124 Reviews:
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Good beginner needle that mix a lot of things where each zone is unique.
I highly recommend you to search for the secrets (or at least watch a video to know where they are) because there is an extra area you can only access if you have all of them. That area has the real boss of the game (otherwise there is only a troll boss) and is a mix of every area of the game.
I'm not a fan of green and blue areas, and cyan and purple are ok, that's why my rating is so low compared to others.
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Good beginner needle that mix a lot of things where each zone is unique.
I highly recommend you to search for the secrets (or at least watch a video to know where they are) because there is an extra area you can only access if you have all of them. That area has the real boss of the game (otherwise there is only a troll boss) and is a mix of every area of the game.
I'm not a fan of green and blue areas, and cyan and purple are ok, that's why my rating is so low compared to others.
Rating: 6.7 67
Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 10, 2019