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For: Dual Needle
Sorry, I withdraw my previous comments.

First of all, this game is pretty good in terms of material and detail handling. But the content of this game, I want to talk about my own ideas.

To be honest, the first impression what I got from the game was FULL of the unreasonable magic jump (probably influenced by the previous game), and my attitude towards it was negative, or "making a great junk".

But after a while, especially after watching others' live, I began to wonder if this kind of game is the current game trend.

This question has been bothering me for a long time, and I probably haven't found the answer yet. Should frame precise jumping and neat swinging (which would mean sacrificing some playfulness for beauty) be accepted?

When I asked why CN2 was an interesting game after I came into contact with the game, my mentor told me, the games were designed to fit the kid's trajectory and make it very comfortable for players to play. Although this may not be true in the minds of some players, it did affect my game life. After a little bit of game experience, I began to try to make some games to practice my understanding.

The first practice proved that my understanding coincided with the thinking of quite a few people. And I began the production of several other games. But soon I encountered the problems: challenging or comfortable?

I chose the former. At that time, there were many reasons for me to make the choice of the former, although some may not actually matter. But in the production of IN, my ideas began to change, and this might be felt in the game (just a joke). Then I stopped the production of the game and left a little room for thinking. As a result, I didn't come to any conclusions, and I found that I lost the motivation to create and became afraid.

Unfortunately, I didn't touch them at this brilliant moment of the game, so I didn't understand why the game was so popular and how players and viewers felt about the charm of the needle game.

I believe that players who play this kind of game will have a lot more endurance and endurance for things than the average person, but it's not a good thing to make a game to kill their enthusiasm and endurance (you might get comments like BFWT, TWNP), although it might feel a little inferior, or actually everybody All understand this is that I am thinking about something that has no meaning.

I think some players will hold the view that every man has his hobbyhorse, but as a game maker, usually I can't control myself to think about where the end point of the needle game will be, with a strong muscle memory and almost zero error operation, or is it a strange design to create an amazing puzzle game? What the player need to do is accomplishing a series of challenges to the limit according to the author's design, or finding the answer to the puzzle under enough freedom?

Is it a sincere work to suddenly put a raised diamond or SGGK in a common difficulty game (such as 50) and pull apart a few pixels in the middle? Or is it ingenious to design some needles that requires a fixed frames to jump in a fixed position? I may not understand it now. I hope someone can give me some inspiration.

Writing to here, I may have something to say but actually forget. These are probably not enough to express all my doubts, and may cause a slight misunderstanding to others. I apologize for that.

Finally, thank the producers of this game.

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[5] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 13, 2018
For: I wanna be the Ethanol
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 30 30
Aug 13, 2018
For: I wanna be the Little runner
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 13, 2018
For: Dual Needle
Every time I play the EX-47,I am moved to tears.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 85 85
Aug 13, 2018
For: Chill Needle
Really fun short save needle with very nice visuals and music. Would recommend to everyone.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
[1] Like
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 13, 2018
For: The Cardinal House
On the whole, it is a game of high quality and good experience,But Extra Stage is very drag down the quality of the game.

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Tagged as: Adventure Horror
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 68 68
Aug 13, 2018
For: I Wanna Find a Cure
Synopsis: This is an amazingly well-produced, intricately designed marathon game that is worth the time of any experienced fangame player and has few flaws (some of which won't even matter to many). It is not recommended for new players.

The Long:
Find a Cure is the third marathon game and continues the trend of phenomenal production value composing of areas inspired from other retro and contemporary classics. It has a minor, over-arching tie to bring it all together and contains a wide mix of hand-drawn art and well incorporated game assets to tie together the core of those games with core fangame concepts.

The stages are, for the most part, excellent and in a vacuum are all near as good as can be expected in a fangame concept. The whole, however, is much less than the sum of its parts. If you don't care about the flow of the game, feel free to ignore this, but the macro design of the game had many flaws for me that made the game feel far less than it could be. The middle of the game feels very homogenous and you will spend something like 2/3 to 3/4 of your entire playtime of the game without fighting a single boss. For an adventure game, this is bad. And I don't feel its quite that simple, specifically the following stages (which, again, are individually good) From the Cuphead area onward, you have the two longest sections of the game as well as two additional stages with no bosses. Not only is there no bosses but these areas have many similarities. End is Nigh is a straight left to right area, pure platforming area. It has an autoscroller pure platforming 'boss'. This follows with runner, a left-to-right autoscroller area, pure platforming area with an autoscroller pure platforming 'boss'. This follows with Celeste, built around an alternate control style (like runner) and again, another pure platforming boss. All three of these areas don't really have interactive gimmicks, just alternate control schemes/timing based killers. Along with that - no traps, no puzzles, just a lot of similarity. This leads into the metroid area, a monstrous platforming area (though it atleast has enemies) with many similar concepts. This further ruined the gameflow because you spend literally half your playtime in a single area.

Along with that, I found the metroid area quite unpleasant. While there's undoubtedly a personal disfavor towards long saves, most enemies also felt tedious and were best handled by slowrolling them from range (which all aspects of the game motivated the player to do) and many platforming sections where huge amounts of open filler space with one odd choke jump. Still, the detail in the design and production was very impressive.

The other problems I had with it are purely subjective and do not factor into the rating and will be spoilered out because otherwise its just a wall of text that most people don't care about. I'd urge the developers to consider it though, should they participate next year at the least. Of course, for anyone, feel free to not care.

This game, for me, was an incredible letdown. Not as a game, it was still a great game but as a marathon game. It has a unique place and presence as the marathon game because it garners a lot of attention and hype but more importantly because there are many people who do not regularly watch fangames but do tune in for parts of the marathon, including this. I have a couple such friends and they were much less impressed by this game because it felt like it had a lot less personality for the most part. The production is great, for a fangame, but for outsiders - they don't care.

There's a lot less accessible humor in this game and a lot more fangame references that frankly suck for outsiders. I had a friend whose first fangame was marathon because he loved the variety - the silly traps, the zany golf stage was among his favorites, the wild miku and the wacky pokemon stuff. Very few stages in this game embodied this. He played a few more fangames but got caught up in RL stuff and lost interest. Asked me again earlier this summer for some recommendations and watched part of the marathon. This game did not interest him - fortunately he had the chance to see a Reach the Moon playthrough which did.

I thought about it too, with the recent set of streamers out of the community playing Run the Marathon - would they want to play find the cure? I highly doubt it and their viewers probably wouldn't be as interested either. Its extremely beginner unfriendly in some places with numerous stages with long saves longer than anything in previous games. Not to mention the metroid area. Please, for the love of god, never even consider putting anything remotely close to that into a marathon game in the future. Not just because I wasn't a fan of it, but that kind of design is excessively punishing to a new player. Long saves require consistency which new players generally will not have, having hitpoints does not mitigate this when they hit a jump that will cost them many tries just to figure out and lose tons of progress or the potential for chain hits due to the hit knockback/teleportation. The single jumps after long sections such as before switches (the red switch comes to mind, or the room with nothing but a 4-spike jump with one at the top among other instances) are easy enough for an experienced player but will ruin a new player experience.

On top of that, again, the ruined variety. My friend took some 20 hours to beat Marathon. That's a long time, extrapolating that over (even assuming the games were the same length, when they're not), that's 15 hours of play time without a boss, without a humorous trap, without a puzzle (outside of general exploration) to break it up.

Every one of the people involved in this game is a talented maker and because of that perhaps my expectations were unfairly high but again, I'd urge anyone doing the marathon game next year to consider that this is a powerful project for the community we all care about and think about what opportunities it offers. I understand that there is no obligation to make the game meet those expectations and it was never expressly intended that the marathon game should to some degree be the face of the community but it does have that power. Run the Marathon and to a lesser degree Warp the Worlds truly had that power and I'd love to see that again.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick
[12] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 58 58
Aug 13, 2018
For: Chill Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 13, 2018
For: I Wanna Win The Yuuri Katsuki
A really bad "meme" game. Awful visuals, annoying music, and unfun needle. It's bad but not the funny kind of bad.

Do not recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Visual_Challenge
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.6 16       Difficulty: 41 41
Aug 13, 2018
For: Dual Needle
rating not include secrets and extra

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[1] Like
Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 65 65
Aug 13, 2018
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