I wanna go BANANAS!

Creator: はなもげた

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
51.4 / 100
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Adventure (7) Trap (7) Gimmick (2) Boss (2) Secrets (2) Rhythm (1) Cute (1)


  • by ChronoGear
  • by ChronoGear
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous
  • by ChronoGear
  • by ChronoGear

33 Reviews:

I didn't have high hopes initially as I just recently cleared DAREJAR and saw this is older and felt that the flaws the other game would be worse here. I was pleasantly surprised that it was an enjoyable game. Aside from the DS Boss, it's way too janky to play with.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 51 51
Nov 19, 2024
Nice adventure and gimmicks. A ??? trap is unpredictable

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 51 51
Jul 22, 2024
Based on Medium clear. This game has heart and a lot of production, but lacks in many design points. Tbh, i enjoyed most of Darejar from this maker (which is universally hated tho, lol), but in this game i dislike like half of the platforming. First two stages are kinda bro nothing and they are weaker than Darejar stages, even tho last save of stage 2 is kinda based. Stage 3 has very great gimmick, but last screen ruined this stage completely. Stage 4 is again bro nothing aside of few interesting ideas. Stage 5, final one, tho was great! It was long and fun journey on it's own with some really loveable things, easily best content in the game, that worths to go for

Bosses are kinda huh in general. First two are pretty nice honestly and the only bosses that i've truly enjoyed. Third boss theoretically can be really good if it would have punishment system or something, because without it and how it's in the game - it's just kinda faded and idea seems unexplored. Fourth boss is rhythm game where you can't allow yourself to mistake and it has weirdo trap after victory - you can guess how i feel about it. And final boss is actually somehow even worse than fourth one - it's like has no interesting attacks except ultimate one, it's very long for no reason, it has dumb healing addition, it fills entire screen and didn't felt epic at all - so yeah, really bad boss

Overall, aside of stage 5 and some other platforming bits nothing truly inspiring. You can give it a go, but it's definitely far from must-play adventure imo

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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 56 56
Jul 15, 2024
Cleared on Medium with no secrets.

An adventure/trap fangame with good production value and mostly decent but sometimes really questionable level design.

World 1 and 2 are your general trap stages, some traps are really good, some are kinda unfair. Boss 1 is some simple visual challenge, and boss 2 is a varied and fair boss with arena destruction.

World 3 is, personally, my favorite part of the game, but probably mostly because I am already used to mouse gimmicks from some other games. Platforming may feel a bit tedious due to how carefully you have to move/refresh your ground, but it doesn't really require using a mouse mid horizontal jump anywhere if done right. A trap at the end of the stage is really questionable though, especially since there were no traps before that. Boss 3 is laughably easy, and even though phase 2 is extremely jank, it does give you infinite retries and all the time in the world.

World 4 is a letdown of the game. Length of saves, amount of traps, difficulty and awkwardness of platforming - all goes up, resulting in a rather frustrating experience. Some saves are carefully hidden or appear unreachable which did cause me to skip them without even knowing. There is some truly interesting stuff near the end of the world, but most of it was unenjoyable. Boss 4 is a...servicable rhythm boss. A taiko trap after the boss, even though I managed to avoid, is a real dick move.

World 5 was rather enjoyable cycle-based stage with occasional ladders and slopes. There are some really awkward parts though, including an entire second-to-last screen before boss , which do sour the experience and generally are hardest platforming in the game. Midboss is a nice introduction to what is coming, however Boss 5 is way too fat for it's own good. This combined with really precise PK Thunder attack that is RNG how many times it happens during one attack and a special attack with messed up hitboxes and because of that is basically BlessRNG, makes for a rather unfun grind.

After managing to softlock at the ending screen, I am glad that I played this game, but I do not have the desire to touch it ever again.

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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 28, 2021
My rating after world 4 really went down huh
Rating doubled after remembering easy mode exists and it's awesome :tf:

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 4, 2020