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For: I wanna Jerryfish
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 21 21
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna bye Bye the Bye
Undeniable, it is very good and joyful btb remake, so i will give it high rate for this.

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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 73 73
Jul 26, 2024
I really like it, this was a pretty cute adventure. The Game is 10/10 for me, but a tech. bugs was a little annoying. What I mean? Usually I change my control option (because I play on WASD and my shoot-button on ctrl). If it's possible to change in Game Settings - I do this. And with this option-setup Stage "Mansion of the Mind" (The Stage with puzzles) was very bad. Because ctrl = inventory, and when I try to shoot - The inventary was instant to open. Many game-mechanics still works on arrow-buttons, this was so confusing. On Stage "PB Sessions" the dialogs still works only on Z-button. Well only this is mainly problem of this game, everything other is perfect! Thank You for This Game!

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna Avoid being Trolled
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 27 27
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna be the Little runner
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 22 22
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna be the Oblique Torment 2
Disclaimer: I voice-acted one line in this game. I highly doubt this put any bias in my opinion of this game, but I figured I should mention it for transparency's sake.

An improvement over the first Oblique Torment, but it still unfortunately suffers from many of the same issues. Like the original, this game is heavily inspired by Hereditary Baldness 2 and Hereditary Baldness 2 Chapter 2. The visual "production value" of this game is noticeably higher and the anticipation of what wacky thing you'll see next is probably the main appeal of this game. There's many different references all over this game which can be both a good and a bad thing. While it's cool to see so many references to many cool things, it also makes them feel derivative. This may seem to be a silly criticism for an IWBTG fangame as these are known for referencing other things all the time, I feel that one of the main appeals of HB2 was how unexpected and unique every part of it felt, and that feeling is lost when the game is purposefully trying to be like HB2. The reason why I feel Burnmind, another fangame that references HB2, gets away with it and this game doesn't is because Burnmind has fantastic level design and gameplay to back it up which brings me to my main issue with this game: the level design and gameplay.

While there are less long annoying saves in this instalment, there still are quite a few. They can be particularly soul crushing when you get stuck on one, especially a rather nasty one near the end of the game. What's worse is that there's no debug keys to carry through obnoxious sections like the first game, so you gotta tough it through everything (there's a reason Hereditary Baldness 2 has them). My second major gripe is how uninspired and bland a lot of the level design is. Don't get me wrong, some areas actually do have some decent design that make good use of that screen's gimmick like the Mario Kart screen, however quite a few screens have level design that is more or less just corridor needle. The worst offender is probably the needle rave screen which has stickmen raving around needle, there is no gimmick beyond the visuals and the needle is the kind of uninspired generic design you'd see in an early 2010s needle game that you would only play today by rolling it in roulette. There's also some screens that I don't feel use the gimmick to its full potential like the "bad camera" stage. The first part of the stage is just tight corridors with bouncing apples, the camera gimmick barely matters at all. The second part is where the gimmick actually matters since it can hit blocks that make it stop moving, but it doesn't last very long and was pretty much the only time you need to care about the gimmick. I disliked most boss fights: the Spongebob had way too much health and his projectiles were too fast to react to. The UFO had really boring attacks that force you to dodge them in a specific way to avoid being chased eternally by a homing projectile, MJ is actually kinda OK once you know you can shoot the enemies but his intro is unskippable, the ouroboros is just memorizing a movement pattern (the stuff after is OK though, shame you have to beat ouroboros every time to see it), the Norton boss is RNG hell, the Spam boss has all the issues it had on OT1 (too much health, RNG hell), and the Milk has the same issues it had in Baffling (too much health, RNG hell).

I hope this mostly negative review isn't discouraging. There's a lot that goes into good game design and it's hard say exactly how one should improve their game's design, as there's so many ways to do it. This game has great, audio, visuals, and ideas, but without great design to tie it all together it falls flat. I think with enough effort into studying how well liked games do their design and how to implement a similar approach, this maker has the potential to make a truly wonderful fangame, and I hope to be there when it happens.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Boss Visual_Challenge Jumpscare Sudoku bald
[5] Likes
Rating: 4.3 43       Difficulty: 60 60
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna Love the Winter 2
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 20 20
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna be the Machinary
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 25 25
Jul 26, 2024
For: I wanna challenge 100 trials!!
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 25, 2024
For: I Wanna Be The マジ卍
rating based on godmode

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Tagged as: Geezer
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 25, 2024
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