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For: I wanna be the Citadel
Really great starter adventure game with a few gimmicks to keep things spicey. The length of the game will surely improve any newcomers to fangames and the production value will hold their attention with easy. All these awesome aspects ramp up in sync with one another creating a really progressive feeling game. Theres a few hills and valleys but overall stellar game. Highly impressed.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 22, 2017
For: I wanna climb with head
It was a decent game. Nothing too fancy. The gimmick was interesting, a little weird to get used to at first but alright otherwise. Only thing I'm having a hard time with is the secret screen after the initial ending.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 50 50
Jan 22, 2017
For: I wanna craft the Mine2
First off I just want to explain why there is no difficulty rating and that is because I'm not 100% sure this game is even possible. I got to the third screen of the game, and I couldn't figure out what to do from there. I tried invisible triggers, fake walls, going back but it all ended up being for nothing. I tried looking up videos on youtube and nico to see if there was a video to see if I could hopefully find the answer to it but there wasn't even that so because of that I'm leaving the rating unknown for now. If I find a way to progress or if I find out the game is impossible I'll update the review.

This game tries to do a unique approach to combine Minecraft with fangames and the concept of it isn't even bad but it is very poorly exercised. Pressing 1 (which is default) is just regular bullets, 2 is pickaxes, 3 is shovel and 4 is axes.

If you played mincraft before you know what used on what so no explanation needed really there but where this game fail to in using them is the fact that you are often rushed to switch to those different options. Trying to switch to them is just awkward and even if you do manage to switch to them in time, it doesn't mean its over. Because to use them you have to shoot but they shoot at a downward angle and if you are too close to the object that needs to be destroyed you will just not destroy it.

The save balancing in this game is very horrid as well as the first save in the game the hardest thing you do is jump ledge jump. Get to the third save and suddenly you have gravity flippers and have to do a gate jump while upside but unlike a real gate jump you can over jump it. Doing so however just flips gravity again and causes you do die. Next save you do a nerf invert etc... It goes from being a simple game to just suddenly hard out of nowhere.

The music in this game is also unfitting and honestly just horrible. And this is coming from a music major! Its starts out okay with a fanfare opening but quickly just makes me want to shut the music off because its horrible. Its disgusting and if you somehow manage to get to the second half, which by the way the music restarts every death, it becomes even more out of place with just a tuba solo... Not really fitting when it comes to playing a fangame that tries to mix with minecraft.

Overall this game had interesting concepts, decent graphics but the weird controls, the awful game balance and the maybe, maybe not, impossible screen 3 is what is ruining this game from actually being good and decent. If you could change weapons by pressing C instead of the numbers and if it didn't mater how close you were when you used your weapon it would fix a ton right there. Replace the music, make it non restarting and you would have easily made this game enjoyable. I just can't recommend this game to anyone, its just awful and I'm honestly sorry to say that.

Edit: So I finally beat the game, its only three screens long but the ending is kind of cheap. Spoilers ahead To beat the game you have to kill the skeleton head at the very end which wouldn't be a problem but you have no indication that you are even hurting it. Your bullets go right through him and there no sound effect. Just adding a sound effect would have made the ending a lot better in my opinion.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 22, 2017
For: I wanna have a Cherishable Night
I Wanna Have a Cherishable Night is a gimmick/needle game that includes a boss at the end.

This is a fairly short game (20 screens or less) full of various gimmicks, including swinging vines, standard vines, jump refreshers, bullet bills, springs, and gravity/speed modifiers. Cosmic did a nice job introducing the gimmicks one by one before combining them to great affect throughout the game, which prevents the gimmicks from feeling stale and keeps the needle fresh.

At the very end of the game there is a chase scene/autoscroller where you must use the gimmicks you've mastered to reach the end, at which point you meet the boss, Reimu, which is an 8 phase shooty boss with fairly long iframes. The attacks that Reimu throws at you vary quite a bit, and will keep you moving around the screen to stay alive, so you can't get too comfortable hugging any certain point on the screen.

I would highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a combination of needle and gimmicks, as it is a great example of how to combine the two without overdoing it. I also think the final boss is very well done and that most fangamers would enjoy playing it.


Excellent combo of gimmick + needle
Nice tilesets + backgrounds
Fun boss


Not long enough

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 22, 2017
For: I wanna QoQoQo
Solid 100 floor game with some very fun needle throughout. The bosses are easy in comparison but that's not what you're here for. They act as a short break from the platforming which I thought was a good idea.

Not a fan of infinite jump but it was done here very well. Same with the water floors. Would recommend to anyone into 100floor games.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss 100_Floor
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna kill the Kamilia
The first medley game as I'm sure others have pointed out by now. Its filled with holes gaps glitches and soft locks. If you can get through all that you can see the game had some effort put in just needed a bit (a lot) of refinement. That being said it started something great and from there we will always be thankful. Most people say its not worth playing I think it is. The platformings pretty standard and the last boss isn't something to scoff at.

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Tagged as: Medley
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna challenge 100 trials!!
As a first fangame its probably the most recommended game out there. The production value is really high for a game of this difficulty. It holds the players hand as it introduces only the most basic things of fangames. Here's a spike, here's an apple, here's a cherry, here's a delicious fruit, here's a trigger, here's ice, here's a boss. Good game would recommend at least the first 79 floors before moving on to something with a little more spice.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 10 10
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna eat the Rori Girl
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 15 15
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the Needle Reaper
Tagged as: NeedleButterfly-like
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the Needle Reaper 2
Tagged as: NeedleButterfly-like
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 77 77
Jan 21, 2017
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