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For: I wanna star the dream
Cool fangame. Has 3 stages, all of them quite easy. The visuals are nice, and so are the musics. The death sound is the same as always, but it's low enough to not make your ears explode, so it's still good. The boss is nicely done (One more for the collection of pausing to listen to the music for a few minutes), and can be very tricky if you don't know what are you doing. The difficulty curve is quite bad, and the level design isn't very original, but if you don't anything else to spend you time on, I recommend this one.

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Tagged as: Luka
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 31, 2015
For: Serial Experiments Kid
awesome game that has nice details pretty much everywhere you look. you can kinda follow the story even if you don't understand japanese. i was already hyped for this when i heard that dagger made something new but it was still surprising how it turned out. a must play for everyone who truely enjoys fangames!

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[9] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
Rating includes 100%.
This is one of the very few fangames I've ever seen that got really close to actually deserve a 10/10 rating. It doesn't lack on anything. Level design is great, with hard, but fun jumps, and fair save placement. The small details are also great, like save animations, funny cutscenes (When I was watching the cutscene for the Heart World, I though it was a trap, and was just waiting to die), the lovely death sound (I know a couple better death sounds, but this one is still good), the last boss' eyes following you (Thanks for pointing that out, WrathofAnubis, I was about to ignore them)...The small details are, in my opinion, the line between a good game and an awesome game.
I won't say that the stage themes are exactly original, because they aren't, but the visuals are far superior to anything I've seen so far in fangames (And I'm 99% sure that a fair share of this was made with MS Paint, which makes it even more impressive), and even superior to most of what I've seen outside the fangaming world, and this is enough to make an unique fangame. The musics are great and fitting for the most part (Most part. I'm looking at you, Heart stage).
The bosses are very well-made, and here the small details come again. You can choose between fighting the boss, or another needle screen. In other words, being bad at avoidances is not an excuse (It actually is, you can't choose at the last boss fight. But that one isn't too hard). You can also go back after defeating the needle or the boss, to beat the one you didn't beat before (This rating is based on defeating both). The needle challenges are easy compared to the avoidances, or even to the normal platforming, aside from the fourth stage, where the needle challenge is an actual challenge. That being said, the platforming is still hard, but the avoidances just rule over everything. They're fast-paced enough to not be tedious, but not enough to be unfair (Maybe the amount of bullets is unfair, but not the speed), making them incredibly fun and hard at the same time.
The difficulty curve is also good, without any big flaws (Big flaws, I said. Some saves still feel out of place). Almost everything in this game is perfectly done, although it lacks a storyline (Most fangames do) and some of the aligns hints aren't exactly the best. Highly recommended to anyone with enough needle and avoidance skills.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Chase
[5] Likes
Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 72 72
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
An expansive, impressive needle/adventure game. Pristine visuals, excellent music, engaging bosses, and interesting jumps? What more could you want? How about extreme length, beautiful ambient effects, and toggle-able align hints! I think I'm in love. Effort and charm just pour out of this game, from the neat little save animations to the subtle shifts in the sprites and background - one boss even has eyes that track you as you move around the screen! Sprite choice and level design are spot on, and each stage has a distinct, original theme. There's enough personality in the music and stage design to remind me of some amazing commercial games like Dustforce.

Starts off mildly difficult, and graduates to rather difficult, but mostly due to sheer quantity of platforming/bosses, not excessive needle-y jumps. Level design and save placement are quite fair, and the helpful tooltips and align hints are just icing on the cake. The game lets you choose a forking path at various points, choosing either the boss or some (slightly) harder platforming, but I went back and did both every time just because the game is so fun. The difficulty of the bosses is very comparable to the platforming as well. A must play for experienced players, but I'd also encourage newer players to give it a try too, even if it's rough at first. Absolutely worth your time.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna be the xenoglossia2
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 15 15
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna Sunspike
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 80 80
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna be the Sunflower Fairy Kid mode
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna Speedgame
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna sheep 100
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 31, 2015
For: I wanna play Music for 4 minutes and 33 seconds
I wanna Cage the John

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[4] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 31, 2015
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