70 Reviews:
A really really well made metroidvania with a lot of things to do and some very entertaining secrets with some great traps in them. Definitely a must play, as the goods in this far outweigh the bad. The only things frustrating to me were a few of the bosses, which a couple ones ended up just being "reset until you get the free attack.", and as a personal thing it's sometimes helpful to remember what the items I have are for. The game is very good, and if you haven't downloaded and played I reccommend it.
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 51 51
Mar 21, 2017
Wonderfully put together metroidvania. Para goes into a ton of detail, but basically this is a must-play. There were maybe three things in the entire game I disliked. The game does a superb job of being non-linear while also not being overly confusing. The secrets, while not being the easiest things to find, are never too far out of the way of warp points and are relatively easy to spot. Essentially an easier IDWBA2. Highly, HIGHLY recommended.
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Rating: 9.4 94
Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 21, 2017