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For: I wanna be the Noesis
This is my longest review I will ever gonna write on del-fruit.

I was not really used to spend much time on fangaming in general, simply because I wasn’t very fond of long grinding at playing games, especially when patience or a lot of stress-formation was envolved. The longest grind I’ve ever done before Noesis was ironically, boshy. And that was my first fangame ever played.
The reason why I played this game was because, when I was playing MMM, I asked peranche for how hard Noesis was, and he said it was okay. He never said anything about how much was his deaths and in game time was, (20k deaths, 50 hours) so I took the bait.
Later, when I found the Creator aby’s deleted community address (exists in I wanna be the Churatch ending, I searched in the wayback machine and it turns out that aby was making this game at least since 2013, and the initial release date was 2016-02-26, so I guess the game took about 3 years to finish. In other words, the first part of the game can be considered as old style.
Aby updated the game again in 2016-08-08, changed some minor block misplacements, but I found out about the update after I reached the final boss, so the rating is based on the first version 1.0. There are hardly no difference anyways. The review contains spoilers, sort of a guide of the whole game by me, and my personal opinions about it.

Before you challenge this game, you should remember that the creator is the infamous I wanna be the Catastrophe creator, and this is his first attempt at an adventure game.
As you open the game, you will be greeted with a black screen, with a green japanese text. ‘After you adjusted your volume, press the L key.’ And the awesome opening appears with the italic ‘I wanna be the Noesis’ title and ‘press shift key’.

[Stage 0 - Divergence Stage] If you select the difficulty, you will be greeted with a hub room, with 4 portals in it. Read Me says you can press W to return to the hub any time, but I totally didn't know about it.

[Stage 1 - Lift Stage] (bottom left) consists of straight triggers and traps platforming. I was only used to needle based platforming, so I started having hundreds of deaths at every save. The worst one was the corner with the platform jump segment which is near the end of the stage, because I choked a lot, resulting about 800 deaths at it. One of my worst nightmares because I was very weak at low framing. The boss also took me about an hour, but you should consider that most bosses in this game are actually, desserts after the platforming in terms of difficulty, so you shouldn’t be grinding that much long.
[4307 deaths, 3h 22m]

[Stage 2 - Relaxed Stage] (bottom right) starts with some triggers and traps platforming but it quickly turns into no-jumping water platforming. (Catarsis water would be correct, but this was appeared in Competitor first BabyRage) The main highlight is screen 4, which starts with 4 diamonds. If you think this screen is not that hard, then revenge awaits. The boss is simply the easiest in the game, so you shouldn’t have any problems with it.
[7368 deaths, 5h 55m]

[Stage 3 - Trigonometric Function Stage] (upper left) is strange. Most of the platforming consists with weird cherry movements, which is very tricky to figure out, and importantly, no chokes. It’s not hard once you figure out the right timing, but a few hundred deaths at some saves is necessary. It’s noticeably short, which I’m grateful for it. The boss was very fun to learn, with exact amount of RNG and pattern, and perfect difficulty.
[9708 deaths, 9h]

[Stage 4 - Abnormal State Stage] (upper right) consists with new systems and you should be accustomed with it, such as changes with speed, gravity, high FPS and a few more. There is no doubt that you shouldn’t be able to pass them in one go, especially with triggers and traps involved, so expect a few hundred deaths and some saves again. The boss also uses that changed systems, but the 3rd and 4th attack has a lot of RNG, so it needs plenty of focus, or some luck. There is a problem in this stage which is my case, at windows 10, the view won't symmetry vertically and horizontally. I played most of the game on windows 7 and I found this after I switched it. Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve it, since it might be the gamemaker, or the windows 10 problem.
[11963 deaths, 11h 20m]
After you beated the first 4 stages, the 5th warp would appear in the middle of the screen. At this point, if your deaths and in-game time is numerous then me, you should quit it and boost up your skills by playing other fangames because, I’m still playing the final bosses right now with 40k deaths and 180 hours and still have no hope on beating the game because of extreme RNG.

[Stage 5 - Switch Stage] (upper right)
Swtich trigger needle. Most of them are pretty easy except the platform ride on screen 2, which took me about an hour or so. Rest was a really plesent experience. The final screen and the before features a quick button shooting platforming, (which can be also seen on charr) which can confuse some people.
It was only a matter of time before I found out that this stage was a joke compared to the boss ahead.
The 1st avoidance is like, in my opinion, the 1st big wall to the player. The song only lasts about 90 seconds, but it has extreme RNG and you can easily spend a massive amount of time on grinding if you aren’t ready for it, unless you are an avoidance god or like that. The former was my case, so it took me about 7 hours 40 minutes, and I was VERY lucky because I had a lot of close dodges. which I recommend you should watch at least once. It’s worth it.
[14787 deaths, 20h 40m]
After you beat the 5th stage, the upper part of the room opens and you can access to 3 more portals.

[Stage 6 - Jump Stage] (middle)
This time, the stage features auto jumping. Some segments were pretty tight, but nothing overwhelming to dodge it. At this point, my skills increased so I didn’t had a lot of stress with it. This gimmick also appears in the boss, so the patterns can be tricky to learn.
[16057 deaths, 22h 28m]

[Stage 7 - Snow Stage] (left)
Slippery blocks. Was not a big problem with it, since I felt it was very similar like the normal blocks. Some triggers are pretty hardcore though, so if you play it blind, you might get confused. The boss was also a breeze, liked the song, felt like this stage was a fresh air.
[17491 deaths, 23h 34m]

[Stage 8 - Underground Desert Stage] (right)
Quicksand stage. Wished the stage was longer, because I didn’t truly enjoyed the quicksand gimmick because the stage was so short. Seems like it was a rushed stage before the boss, unfortunately.
The 2nd avoidance, which lasts about right below 4 minutes, mixes with patterns and RNG. The pattern part was not a big problem, but those RNG can wall you a lot time if you didn't managed to dodge it when it was free. Simply, the RNG parts ranges from free to impossible. I was also very lucky to beat it because, I did it everything on first try after 3 minutes into the avoidance. God was with me, but after this, I was sent to hell. Took me around 6 hours 50 minutes.
[18400 deaths, 30h 57m]
After you return to the hub, the upper portal in the upper screen appears and when you touch it, everything turns grey, and this is where the REAL game begins.

[Stage 9 – The Another Stage]
Stage 9 is where the real meat of Noesis platforming exists and where the true grinding starts. Everything is buffed, but luckily, the buffed screens won’t last long so you should say thanks to aby. He might have punished you anytime if he made a lof of buffed screens. But still, I consider this entire stage as a 2nd block of the game because it takes a massive hours to grind through it.
- Buffed stage 1 is easy, only lasts 2 screens. and the boss is pretty much similar to the original one. Nothing bad.
[19161 deaths, 31h 43m]
- Buffed stage 2 is hard, with a lot of changed triggers and traps, you should probably spend some time here. Actually, I choked a lot on screen 2 first stage, so this part can give some players nightmares, including me. Boss was still similar with the original, was still a freebie.
[21542 deaths, 33h 49m]
- Buffed stage 3 is a horizontally flipped screens from the original, so you have to learn the dodging timing from the start again. But some are still similar, so it can be a still a freebie to some players. Maybe not, because the last save exists. The boss also changed a bit, but it’s still easy once you learn everything again.
[23188 deaths, 35h 23m]
- Buffed stage 4 is a mixture of easy and hard between the saves. Some might be hard, some might be pretty much the same so it will be easy. Maybe not, because there’s a lot of NEW traps. The boss was, pretty much the same, still lots of RNG, but I got lucky enough to beat it fast then the original one.
[24802 deaths, 36h 48m]
- Buffed stage 5 is, in my opinion, the hardest screens in the game. The changed buttons and the traps really haunted me a lot, especially at some saves. Very thanks to aby, it only lasts about 3 screens so time to start grinding for a while.
The 3rd avoidance is surprisingly similar like the 1st one, but RNG patterns reduced a lot so I had fun with it. A few tricky patterns still exists, so it took me a while, but not as long as the 1st one. Spent around 7 hours 16 minutes.
[27777 deaths, 45h 25m]

- Buffed stage 6 is HELL, but thanks to aby, it only lasts 2 screens. Personally, I thought it was appropriate, but on the other side, aby should have made more of this screen, maybe. xD The changed patterns of the boss took me a while.
[29079 deaths, 47h 12m]
- Buffed stage 7 is a downgrade version of stage 6, which lasts the same amount but still pretty hard. Buffed boss also took me a while like the previous, because some patterns were changed.
[29734 deaths, 48h 31m]
- Buffed stage 8 is the first and the last freebie of this game. There was a few minor changes in the traps, but everything is just meaningless, in front of this avoidance. The platforming part took me exactly 174 deaths by the way.

The grand finale avoidance, the last TRUE wall of this game, still haunts me even after I beated it about 1 year ago. The song, Change&Chance, became one of my favorite song in my life, so this particular avoidance influenced my life a lot.
Anyways, the song lasts about slightly above 4 minutes, and in my opinion, this avoidance has a perfect balance between RNG and patterns. Some might wall you, but mostly it’s entirely your fault because there’s almost always a way to dodge it.
The difficulty suddenly ramps up around 2:25 so most of my time spent on that part reaching it and grinding it, mostly because I choked so many times before I smashed my keyboard. Near the end of the grind, I suddenly passed the 2:25 part a lot so if you’re an avoidance god, you will definitely beat this avoidance much more faster then me. But in any case, this avoidance is definitely a great wall to any range of players, even for highly experienced ones, so I wish you good luck. If you spend more time on the previous avoidances then I did, I recommend to sharpen your RNG dodging skills before challenging this boss because, this avoidance will literally FUCK you.
Took me 29 hours 22 minutes. In real time, 5 months.
Anyways, aby said to me that he made stage 9 to include the all 4 avoidances on this single game and I’m incredibly glad he did.

At this point, 2 people, Ipecacman and bootstrap said this game was already harder then K3, but I didn’t played much of K3 enough to express this opinion, so this is just an an extra note.
[31656 deaths, 78h 8m]
After you beat the final avoidance, another upper portal appears in the upper part of the room like the last time, and it sents you to the Last Stage room and if you touch the portal this time, everything becames colourful again.

[Stage 10 – Gimmick Stage]
The grand finale stage, which has the same background as the title, has a few freebie saves and some very hardcore saves. Most of the time you will spend grinding that hard saves, especially with the circling cherries part, but you proved that you have confidence, patience, and skills in the previous avoidance, this stage will not take you so long. Because, the grand finale awaits you to prove those things once again.
[34052 deaths, 80h 58m]

The Final Bosses
As you can guess, there are 4 bosses, each with a different theme. This is easily the hardest part in the game because essentially, you have to spend a huge amount time to grind through it. You can learn most of the attacks to the point you will never die again, but you MUST have skills to read RNG patterns, and a lot of luck to beat this bosses. Every boss has 30HP, with 10HP at each attack, and buffing included when it’s half decreased.

1st Phase. Fireworks - Shirley Warwick
1-1 attack is a hard version of one of early attack from the 4th avoidance. The curving can be hardcore to dodge when it’s buffed, but it’s easy as long as your eyesight doesn’t have a problem with it. Still, it took me a while to learn it.
1-2 attack is some cherry explosions, with aimed ones at every damage, but when it’s buffed, it can range from free to impossible. There’s a high chance of being walled if you don't concentrate enough, even after you learn about the Final Bosses from head to toe, so you should stay focused.
1-3 attack is 2 curving cherry explosions with timing crossed, but when it gets buffed, it gets seriously hard. You can say this is easy after you dodge this once, but that applies when this is the final attack of the Final Bosses. Took a lot of time to learn it enough to pass it steadily, but once you do it, you will survive about 90% of times. You must survive lots of times, because there’s a lot more challenge up ahead.

2nd Phase. Pattern - Yune Amagiri
Ironically, this is the easiest part of the final bosses, so you should survive 100% if you want to have any hope at beating this game.
2-1 attack is the easiest attack in the boss. This is my guess, that the player aimed line cherries changes, depends on y-coordinate of the kid. I just followed Nogard’s step, and when I jump before the vertical player aimed cherry appeared, I got walled and 100% died. You should NOT die at this attack because your precious chance has been wiped out. However, I repeated this mistake lots of times and I included in my death count even I pressed R before I died. - 69 times.
2-2 attack is the second easiest attack in the boss. Mostly it’s player aimed and timing, so if you learn everything, you won’t die anymore. It’s easy to learn by the way. Still I had lots of mistakes and stupidly died a few times. - 58 times.
2-3 attack is, one of the hardest attack in the fight, and you have to spend a lot of time to learn it. It’s still all about the jump timing, but the attack changes when the HP decreases into half, so measuring the shot timing is essential. Even after I learned everything, I still died a lot because of my inadequate dodging skills, so it took me a while to sharpen it again to NOT die, ever again. So, I died the most here, excluding the 1st phase. - 246 times.

3rd Phase. Infinite Jump - Airi Shiraga
This is the part where the Final Bosses turns into a much more serious degree. You have to spend a lot of time to reach this 3rd phase, and with this phase included, you will spend the double amount of time you spent on the previous phases.
3-1 attack is very simple. Curving circle cherries appears and you have to go inside it. If it’s buffed, the the curving became hard. What are the odds?
The eyesight. You must have concentrated a lot enough to reach here, so your eyes must be tired to open long enough, and this attack NEEDS it. So you can easily die on this part, even if the dodging is simple. Those curving cherries are fast, so it’s a lot, LOT more harder then you saw on a video. Since this attack is easy to make on gamemaker, I practiced a lot but it still took me a while to learn my adequate dodging skills of this. - 192 times.
3-2 attack is RANDOM. I don’t know why this exists in here, but I guess aby ran out of ideas for the attacks, unfortunately. Just choose a spot you would like to dodge and pray. If you have insane reaction skills, you won’t die lots of times, but it’s impossible when the random(360) cherries directly charges at you, especially when they are curved. - 193 times.
3-3 attack is what I call ‘whirlwind attack’ and fits very well with this name. The cherries became a whirlwind and you should dodge it. Not a big problem, but it gets so much serious when it’s buffed, because a tiny gap appears on the whirlwind and you have to dodge it. I didn't know that when you face left to get inside the gap, you will survive about 90% if you don't have any mistakes. I was a fool, so I died lots of times again before I found out the trick. Still, you will have many mistakes with this 3-3 attack because, it’s the most intense part of the fight, including the all of the phases. - 159 times.

4th Phase. Random - Masaki Gaillard
Random. That’s right. If you’re weak at random attacks, close the game and try to beat I wanna be the Gel or something, because this phase is not for you. If you don’t, you will still die stupidly, with a high amount, on this fight.
4-1 attack is, without a doubt, horrible. The cherries changes its speed and direction at every steps (and gravity ), so it’s impossible to predict it and there’s absolutely no chance of planning to dodge anything. Praying to god would be more helpful, unfortunately. It gets hardcore when it’s buffed, because curving has joined.
Because of this huge RNG of 4-1 attack, you must reach LOTS of times on the 4th phase, and this is the hardest part of the Final Bosses. My record is reaching the 4th phase 3 times in a row, which needs an insane amount of grinding. But I’m actually too tired to grind right now because I die just poorly and stupidly at this 4-1. - 101 times.
4-2 attack is, you should choke at it because it’s the main event of this attack. The cherries stops and spawns and moves and stops and so on, so trying to find a way to dodge it is the important part of this attack. More importantly, just don’t jump at the speed=0 cherry, because I did lots of times and just wanted to smash my monitor. - 14 times.
4-3 attack is the grand finale. The cherries warps from the every border in the screen, so reaction time is the key to dodge it. I died once with 3HP left at the last moment, because the amount of cherries goes insane when it’s buffed. Just pray to god, and it would might work. - 3 times

I think I’ve said too much about ‘pray to god to beat the game’ especially at the Final Bosses, because I’ve experienced too much despair and depression to beat this game. Even though, the platforming and the 4th avoidance influenced my life, and my life in fangaming a lot, especially at game-making. I really like this because, not only it was challenging, but because this game as so many ways of platforming and surprised me very well. The triggers and traps are wonderfully designed, and the avoidances, well they can be bad, but still, they generally improved my avoidance skills. And the 4th avoidance being one my best favorite fangame boss at all time.
I wanna be the Noesis will be the hardest challenge of your ENTIRE LIFE if you want to beat it, so you should ready for any chances of hardcore challenges you should face. I won’t be playing fangames for a few months, maybe years due to my air force thingy, since I won't be at home that much for 22 months, but I will definitely come back to beat this. Beating this game has became one of my bucket list, and I’m ready for it any time to see the epic, outstanding ending that I am definitely NOT going to miss.

40001 deaths, 182 hours 11 minutes 2 seconds.

- Edit 1 2019-02-06

There is a long japanese text you can see it in the ending.

According to this, aby said this is the first time he tried making traps and HP bosses, which is very impressive.

2021-04-30 People who beated Noesis. [18 people] (Based on youtube video date)

Nogard [2016-12-10] [url][/url]
Ipecacman [2017-05-14] [url][/url]
Sheep (Hard Mode) [2017-12-13] [url][/url]
Zero81kuro [2018-07-14] [url][/url]
Escape Chute (Hard Mode) [2018-08-26] [url][/url]
Wolfiexe [2019-02-09] [url][/url]
あお [2019-03-10] [url][/url]
Ouka [2019-03-22] [url][/url]
Bootstrap1998 [2019-05-06] [url][/url]
JRocker873 [2019-09-17] [url][/url]
SinKun [2019-09-17] [url][/url]
Gogibestyeah [2020-03-28] [url][/url]
IgorbSV [2020-04-27] [url][/url]
陸上 [2020-07-31] [url][/url]
Cosmoing [2021-02-02] [url][/url]
Mastermaxify [2021-02-24]
Yiazmat [2021-03-05]
Arzzt [2021-04-29]

Aby's twitter account, though not active for months.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Boss Long Trigger Noesis-Like
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Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna be the bagatskiy
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 65 65
Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna stop Liquid from lying
Pure garbage. You play as a megaman stage block trying to kill a bouncing sprite of a crab with a human face which seems to be invulnerable.

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Tagged as: Boss
[1] Like
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 15, 2018
For: Fagball Adventures
Tagged as: Needle Trap
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna see the RUSRANDOM
Not sure if this game even possible. Most of it is very cancerious garbage made intentionally to be like that. Something like a cheap temple game.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Trap Visual_Challenge Trigger.
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna be the verisimilitude
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[0] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 90 90
Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna skim the milk

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[5] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 30 30
Dec 15, 2018
For: I Wanna Escape The Funny Red Miku
Cute game with an interesting story, decent needle, and an avoidance full of attacks that appear to be RNG but aren't. In order to get the "true end," you need to play on hard mode and do a screen 3 backtrack with an extra screen of needle (followed by redoing the first 2 screens of the game). Enjoyable overall, but I wish the background wasn't black.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.9 79       Difficulty: 72 72
Dec 15, 2018
For: Just five seconds
Tagged as: Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 42 42
Dec 15, 2018
For: I wanna be the Finite
Review based on 100%

A pretty hefty game with a lot of content. It plays largely like an adventure game except without the bosses. The core game has 5 main stages, each with two areas followed by a final stage split into four areas. Each area is distinct in its own way, offering a pretty good amount of variety. Every stage has a secret which is required for the dark areas, which are basically just the main four areas except with extra spikes.

Overall its pretty good - it looks decent and has a lot of content and decent variety gimmick wise. The problem is design-wise, there's a lot of corridors and a lot of repeated formations. This is substantially more noticeable on the dark worlds which did not feel any more interesting, just replaying the game with more generic stuff to fill in the gaps. There's a few exceptions but they are simply that, exceptions. Production is good but beyond the level design, there's so many playability problems that it makes a bumpy ride. Save placement is bad, making some segments where you die repeatedly somewhat annoying. This is exacerbated by the fact that there's a handful of saves that are much more difficult than everything else in the game, making those segments pretty grindy and tedious.

Its worth playing if you want a adventure style needle game, though I'd hesitate to bother with the dark worlds (even the final stage is kind of bad). The needle design is kind of dated, with a ton of repeated 32px placements but its definitely not bad.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick
[1] Like
Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 14, 2018
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