I wanna see the Planet

Creator: TheBlackCat

Average Rating
6.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
25.9 / 100
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Adventure (8) Trap (4) Boss (5) Short (4) Traps (1) Beginner_Friendly (1) AppleBoss (1) Not_Short (1)


  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by NightShark115

21 Reviews:

This is a neat needle game with basic gimmicks and simple ideas. Looks decent and the needle isn't that bad. My only nitpicks with the game would be when you have to repeat buffed previous screens, the lack of attacks for the final boss (which is just a cherry), and the lazy traps. Pretty easy and a good difficulty for beginners. I would recommend but there's better stuff out there.

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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 20 20
May 16, 2019
A very easy and simple adventure game. It contains different stages with different gimmicks, such as water, infinite jump and the such. The platforming itself is almost too easy until you find out that the game is only so empty because, right before the final boss, you will have to play through three sections you've already beaten, but buffed by adding a lot more spikes to the empty sections. Not a very good idea. About the Boss, it's a boring delicious fruit boss who only has three attacks, two of which are RNG and the last being streaming. The projectiles are semi-transparent and look exactly like particles used in the game beforehand: that's pretty much the only reason why I died to the boss in the first place. Because I couldn't see the projectiles, nor tell that they actually were projectiles at first since the boss doesn't even shoot them, they just randomly appear from the sides and look like they belong in the background.

The worst problem about the game has to do with the camera transitions. The maker wanted to capture the Reach the Moon style of camera and would've done it right if it didn't bug out at the beginning of each new room.

The game has a few sections which contain quite a considerable amount of sliding spike traps. No other kinds of traps are used in the game (aside from a few fake block traps) which make the game's trap style feel very monotonous and stale. Some traps are even placed right at the end of saves, which would usually be in bad taste - but in this game's case, save placement is so generous it does not really matter.

Has a few issues, but it's a short game that a beginner could probably enjoy.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss Short
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 25 25
May 13, 2019
Short little adventure game. I feel the creator wanted to capture the "See the moon" feeling, sadly could not really deliver that. Nonetheless the game is not awful by any means and has its own charm. Saves are very generously placed and makes the game very accessible to new players.

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Tagged as: Adventure Traps AppleBoss
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
May 13, 2019
Pretty short adventure game with a few traps sprinkled in. The save placement in Medium is overly generous throughout the game, and Hard is still pretty easy. The gameplay is average, but it's still fine for killing a little time. Rating based on Hard.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss Short
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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 28 28
May 12, 2019
Very fun beginner adventure game that anyone can enjoy. Remember you can save your double jump on vines

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 32 32
May 12, 2019