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For: I wanna be the Next needle
Nice needle game. Has a few interesting jumps, and the visuals are decent. The difficulty curve is all over the place, though, and the peak of that difficulty are some particularly annoying jumps. Save placement can be quite unfair, too. There are better needle games to play, but there's nothing wrong with this one, so you might want to try it as well.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 28, 2015
For: I wanna L
I'm not going to rate this game, but this genre of needle games is one of the biggest cancers that infests the wiki.

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Tagged as: Needle L_Game
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 28, 2015
For: I wanna be a Brute of a man
Updating my review now that I've given it quite a thorough playthrough.

The game is a needle based around all of the basic gimmicks. What's not generic about it is the difficulty increase which is similar to a parabola with x being the stage number.

When you first start off on Stage 1, you're given some pretty hard needle. It's not too hard, and you can pass it easily if you have good needle skill.

Stage 2 is harder and there are a fair amount of frame perfect jumps scattered through the area. It'll take a while for some to complete the area, but normally not more than an hour.

Stage 3 is where the difficulty increase really starts to become noticed. All the jumps become very hard, and the nature of the saves is very fitting of a hard needle. You'll need extensive needle skill to complete this stage.

Stage 4 is even harder than the third one, but luckily not by a lot. There are many saves which require insanely specific frame-perfect movements (Don't even get me started on the drop save). If you can beat the third stage, though, you can beat this one.

Stage 5 is where the game gets even spicier. The platforming becomes less of a needle and more of a grindquest, where there are some platforms which make it unnaturally hard. If I were to compare this stage to another fangame, I'd compare it to Fly the Far Away, which is surprisingly harder. I haven't taken the time to complete it yet.

I do not know much about Stage 6, except that it is a very long stage and requires yet another insanely long grind. Racing with a platform is the least of your worries if you actually have intentions of beating the game, though.

Stage 7 is uncannily hard. Every last save is insanely hard, and there are specific ones which would likely destroy any basic advanced needle player. If you have any hopes of completing this area, you're going to need to be skilled to the extent that even the hardest needles would be manageable in one sitting. The difficulty difference between this area and the previous ones is absolutely terrifying. There's still one last save if you make it through here, though, and it's even more painful than this one.

Stage 8 is a gigantic platform segment. You're stood on a gigantic constantly rising platform, and the room ahead of you is just as gigantic. There are multiple multi-frame perfect segments all throughout this ride, and even a single segment can take an unnaturally long time to complete. Imagine it like doing a save of 20 inverts, except instead of inverts, you're on a hellish platform ride through a terrifying apple maze and then some absolutely evil diagonals, with the cherry on top being a final pixel-perfect squish. If you can complete this, you have cleared the game and you have cleared the ranks becoming not a skilled needle player, nor a needle master. You'll have become a needle god if you beat this.

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[19] Likes
Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 98 98
Mar 28, 2015
For: I wanna get the Crystal
Nice needle game. Has plenty of generic jumps mixed with some unfair save placement, but it's surprisingly fun. Visuals are nice, but although I like the music, I don't think it was the most fitting for the stage. Same for the boss, the boss was good and fun, but the music used is more fitting for a stage than for a boss.
Either way, it's a nice needle game. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 62 62
Mar 28, 2015
For: I wanna be a Stagemaker
An online level making/sharing/playing game which lets you make your own levels (including triggers) and also your own graphics if you want. It might be out of order by now, though, since it's been a while. It was a pretty cool concept in hindsight.

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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 28, 2015
For: I wanna be the Saturn
Tough needle game. Focused on tight jumps, there are very few generic jumps (A few corners, no planes), but most of them are unusual. The difficulty curve is all over the place, but the chase at the end is definitely the hardest part of the game, as it starts easy, but has a horribly hard jump at the middle. It has an unique visual style, which I actually like a lot, despite being a bit simplistic. Would recommend for those experienced with needle games.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 69 69
Mar 27, 2015
For: I wanna be the Dife
Rating includes extra.
Quite fun needle game. The visuals aren't anything fancy, but they're not bad. The game follows through secreens of normal needle, then after a few of these you get to a 'challenge' screen with jumps that are harder than the ones you've seen so far, but one jump one save (With a couple small exceptions, but the extra jump is always easy). This follows through until the ending of the red stage, and then again through the green stage (The extra). The normal game is fairly challenging, but nothing serious. However, the difficulty curve is solid on this game, and it keeps going through the extra. The last save will be quite the pain for many players.
Overall, it's a cool needle game, but you'll need a bit of experience if you want to get past the extra.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 27, 2015
For: I wanna be the Fx
I was even going to try out the extra. Then I saw the downwards plane at the second save, and...Nevermind.
So, even without the extra included, this game still poses some challenge. The save placement isn't very favorable, and there are quite a few hard jumps scattered through the game. The visuals and the music are good, and thankfully there are no death sounds. The level design is good, as well. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 27, 2015
For: I wanna Quaint
A fairly cool fangame with plenty of creative traps (The generic ones are still there, but they're more rare). The platforming is quite easy for the most part, it's just a matter of dying and learning. The save placement is fair. The visuals are nice and a few extra effects make this game far superior to most at this matter, even though the two first stages use generic themes (The old underground, and the black and white stage).
The bosses are quite nice. The last one, particularly, is quite memorable. The music used fits very well with the visuals, and so do the special effects such as the screen shaking and stuff. And so does the boss itself, as well. After taking some damage, the boss will start teleporting through the previous bosses' screens and using their attacks (Sounds familiar). It ends with a cool barrage of cherries and earthquakes.
The gameplay can get tedious sometimes (Visuals don't make gameplay. Meh), but it's worth it just for the last boss. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 33 33
Mar 27, 2015
For: I wanna clear the Crime & Punishment Ver.Normal
This is basically black and white final attack, it would have been alot better with a few different attacks but I guess having 1 RNG attack is the point of the game. Feels alot like a practise .exe for black and white final boss. took me about 45 minutes.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 27, 2015
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