News Page

An Update Regarding Reviews

Hello Del-Fruiters!

We want to clarify a few things here on the site as part of our ongoing commitment to bring you the best we have to offer:

We are still growing!

Yes, every day more and more accounts are created. This probably means that more new accounts and new people are contributing to our site! That's fantastic! With more reviews per game, it gives a better "community average", so to speak. A game with only 2 reviews is not as well-reviewed as a game that has 15 or more! In a nutshell, more reviews mean more accuracy of both rating and difficulty. If you have any concerns over some extreme rating/difficulty reviews skewing results of some of your favorite games, get some of your friends to help contribute to reviewing!

We are a respectful community

There have been multiple reports of hurtful speech in some of the reviews. As stated in the ToS, these will not be tolerated and will be removed. We also reserve the right to ban any account that we feel has posted too many personal attacks.
To clarify: We are not saying you cannot rate a game poorly. If you think a background is garbage or the boss has awful RNG, let us know! But to attack the creator, or anyone who supports the game, is a big no-no that we are not accepting of. Please focus your review on the game, and the game only. Thanks!

Everyone can make reviews, on anything

There has also been some concern over creators rating their own games. This is a bit of a sticky topic to talk about. On one hand, creators can be extremely biased and give extreme reviews on their own games. On the other hand, creators can also be extremely critical of their game and review their game harshly. Of course, we would prefer the latter instance. However, from time to time a creator will intentionally boost their own game's score in an attempt to make it look better. In the long run, this means nothing. 1 review is heavily outweighed by 3 or more, so attempting to put your game higher in the ratings may result in even harsher backlash from the community. In short, we feel this is a problem that works itself out without the need for intervention.
To our reviewers that are not the creator: Anyone is allowed to review anything on this site. Period. Creators are allowed to rate their own games if they choose to do so. You are free to disagree with this/their opinion/their livelihood, but everyone is given the same opportunities on this site. If you don't rate your own games out of preference, that's great! If you do rate your own games, that's just swell too! Once again, if you do not agree with creators rating their own games, do NOT call them out in the review section. This is extremely immature and makes our review portion look like a YouTube comment section. If you feel the need to act, just report the review and our admins will take a look for you.

Thanks again, and keep up the great reviews! If you'd like to discuss you thoughts on our policy please direct it all to Our announcement post on the Wannabe Forums.

-Klazen108, on May 4, 2015

Speedrun Leaderboards!

The greay guys over at have agreed to create a series for IWBTG fangames, so now all your fangame speedrun times are being collected there! If you have a time you'd like to submit for a game, or a game that isn't on the list yet, head over there and add it. We're displaying a link to the leaderboards on every fangame on that has an entry on, so now people that visit the game pages can easily find speedrun times. We hope you enjoy the new functionality!

Special thanks to Jumpyluff and Tehjman1993 for working to add games and speedrun times, and to Pac of for setting us up with such a great system!

-Klazen108, on Mar 25, 2015

Private Messages!

Hey Everyone! Today we have a small update just to let you know we've added Private Messaging to the site! This system will be utilized by administrators, to let you know if there's a problem with some content you've posted, if we have any questions, etc. It will also be available to you to use to message each other! You can find a "PM this user" link on everyone's profiles, or you can enter the username directly from the send message page as well.

Not a lot of content for this release, but we've got our sights set on badges next! Just giving you a heads up towards the new functionality. Thanks for continuing to use the site, the progress we've made is amazing!

-Klazen108, on Mar 13, 2015

New Tag System!

Hello Del-Fruitettes!

We have a H O T update for you all that will make your game sorting and reviewing a tiny bit easier! Have you ever thought "Shucks, I like this game but I'm sick of telling people's its avoidance over and over"? Well now you're in luck! With the new T.A.G. (Titles About Games) system, you can simply put a label on the game as part of your review!

Here's how it works:
-You review a game with your normal text-based review, rating, and difficulty. Now, on this same review, you can add T.A.G.s onto your review that will help users search this game up, as well as give them an idea about the game they're looking at!
-Once a game has been T.A.G.'d, it will appear under a total list of T.A.G.s for that game. Each T.A.G. is tallied up with a number in parentheses next to it. More popular T.A.G.s will be shown first, while less popular ones are shown last.
-Games can be searched through this T.A.G. system. For example - searching 'avoidance' will (hopefully) bring up a long list of avoidance games, or games that have an avoidance in them.

...and that's it! We've provided a list here to help you get started when you T.A.G. a game! You do NOT have to pick from this list, rather, it is more of a 'recommended starter pack' of T.A.G.s! (DLC not included)

  • Adventure

  • Needle

  • Avoidance

  • Trap

  • Gimmick

  • Medley

  • Boss

  • Secrets

  • 100_Floor

  • Miku

  • Engine

We ask that there be no troll and/or offensive T.A.G.s when reviewing games. These titles include "Troll", "Bad", "AIDS", etc. We encourage users to report any review that uses negative T.A.G.s to review a game so that an admin can remove the review. Excessive use of negative T.A.G.s may result in account suspension and/or death by toucans.


-Klazen108, on Feb 26, 2015

One Week In!

Hey Everyone! It's been a week since we launched DelFruit, and a lot's happened in this time! First off let me thank everyone who's participated so far in the site, it wouldn't be possible without all the reviews, screenshots and games (and even reports) you've submitted! Here's a few details on your content:

  • Together our users have cleared 1,196 games!

  • Our users have 326 favorites!

  • We've got 2,152 games in our database!

  • We've written a whopping 560 reviews!

  • There's 513 screenshots available for games!

  • We've hit over 100 users!

Congratulations guys, this is phenomenal work! If we can do this in one week, imagine what's possible as we move forward!

Now on to features. You guys have been very vocal (that's a good thing!) about the things you wish DelFruit could do to make your life easier. Well we're listening, and in the week since release we've implemented:

  • Advanced Search - lets you do a detailed search for games by rating, difficulty, even games you haven't reviewed yet!

  • I'm Feelin' Lucky - Same as the advanced search, put randomly picks a result and gives it to you - perfect for Roulette!

  • User List - to browse dank users

  • Review Deletion - because sometimes you want to take it back

And that's just the big stuff - we've done tons of little tweaks on the site!

What about the future of DelFruit, you ask? Well, here's a Cliff's Notes version of our plans:

  • Reviews Feed - Never miss a review!

  • Speedrun Leaderboards - Taking competition to the next level and bringing it all into one place

  • Badges - Get recognized for your hard work

  • 'Remember Me' - Yes, yes, I know you're tired of logging in. This will come soon, I'm researching the security implications

And tons more! I'm really excited to be a part of this project, and hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. If you'd like to request a feature or just talk about the site in general, visit out post on the forums: Introducing Delicious Fruit!

Thanks for reading!

-Klazen108, on Feb 15, 2015