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For: I wanna boom the Yukorin
Had alot of fun with this game.Some segments felt way too much annoying but it was still fun.Would recommend.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 75 75
Sep 12, 2015
For: I wanna One Time

(Thanks creator this game.)

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Short
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 12, 2015
For: I wanna escape the Volcano
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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 20 20
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna One Time
Very short and generic trap game with a simple boss at the end. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Trap Short
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 25 25
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the yourei
Nice non-restarting music, no death sound and nice (Although generic) visuals. Uninteresting level design with lots of skips, short and hardly worth playing. Yes, the first End screen is fake.
It's not really bad, but it's...Meh. Wouldn't recommend.

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 37 37
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the Huge
Interesting adventure with a decent lenght. The main issue I have with it is the level design. Many of the traps are quite creative, but their placement is just terrible, they feel random and unnecessary at some points, and extremely predictable at other points. Many obstacles are also randomly placed. The visuals are nice, but sometimes the tilesets don't fit well with the background (Stage 4 is a good example). The death sound isn't ear-splitting, but it's still annoying. And the difficulty curve is extremely random.
The game has its good points, though. It's centered around shooting switches, and these switches will change the platforming in some way. The use of switches is really creative, and very well explored, although the poor level design doesn't really let you enjoy the creativity to its fullest. And if you activate a switch and save the game, the switch will still be activated when you die, which is really useful in this game. The bosses are quite well-made, too.
It's a game with a lot of potential, but most of this potential is wasted on poor level design, which is a shame. Not sure if I would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 5.1 51       Difficulty: 47 47
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna jump the Rainbow
Tagged as: Needle Triple_Jump
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Weston Douglas Jones
Da Bes.

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Rating: 8.9 89       Difficulty: 33 33
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna beat the Zorgo Needle
Rating based on the old version, since the new version doesn't sound much more attractive than the previous one.
Boring needle game. There are some original jumps, but none of them is particularly enjoyable to grind through. Completely random difficulty curve, all the jumps are either, boring or annoying, musics aren't bad but they restart, and the death sound is way too high. Visuals should be good, but the level design gives the game a terrible look, which fits well with the terrible gameplay.
Basically, it's terrible. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 2.1 21       Difficulty: 61 61
Sep 11, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Mokuteki
After playing stage 1 all the way through legit, i have to say. I didnt die nearly as many times as i did with MSR stage 1, hell i didnt even cheat, just through screen 2 (That light blue one because that's fucking ridiculous.
But yes, it is an MSR clone, it'll make it painfully obvious with stage 0
However this isn't nearly as bad on the medium mode. hell all it is is needle, not even painful needle at that. I have the feeling people who play this quit at screen 2 and just type their angry review.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Medley Clone
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 75 75
Sep 11, 2015
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