Oct 4, 2016