42 Reviews:
Rating based on Normal Clear
Unremarkable Adventure game. Highlight was Sanipalt but it still wasn't interesting enough for me.
Unremarkable Adventure game. Highlight was Sanipalt but it still wasn't interesting enough for me.
Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 5.7 57
Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 5, 2024
This review is based on a 100% Clear
Salt is a beginner adventure game which is very simple, although there's a decent amount to it. There's some secret items and mini secret stages to beat, and as such the game has quite a bit of content beyond just the any% clear. The main standout moment is Santipalt, which for this difficulty is a VERY long avoidance, and while it's not the most fun thing in the world, it's not horrible. Overall the game is slightly boring, but not really bad. It's decent.
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Salt is a beginner adventure game which is very simple, although there's a decent amount to it. There's some secret items and mini secret stages to beat, and as such the game has quite a bit of content beyond just the any% clear. The main standout moment is Santipalt, which for this difficulty is a VERY long avoidance, and while it's not the most fun thing in the world, it's not horrible. Overall the game is slightly boring, but not really bad. It's decent.
Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 34 34
Jun 4, 2023
Игра мягко говоря на любителя, но я тот самый любитель. Тут мало интересного платформинга, половина трап не работают как надо, но при этом есть характер и некоторых боссов проходить бывает интересно, особенно тру финального босса, который к сожалению спрятан за весьма идиотскими секретами аля "вот эта стенка в абсолютно рандомном месте стейджа на самом деле сквозная и на это ничего не указывает", что делает анлок тру контента совершенно ужасной задачей. Я сам тру босса проходил с ФСР сейва и ничуть не жалею, что скипнул этот бред (нашел 4 секрета и сдался). Тру босс хоть и простой, но играть его очень приятно, так как это в кои то веки не заскриптованое фаер-шоу, где нужно запомнить каждый инстагиб, а просто чистый рандом (есть один инстагиб в середине и он плох, но кроме этого все чисто). Несмотря на местами сомнительное качество, я бы сказал, что она прикольная, но только с правильным подходом. Большинству, скорее всего, не понравится
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 30 30
Aug 18, 2022
An alright adventure game in the classical style that's overall pretty plain and unmemorable. Almost all of the platforming bar a tiny amount of saves are barely anything, even a beginner will struggle little on most of it, a lot of it just feels like it came out of some Conqueror the Blowgame. There's a few good parts, like the gravity gimmick stage, and one that has moving cherries, but besides those there's nothing really special going on.
Now to beat this, you need to find 2 secrets per stage. One is just a collectable item, while the second takes you to a mini stage that has a boss in it. These secrets are super vague and almost gaurentee you might watch a video for them if you want to get them on your first go. There's hardly any giveaway to find them, aside from a few that make spikes fly, but sometimes they will just disappear on a previous screen without any warning. Good luck finding them, my suggestion is to find Youtube.
The bosses are pretty fine, most of them only have like one attack that's usually RNG in a single direction the whole time. I think this is actually cool and the foundation for my rating being this high, as this is the perfect way for Beginners to learn how to fight bosses and deal with barrage attacks. The secret bosses are usually a bit cooler and make you do something like fight in a waterfall, and they have a cool sprite too.
Unfortunately, I really disliked the avoidance, it's probably one of the most boring fights I've ever played. It's rather long, which in itself can be tedious, but my main gripe is that it also only has like 10 attacks. To make up for the length, these attacks can last what feels like a minute each time, and so there's a big lack of variation in the fight that makes it lack any sort of interesting mood. I almost dropped the game here and probably would have if I didn't beat it on my last attempt.
Overall, I would probably recommend it, but if you aren't good at avoidance you might not like the fight since it's pretty tedious and long. Also, use a video, cause the secrets just outright suck to find.
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Now to beat this, you need to find 2 secrets per stage. One is just a collectable item, while the second takes you to a mini stage that has a boss in it. These secrets are super vague and almost gaurentee you might watch a video for them if you want to get them on your first go. There's hardly any giveaway to find them, aside from a few that make spikes fly, but sometimes they will just disappear on a previous screen without any warning. Good luck finding them, my suggestion is to find Youtube.
The bosses are pretty fine, most of them only have like one attack that's usually RNG in a single direction the whole time. I think this is actually cool and the foundation for my rating being this high, as this is the perfect way for Beginners to learn how to fight bosses and deal with barrage attacks. The secret bosses are usually a bit cooler and make you do something like fight in a waterfall, and they have a cool sprite too.
Unfortunately, I really disliked the avoidance, it's probably one of the most boring fights I've ever played. It's rather long, which in itself can be tedious, but my main gripe is that it also only has like 10 attacks. To make up for the length, these attacks can last what feels like a minute each time, and so there's a big lack of variation in the fight that makes it lack any sort of interesting mood. I almost dropped the game here and probably would have if I didn't beat it on my last attempt.
Overall, I would probably recommend it, but if you aren't good at avoidance you might not like the fight since it's pretty tedious and long. Also, use a video, cause the secrets just outright suck to find.
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 20, 2022
It is worth collecting secrets
clear date:2017-1-25
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clear date:2017-1-25
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 20 20
Feb 21, 2022