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For: I Wanna Dorito 3
One of the games that really deserves more recognition. Pretty good memes along the way and some interesting takes on already existing gimmicks makes for, in general, a very well made but short adventure game. Highly recommend for anyone looking for something not too hard with a few bosses sprinkled in.

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Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 56 56
Jul 12, 2018
For: I wanna Conversation
Pretty old YoYo game. According to the .exe this game was made somewhere in 2014, and as I got it, it was private game, which was available if you were in YoYo's nico group, which now is deleted (even though in webarchive there is no information about this game at all). There is I wanna gorgeous big Conversation too, which is basically remade and buffed version of this game, which was made somewhere in 2015.

This game has one avoidance to beat. Avoidance itself isn't too hard but still it has its issues. Yes, avoidance has some good visual effects, like zooming in and out effects and some attacks looks visually nice too. Even idea to put 2 Mikus on one screen which are different is nice, since even the name of the game is I wanna Conversation. This is kind of nice conversation between player and the game, however this whole "conversation" has gameplay problems. Many attacks (even the first one) are RNG depended, which means that you can get unpleasant situations during avoidance. Many patterns are RNG based too, which means you can't do some patterns each time identically. And this avoidance has many unobvious instagibs, which are impossible to predict, unless you have seen this avoidance before. This avoidance also has too many attacks, where you just need to wait until next attack, and that gets because of some effects, where you don't have to do anything and too many fake fruits, which I don't think that makes avoidance better. Also this avoidance has one attack, which can cause lag after which you will have unsynchronised attacks. This problem is fixed in I wanna gorgeous big Conversation, which is kind of good, since its kind of wierd, that one attack can cause on some computers lag after which it is unenjoyable to play avoidance further.

This is not bad avoidance or something. I liked some attacks and it wasn't hard either. Kind of mixed emotion, and even though it is kind of good avoidance for beginners, I still can't say for sure would beginners like or dislike this game, so I won't abnegate you from trying it, I would even say, that if you somehow have access to this game, then you may try it if you don't have anything else to play, maybe you will like it, who knows.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.4 54       Difficulty: 31 31
Jul 12, 2018
For: I wanna be Cyan - easy
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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the Dob
Haven't played it but seen a couple complete playthroughs via Stonk's stream. Game isn't absolutely abysmal like some certain review makes it out to be but it's age shows. Has some genuinely fun bosses and platforming has a fair few amount of traps in it so if that's your thing give it a go.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Troll Bosses
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 12, 2018
For: I wanna feed Your Escapism
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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 56 56
Jul 12, 2018
For: I Wanna Classic Adventure
It's okay. I think some of the saves were too long and the grey apple avoidance in stage 3 was unnecessary (starting off a save with an avoidance you have to repeat on each death? why?) but overall this is an okay little game.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 11, 2018
For: I wanna be the mold killer
Another Hanshin's game, which this time is short trap based game, which badly use mold killer bottle sprites (low quality sprites) as enemies. First screen has 2 saves, from which the first one is only special, because have dumb and precise trap, which to avoid you have to go to the beginning of the save and then to go all the way back. Second one is easier and just have ceiling platforms as well as mold killer bottle whichyou have to avoid. Second screen is some kind of chase from spike wall jumping on spray bottles, which are invisible and gets visible once you touch them. Pretty much nothing special. What we have for the boss? Well we have 2 mold killer bottles, which you have to shoot, but those make red fruit burst. Also, you have to destroy left bottle at first and only then the right one (I don't know why it is coded like that), oh and you also have to move carefully since there is 2 small spike walls and you are in the middle of them, and the floor has ice gimmick (why?). Then there is "Thank you for playing!" screen. Tileset is OK, music is pretty wierd (and restarting too), gameplay boring and playing it is pretty boring. That's it. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Trap Boss Short
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Rating: 2.4 24       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 11, 2018
For: I wanna be the Kaenbyou
I think this is one of the best games for new players and the perfect needle game to start with. It's fun even for experienced fangamers. There's 3 of these games, i personally cleared all 3 in a single sitting when i was new and it took me maybe an hour? The last screen of every game is a multi screen where i might, or might not, have gotten lost several times before realizing where to go. Lots of fun really, i still come back to these games every few months and play through them.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 20 20
Jul 11, 2018
For: I wanna follow it
One of my favorite fangames, a few screens of very fun needle that definitely challenges newer players without making it feel impossible or having an overly long grind followed by an avoidance that is really fun with a lot of pattern and a handful of RNG attacks. It is also very pretty with a very good song.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 25 25
Jul 11, 2018
For: I Wanna Ponder
An incredible puzzle game and one of the best fangames ever. The production value is unreal, with things i never even imagined possible in a fangame. Let's ignore the fact that i could consistently make the game crash 30 seconds after turning it on.
There's 10 styles of puzzles, each with 10 puzzles to puzzle your puzzle yo. Seriously, it's really hard. If you don't have much puzzle experience this will take you a looooong time to complete.
There's also some bonuses which are really cool and people set unbelievably high records on those.
The last thing i want to talk about is that this game is made by Kurath, and Kurath has a damn fine taste in music, with songs that i feel are perfect for ambience but aren't overpowering enough to make thinking about the puzzle hard.
Stellar job mate, well done.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 11, 2018
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