Ario147's Profile

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Joined on: Jun 6, 2015


I'm known as Lixy now~

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23 Ratings!
18 Reviews!
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18 Reviews

For: I wanna kill the Homui
I'm stuck on first boss currently, I get him to -100 hp, and it still lives, you can't jump over to warp because bullets are too fast.
I have no idea why this game has so weird engine, there are ice physics everywhere, even in the air, and when my character turned into sonic in first boss it was upside down. This game is glitchy mess on weird engine with very bad production value. Also idle animation actually moves your hitboxes, so the room with moving spikes is really tricky and it randomly kills you.
EDIT: I made it past 2nd boss, there is not working warp, and it saved me outside the room for some reason so I guess it's the end.

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Rating: 1.2 12       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 7, 2015
For: I wanna clear 50 neon floors
This is not your average neon game, this is very polished neon design, fun and interesting jumps, totally recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Average Neon
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 57 57
Oct 4, 2015
For: I wanna touch the Captain
Very nice meme boss.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Meme
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 2, 2015
For: I wanna be the Crimson
It was my very first fangame that got me into the community, followed by Boshy on Hard and IWBTRevolution, and it gave me a very good time. The only problems I have with it is secret placement in some stages, where it's just stupidly hidden in the wall without any clue, also first boss was complete shit so I don't even consider it in the rating. I like idea of being able to pick all the stages in order I want, and to replay them in order to get secrets, mostly they are within few first saves so it's not a problem if you miss them.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 2, 2015
For: Not Another Needle Game
Perfect needle fangame, nice gimmicks, funny comments and jokes in every single room. (well, ,,Floor x begin", rly...? Kappa) Well designed, balanced, jumps are used in intelligent way often leaving first-time player thinking, GENIUS way of telling player where secret could be, secrets themselves very challenging compared to the stages they're in, many endings, lots of achievements (oboy they are hard to get), and speedrunning potential.

Water stage was my favorite, the water sound makes me Kreygasm and this is best water you can get in fangames - gives DJump back, and jumping out of it is like DJump height.

Geezer is one of best, if not the best fangame creator of all time, knows a lot about the GM and his style is my favorite when it comes to needle, clever jumps that make player think. Hopefully one day I'll be able to put enough effort into game to be as good as NANG in terms of gameplay, but the production value I'll be dreamin' of. ;)

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 13, 2015
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