I wanna kill the Maker

Creator: In Memory of Papaya (木瓜之王)

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
61.0 / 100
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Needle (13) Trap (2) Gimmick (10) Medley (18) Boss (1) NoBoss (1) Secret (2)


  • by Eljoaco22
  • by dimasik1997
  • by Anon70000
  • by slenderbrine97
  • by Anon70000
  • by Anon70000
  • by Eljoaco22

58 Reviews:

RIP. Papaya

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 61 61
Feb 5, 2024
Rating based on hard mode 100%.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 58 58
Dec 26, 2023
Rating based on Hard:

A medley game with some pretty horrible design choices. I'm not super experienced with fangames and "named jump spam," but honey if *I* can tell that something is named jump spam then holy mother of god was there an overabundance of them. You'll see nothing short of corners, gates, diagonals, a few 9 jumps and diamonds, f-jump galore, and almost nothing original.

I would rate this much higher should 3/4 guest stages not have terrible flaws that make it a shadow of what they could've been. Eversion's area has the best idea by far, but instead of creative pathing and cool jumps and strategies, its just a massive puzzle spanning 10 minutes per save, where if you mess up the puzzle, you must re-do multiple minutes of what is practically walking. A shame for an idea that stellar. The jet area was really cool except for the fact that you have to wait every time you use it, adding heaps of unnecessary time to your playthrough. The black and white original stage was just basically the same as what is in Reach the Exit 3, which considering how I played that directly before this game, I wasn't entirely happy to see. The only area that was pretty good in terms of idea/gameplay was LLKs, which still had some rough saves here and there.

I think, genuinely speaking, this game is well over-rated. If newer players can distinguish that a game is practically named jump spam, that's pretty rough.

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Rating: 1.6 16       Difficulty: 59 59
Oct 5, 2023
Honestly, an abysmal medley game. 95% of the needle in this game is downright horrible, filled with named jump spam (a double diagonal every other save it seems), and generic time wasting flying spike traps. The game is just a constant slog of mediocrity broken up by saves only memorable due to their awfulness. I have only played a handful of the games on display, but I can confidently say that the game repeatedly chose some of the worst possible screens from otherwise great games.

After ages of soulless needle, the game greets you with a pleasant reprieve, original screens. Of course, by pleasant, I mean marginally better if anything. The gimmicks are cool, but despite several opportunities for puzzles, this aspect is barely explored and the aspects are just haphazardly slapped on more generic awful needle. The shift area is by far the worst execution I have ever seen of this gimmick, with nonsensical broken feeling collisions, and it manages to turn the gimmick into generic needle where you occasionally press a different button. The eversion area is frankly garbage, with the gimmick used for nothing except tedious backtracking, with trivially easy saves that last several minutes a piece. This area took me at least half an hour, and yet was the easiest part of the game. It's so mind-numbingly boring I would almost rather go back to the diagonal spam.

Overall, there is practically nothing worth playing in this game. You would be much better served by almost any other needle game.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Medley
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 62 62
May 20, 2023
Seriously comment on +1, first of all mourn the author, because the author passed away in 2014, quite a long medley game, there are a total of five stages, the last is an original stage, the five stages are mainly needle, and there are some very Playful screens, eg: flying stabs in Kamilia 2 screen, drop in Rukito Area screen, invisible kid part in Locus, downward diagonal in Light Trap, but the screen changes less to almost nothing , which is a bit of a pity part, but the final original stage saved the game.

-Lianliankan's area is not bad, it seems that it is mainly placed in the puzzle part rather than the needle itself, but the puzzle is very clever.
-P&A's area is very good, this is a simple gimmick mixed with needle, basically put it on the needle.
-Eversion's area is definitely the best for me, but there is still a small annoying place, this area is mainly puzzle-based, mainly to collect gems, the rhythm will change according to the map,
The things that kill you also change by map, the minor annoyance is that if you die then you have to start over.
-JetKid's area is very nice, this gimmick works very well with the needle, but there are some difficult jumps, so I spent some time.

I would strongly recommend this game, the original stage is worth playing, but you need to go through five stages to play, this game is definitely very good for people who like to play medley games but don't like to fight bosses (that's me) of.

認真評論在+1,首先先哀悼一下作者,因為作者在2014去世了,蠻長的medley遊戲,總共有五個階段,最後是一個原創階段,五個階段都是以needle為主,也有一些非常好玩的屏幕,例如:Kamilia 2屏幕中的飛刺,Rukito Area屏幕中的下降, Locus中不可見的kid部分,Light Trap中的向下對角線,不過屏幕的變化較少,甚至幾乎沒什麼變化,這是有點可惜的部分,不過最後的原創階段挽回了遊戲。

-Lianliankan's area還不錯,似乎主要是放在拼圖部分而不是needle本身,不過拼圖方面是很聰明的。
-P&A's area非常好,這是一個簡單的gimmick混合著needle,基本上主要放在needle上就好了。
-Eversion's area對我來說肯定是最好的,不過還是有小煩人的地方,這個區域主要是以謎題為主,主要是收集寶石,節奏會依地圖改變,
-JetKid's area很不錯,這個gimmick跟needle配合得非常不錯,不過有一些較為困難的跳躍,所以我花了一些時間。


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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Medley
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 64 64
Sep 17, 2022