I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3
Creators: Influcca, Kamilia, どるっぴ, こあら, サイバー, ルキト, LunarMagic, Betty, Shi.Yu., ヨーヨー, ところてん, あお, ThenewGeezer, Ouka, Tomo
Speedrun Leaderboards
169 Reviews:
I really wanted to like this game. I really did. The production is astounding and the music is amazing! Unfortunately, the actual gameplay, is crap. The game starts off fine enough, but with some stupid "LOL CURNER JAMPS" buffs, and eventually spires off into a complete grind fest that involves about 95% luck and 5% skill. Does grinding a boss for over 5 hours sound fun? No? What about 20 hours? 50? 100? I would not recommend every playing this game unless you are the type of person who enjoys actual pain. However, I would suggest watching some unfortunate soul stream it instead.
[16] Likes
Rating: 1.3 13
Difficulty: 99 99
Oct 12, 2015
Not a bad game, but it receives way too much attention on twitch. The first four stages are okay, and everything from the boss rush and beyond is extremely grindy, which I couldn't stomach. If I said I didn't enjoy my playthrough up to that point though, I would be lying.
[16] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 90 90
Feb 9, 2015
The games meant for experienced fangame players. If you aren't one when you start you will be when/if you finish. Its a game most will take up and put down as they play through it coming back to grind that last save or the boss they have 30+ hours on. Its a game filled with accomplishments to be had and only those willing to bash their face into a wall long enough will get. Get ready if you haven't played this yet. Your fangame adventure really starts here.
[13] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 19, 2017
piano is love, piano is life
[13] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 94 94
Jun 21, 2015
Well, that was a long adventure. From 1.30 to 1.50
There were bad and good things. 1-4 stages of platforming... well, never again, they was just incredibly bad, except some really neat screens, like hope the end of. About bosses 1-3, flandre is pretty ok, nicely done boss, which looked cool, when i got to her.
2-nd boss, Shine and Bright - one of the best in game, imo. This is a pretty complex boss, which contains and needle parts, avoidance (as usual) and boss itself, which is really well made. I liked them a lot.
3-rd boss - pretty nice looking and epic pattern bossfight, BENZEN avoidance was pretty ok to learn.
Boss rush (1.30) - Well, this is definetely something. 2 insanely hard bosses, and 2 just hard.
Colonel - was pretty fun, even tho he was hard.
Dotkid - didn't take too long, gladly, and she was fun for that time, even with some bullshit.
Emperor - she was pretty boring at the begging, and at the end she was pretty fun, after all. Pretty much learning stuff, and dodging not so easy rng ofc.
Piano - well, that thing is... really bad. Too much boring attacks, until slow, and then you will die pretty much on last attacks cuz they are hard or bullshit. One of the worst bosses in k3, imo
After that all stuff, which will take much time, we got on influka.
Influka was really well made, even tho there was really much learning. That boss had a good k2 references, and also pretty neat attacks.
And there it is, stage 5! Secret 5 is just not worth it, even tho i grinded it. Anyway, hitboxes on Kamilia area was broken as fuck, so couldn't even do that.
And there is a new version with crystals and stuff.
Kamilia area was pretty ok, minesweeper is pretty uh... Saimon says is ok, maze was pretty fun cuz finding crystals, suddenly.
Next one - Lunarmagic. Really fun avoidance, which i liked a lot, nicely done attacks, really good sync and neat SDVX effects, which fits into that boss. Final there is really eh tho.
It's time for ca... wait a sec. Area was pretty good actually, even with snowflakes and some annoying jumps, it was pretty enjoyable. First save sucks tho.
Pi-pi-pi. Doruppi! Heck yeah, best (NOT) boss in the game. You love unfair rng which followed by insanely tight patterns? If yes, it's for you. If not, well, it will be hell. Otherwise it had nice music and cool graphics.
Rukito. That guy who made best platforming here, imo. Saves were really enjoyable, and well designed. But 2-nd saves sucks tho. And it's also had hardest save in game.
Cyber, aka Saiba. Best boss in the game in my opinion. Good designed attacks, nice sync, neat graphics, and also very fair. It was very fun to grind
Influka area. Gradius intro, moon and kamilia ba... moons. This boss is pretty nice, but you would get bored of intro, imo. Overall it's fine.
M-Stage. Platforming, which filled with generic jumps, and you need to go as fast as possible, or grape juice would've kill you. Suddenly, it wasn't that bad, as expected, but last save was pain in the ass. Also one of the hardest segments in game (Unexpected, huh?)
Kamilia, aka last boss. Boss had neat ikaruga gimmick, where you need to switch colors, and you will be invunerable to bullets, which had same color as you. First phase is pretty learny, nothing so bad tho. Second phase consist of 10 attacks, for them you need to read differently each attack, which is really interesting, and also last attack always a bit longer. Third phase is eh... all rng stuff is pretty ok, patterns are easy, and final is pretty hard, if you don't know how to deal with it. And post-final is really chokable.
Overall, kamilia 3 had too much bad stuff at the begging, and insanely good stuff at the end. Wouldn't recommend for begginers. It's really awful idea, believe me.
[10] Likes
There were bad and good things. 1-4 stages of platforming... well, never again, they was just incredibly bad, except some really neat screens, like hope the end of. About bosses 1-3, flandre is pretty ok, nicely done boss, which looked cool, when i got to her.
2-nd boss, Shine and Bright - one of the best in game, imo. This is a pretty complex boss, which contains and needle parts, avoidance (as usual) and boss itself, which is really well made. I liked them a lot.
3-rd boss - pretty nice looking and epic pattern bossfight, BENZEN avoidance was pretty ok to learn.
Boss rush (1.30) - Well, this is definetely something. 2 insanely hard bosses, and 2 just hard.
Colonel - was pretty fun, even tho he was hard.
Dotkid - didn't take too long, gladly, and she was fun for that time, even with some bullshit.
Emperor - she was pretty boring at the begging, and at the end she was pretty fun, after all. Pretty much learning stuff, and dodging not so easy rng ofc.
Piano - well, that thing is... really bad. Too much boring attacks, until slow, and then you will die pretty much on last attacks cuz they are hard or bullshit. One of the worst bosses in k3, imo
After that all stuff, which will take much time, we got on influka.
Influka was really well made, even tho there was really much learning. That boss had a good k2 references, and also pretty neat attacks.
And there it is, stage 5! Secret 5 is just not worth it, even tho i grinded it. Anyway, hitboxes on Kamilia area was broken as fuck, so couldn't even do that.
And there is a new version with crystals and stuff.
Kamilia area was pretty ok, minesweeper is pretty uh... Saimon says is ok, maze was pretty fun cuz finding crystals, suddenly.
Next one - Lunarmagic. Really fun avoidance, which i liked a lot, nicely done attacks, really good sync and neat SDVX effects, which fits into that boss. Final there is really eh tho.
It's time for ca... wait a sec. Area was pretty good actually, even with snowflakes and some annoying jumps, it was pretty enjoyable. First save sucks tho.
Pi-pi-pi. Doruppi! Heck yeah, best (NOT) boss in the game. You love unfair rng which followed by insanely tight patterns? If yes, it's for you. If not, well, it will be hell. Otherwise it had nice music and cool graphics.
Rukito. That guy who made best platforming here, imo. Saves were really enjoyable, and well designed. But 2-nd saves sucks tho. And it's also had hardest save in game.
Cyber, aka Saiba. Best boss in the game in my opinion. Good designed attacks, nice sync, neat graphics, and also very fair. It was very fun to grind
Influka area. Gradius intro, moon and kamilia ba... moons. This boss is pretty nice, but you would get bored of intro, imo. Overall it's fine.
M-Stage. Platforming, which filled with generic jumps, and you need to go as fast as possible, or grape juice would've kill you. Suddenly, it wasn't that bad, as expected, but last save was pain in the ass. Also one of the hardest segments in game (Unexpected, huh?)
Kamilia, aka last boss. Boss had neat ikaruga gimmick, where you need to switch colors, and you will be invunerable to bullets, which had same color as you. First phase is pretty learny, nothing so bad tho. Second phase consist of 10 attacks, for them you need to read differently each attack, which is really interesting, and also last attack always a bit longer. Third phase is eh... all rng stuff is pretty ok, patterns are easy, and final is pretty hard, if you don't know how to deal with it. And post-final is really chokable.
Overall, kamilia 3 had too much bad stuff at the begging, and insanely good stuff at the end. Wouldn't recommend for begginers. It's really awful idea, believe me.
Rating: 6.9 69
Difficulty: 93 93
Dec 7, 2017