I Wanna Save My Boy

Creator: arzztt

Average Rating
9.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
69.4 / 100
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Adventure (11) Needle (14) Avoidance (1) Gimmick (13) Boss (6) Long (6) Story (2) Puzzle (2) Trigger (2) SourPls (5) gBrain (2) catJAM (1) Pathing (1) Cycle (1) Flow (1) Dog (1)


  • by NightShark115
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by Wolfiexe

Creator's Comments:

arzztt [Creator]
Long and hard needle adventure game. The game features a lot of gimmicks and an engaging story with lovable characters. gl hf!

2/21/22: Here is a download link to the very first version of the game. There are a few bugs and skips still in it, not much but it's worth linking in case there are any speedrunners interested in running this. https://www.mediafire.com/file/j2wwfjxbp86s42t/Save_My_Boy.7z/file

11/28/20: Ended up updating the game a couple of months after the initial release. It mostly consists of graphics changes as per the feedback I've received, and some other miscellaneous platforming changes. Thanks to everyone for playing or watching my games!

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss Long Puzzle Trigger SourPls
[11] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 17, 2020

54 Reviews:

Honestly I think this is the best needle I’ve played.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 30, 2022
so many gimmicks throughout the game and none of them ever get boring. arzztts gimmick usage is also done insanely well and they are used in really interesting ways but it never gets out of control.
the platforming is always the mainfocus but you still have to think about what you wanna do next.
highly recommend this game!

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 72 72
Aug 31, 2020
Gotta appreciate The Boy

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss SourPls
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 24, 2020
I agree with most of Kale's review, so I won't reiterate what he had to say. Just a few comments on stuff that jumped out at me:

I definitely agree that a precision platformer/needle game doesn't need a wide range of verbs to succeed, and in many cases giving the player too many actions or too much nuance in movement is actually detrimental to the overall design and play experience.
For better or worse, the jankier, more "fangame-y" elements of the game stick out for me more than the bulk of the platforming design, if only because they're so bizarre and inventive. Stuff like the spike room, the 254 platform, and the part where you have to defend Nelson while activating triggers may not be "polished" or conform to traditional ideas of what makes a game fun, but they have a certain flavor that makes them distinct and memorable.
I think the story is fine as-is (I find self-serious plots in I Wanna, of all things, to be pretty tiresome), but the gameplay side of things could have used more of a climax. Capping things off with a long save spanning an entire room is a bit of a cliche, but it can be effective when used properly and something similar would have been appreciated here. The final boss is hilarious and I loved it.

Overall, this definitely arzztt's best game so far, and I frequently found myself amazed by the sheer creativity he demonstrated in combining the various gimmicks and verbs to come up with new and exciting saves again and again. At the same time, I agree with the sentiment that he's probably taken this approach to design as far as it can go, and I'd like to see him venture out of his comfort zone and experiment more in future endeavors.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 20, 2020
too lazy to put a proper review at the moment but I just noticed I never reviewed this. this was the game that got me into needle. This game is literally my favorite platformer of all time and is very personal to me. I know that not a lot of people would agree this is the best gimmick needle game or whatever but most people agree it's one of the best ones out there and I think it's worth a play even for people that don't play needle. It's so fucking good dude.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
[0] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 11, 2023