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Joined on: Jan 11, 2021

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15 Reviews

For: I wanna play Kiduija
Very fun, creative, and spooky Metroidvania adventure game. There are many interesting gimmicks and ideas that work very well in this game that I don't see a lot in other games. There's a fear meter that works as an HP bar, that fills up more or less depending on the severity of an attack. It does make a lot of platforming challenges cheeseable, but it is a fun mechanic. The bosses are all good and fun to play, and the last boss is particularly humorous, as well as being really cool concept-wise. My biggest problem with the game was that I often got lost, but that's probably just on me. Totally recommend it to anyone looking for a beginner fangame or just looking for something different.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 35 35
Jan 16, 2021
For: I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered
It's nice to finally have the original I Wanna Be the Guy without its dumb glitches or engine. This remastered version ups the game to 50 FPS HD, uses the Yuuutu engine, and fixes many bugs present in the original game, with dipswitches to enable and disable things added for better immersion or gameplay. Without the original game's problems, I Wanna Be the Guy is a fantastic game that, while may have aged poorly in some regards, is still a blast to play from beginning to end. There are also extra unlockables for getting all the secrets, which makes this a nice experience even for those who have played the original. If you haven't played the original IWBTG, this is absolutely the best way to play it and a great adventure from start to finish. I'd say this is a must-play for anyone, really.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 14, 2021
For: I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams
Pretty neat and abstract game. You go around collecting "dream orbs" that allow you to visit the final area and get the ending once you have them all. The atmosphere and visuals this game provides are excellent and convey the dream feel very well, something I compare with games to the likes of Yume Nikki. Biggest complaint is that there is a lot of empty space and the game could be a tad bit harder, but these aren't major and the difficulty complaint isn't necessarily a negative thing. Recommend if you're looking for a beginner game or a chill-out/explorative kind of game.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 25 25
Jan 13, 2021
For: I Wanna Get Some Drip

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 13, 2021
For: I wanna eat the Planet
Pretty good trap fangame. The production value is relatively high and only gets higher the further you get into the game. A few of the traps were kind of bland, but most were pretty nice. The bosses aren't very hard, but they're not too bad either, aside from an avoidance section at the end that took up about half my playtime; it's a very learny section and will likely take you a while to figure out specific patterns. Not only that, but I found the section to be way too long to be enjoyable, plus there were many points you would just stand still. Overall, I recommend this fangame to people looking to play a good trap game, though the avoidance at the end may be offputting to some.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 12, 2021
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GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered 40.0 9.5