I wanna kill the Maker

Creator: In Memory of Papaya (木瓜之王)

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
61.0 / 100
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Needle (13) Trap (2) Gimmick (10) Medley (18) Boss (1) NoBoss (1) Secret (2)


  • by Eljoaco22
  • by Anon70000
  • by dimasik1997
  • by Eljoaco22
  • by Anon70000
  • by Anon70000
  • by slenderbrine97

58 Reviews:

Difficulty rating based on Hard Mode under the rationale that Easy Mode reads: "Easier than original screen". I still don't know if I regret that decision.

I have a specific aversion against this kind of medleys. As someone who used this website as a lesson for not downloading just any fangame I found (which made Sunspike be the first thing I played after Guy and Boshy), Thenadertwo's neon games were among my first true challenges after many 100F games and the beginner recommendations in "Intro". That made Cultured to be my first medley.

"Why is there a title card every time I enter a screen?" Oh boy, was I in diapers. As I explored it, I began to understand it was an amalgamation of several fangames assembled with a logic behind. As I explored it even further, I realized it was a parody. When I finished it, I found out that the idea did begin as a parody but the concept kept growing.

This is why I am partially biased for Cultured. I keep coming back to it to keep those good memories alive. It's quite ordinary, but suddenly, it isn't. The soundtrack is a blast and I like the screen choices, the secrets and the ability to change your sprite. I disliked the lack of bosses greatly, so with many replays I appreciated it as a medley of needle first and gimmicks second. When I got to the Stage Rush section, I said: "Hey! Nice nod to the Mega Man games!". Partially correct, but the boss rush was something popularized by K2 based on the questionable concept contained in many of the fangames that K2 featured of:

1) Collecting secrets in cryptic places
2) Clearing the game
3) Making a hub with all the original bosses buffed with steroids

I say this because Cultured 1 is not something I particularly fancy: it has no stage bosses, the final boss is somewhat bad, most of the fangames are unknown (no pun intended) to me (even more than those of K2 and K3), etc. However, there is spirit, charisma, good (and funny) memes, inside jokes for the community, and a terrific final stage which is the original section of the game, just like K2 (and in K3 in the form of a collab).

I have seen this formula repeated over and over again but in a soulles (no pun intended) manner: there is no rhyme or reason in the fangames chosen or in their respective screen choices (first save of FASF is unholy), they are known by almost no one, the soundtrack is average SoundCloud fare, and the difficulty curve is non-existent, the secrets are for nothing except "unlocking an achievement badge" (I thought we would already be past that stage), and feels wholly incoherent/inconsistent (couldn't find a word that is the antonym for "cohesive"). Be it parody or serious business, everything done here is appalling.

Throughout, I kept feeling that repulsion of just stopping: it's bad. Title card, please get out of the way: can't you just change corners based on my position relative to the center of the screen instead of becoming transparent? I normally see ahead of my jumps before jumping? Why are the "original" stages so drastically different with no single theme surrounding them? I would normally ask why are there no bosses, but that was just a decision and many seem happy with it. I'm not, and it's no surprise why so much drama was made around Get Rekt.

If anything, Stage 1 is ok-ish and the Eversion original stage is terrific as it is a throwback to retro games and the original essence that gave birth to fangames: adventure. Still, it has absolutely nothing to do with the entire game. So it turns out the only thing I enjoyed has zero correlation with the rest of the content.

I hated it.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Medley Boss
[1] Like
Rating: 2.9 29       Difficulty: 70 70
Dec 31, 2023
My favorite medley game.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Gimmick Medley Secret
[1] Like
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 3, 2023
首先,先表示我对作者的缅怀。很不幸的是,作者已在2014年去世了,愿天堂也有iw TAT


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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 4, 2020

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Tagged as: Medley
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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 18, 2019
One of the best medley in the world! Great music and platforming

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Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 58 58
Mar 3, 2018