I wanna Roll Around

Creator: Artardss

Average Rating
7.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.5 / 100
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Adventure (8) Needle (2) Gimmick (10) Boss (4) Special (1) Puzzle (2) Copyright (1) Pathing_Puzzle (1) Rolling (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ChillingSpark
  • by NightShark115

20 Reviews:

0/10 can't roll in the deep
No but seriously, great game, it mainly features a gimmick that allows you to roll to make your way through the game.
Game is not too long nor too hard yet some parts might be challenging, such as the final boss.
BGM is nice also, I recommend this game to anyone.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 16, 2016
Cool gimmick, pretty difficult but fun in most parts and the bosses are quite good except for the shield phase in a boss. other than that, pretty nifty platforming with tons of smart movement

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 56 56
Dec 27, 2020
Nice game built on a very unique gimmick. However, the game has flaws such as bosses, which are ok for the first two but the third is really bad, the possibility to get softlocked in one specific place, or too much unnecessary difficult segments. I know it can sounds dumb but I think the game would have been more enjoyable if it was easier, because it would solve many problems.

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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 28, 2020
Really fun stages, but the bosses are real stinkers. Definitely worth a playthrough!

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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 12, 2023
Very important warning: when uploading videos of this game, be careful about boss 2's music, as it can cause videos to be blocked.

One thing I always love in fangames is when they give you new movement options to toy around with. From Best Guy 4 to Defeat The Robot, new moves for the Kid is always nice to see, and this is yet another example.

The main gimmick of Roll Around is the roll move: when you're on a slope, you can press down to enter rolling form. In this form, you continuously move forward until you hit a wall, but your hitbox is only half as high, meaning you can enter new places. You can also hit springs in this form that you can't hit normally, in order to gain more height.
With such a drastically different style of movement, it makes sense that the style of platforming you would be met with would be so unique compared to what you're used to. Whereas regular adventure platforming allows you to react to the environment around you, the non-stop movement of the roll doesn't give you time for that, so you need to react more quickly. This mechanic also results in more routing-based platforming, as the rolling form can reach places that you can't normally, but your ability to stop moving when not rolling can also come in handy when trying to reach somewhere. The platforming itself contains some gimmicks, which are mostly used in good ways that add to the platforming, save for some uses of the RNG leaves. With that being said, the lack of difficulty balance is definitely noticeable, so be warned of that. Otherwise, some pretty good stages, definitely carried by the gimmicks and routing.
This game also has some bosses, which also make use of the rolling mechanic, but only for a small portion of the fight, as you have to do most of the fight on foot. Still, these bosses are really unique from each other, as they range from doing platforming to reach a point where you can shoot the boss, to rolling into the boss directly to deal damage. They do suffer from bad RNG syndrome sometimes, but for the most part, they are creative and fun to play. I've heard a lot of complaints about the final boss in particular, but it wasn't actually that bad for me.

New moves for the Kid is not something you see often, and this game is a great example of how to do it. If you like stuff like that, then I'd definitely suggest to play this.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Special Puzzle Copyright Rolling
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
May 17, 2023